11 research outputs found

    A Suite of WWW-based Tools for Advanced Course Management

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    A collection of tools for creation of advanced and comprehensive course home pages is presented. The tools cover the spectrum from course overview pages and hypertext teaching materials to interactive services that support the teaching activities during the course. From the teacher's perspective the tools allow for abstraction from details and automation of routine work in the authoring process. Seen from a student's perspective the comprehensive linking of course plans, teaching material, and interactive services provides for a valuable organization of a large body of information. 1 Introduction A course home page may in one extreme cover a single page with a course overview. In the other extreme, a course home page is a network of pages with a complete set of courses resources, such as plans #including a calendar and overviews in various details# teaching materials #book or course notes, possibly in several editions #, exercises, solutions to exercises, and interactive services, su..

    A suite of WWW-based tools for advanced course management

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