23 research outputs found

    Expression of myofibrillar proteins and parvalbumin isoforms in white muscle of the developing turbot <i>Scophthalmus maximus</i> (Pisces, Pleuronectiformes)

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    Expression of polymorphic myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins was investigated in the fish Scophthalmus maximus (L.) undergoing metamorphosis. A range of electrophoretic techniques was used to monitor sequential synthesis of isoforms from hatching to the adult stage. Two isoforms (larval and adult) of myosin light chain LC2 and troponin-I were successively detected during turbot growth, in addition to variations in the peptide composition of myosin heavy chains. Two isoforms of troponin-T also appeared sequentially, but the first to make its appearance was not detected until the juvenile stage. The composition of alkali light chains, actin, tropomyosin, and troponin-C did not seem to change as the fish progressed through the different stages. Parvalbumin isoforms were isolated and their physico-chemical parameters defined. As in the other fish examined so far, there appeared a succession of larval (PA IIa and PA IIb) and adult (PA V) parvalbumin isoforms through the life of the fish. All these biochemical changes occurred gradually in the course of turbot development, and did not appear particularly related to metamorphosis but rather to physiological needs of the different growth stages

    Muscle parvalbumin isoforms of <i>Clarias gariepinus,Heterobranchus longifilis</i> and <i>Chrysichthys auratus</i>: isolation, characterization and expression during development

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    The white-muscle parvalbumin isoforms of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus longifilis and Chrysichthys auratus were purified and their physicochemical parameters determined. The three catfish isoforms are distinct but those of C. gariepinus and H. longifilis are more similar. In the course of development, the successive appearance of larval and adult parvalbumins was observed. Larval isoforms (PA I, PA IIa, PA IIb) displayed a lower isoelectric point (pI) and molecular mass than adult ones (PA IIc, PA IIIa, PA IIIb, PA III, PA IV). The PA IIa isoform appeared as an omnipresent typical larval isoform. PA IIb appeared mostly larval, being insignificant in adult specimens; its physicochemical features were the same in the three catfish species. In Chrysichthys auratus, there were three PA II isoforms, one appearing as an adult isoform (PA IIc). The fact that the two types of parvalbumin isoforms appear at different times should reflect specific physiological needs (mobility, feeding) of different developmental stages

    Myofibrillar proteins in white muscle of the developing African catfish <i>Heterobranchus longifilis</i> (Siluriforms, Clariidae)

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    Developmental changes in myofibrillar protein composition were investigated in the myotomal muscle of the African catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis (Clariidae), by several electrophoretic techniques. The main muscle fibres of larvae and the fast-white muscle fibres of juvenile and adult fish were found to express distinct myosin heavy chain and myosin light chain 2 (LC2) isoforms. Three myosin LC2 chains were successively detected, differing by their isoelectric points. In contrast, the alkali light chains remained qualitatively and quantitatively unchanged during fish growth. Actin, -tropomyosin, and troponin-C (TN-C) were also similar in larval, juvenile, and adult white muscle, but an additional larval tropomyosin isoform was found in the first developmental stages. Two isoforms of troponin-T (TN-T) and troponin-I (TN-I) were synthesised in the course of fish growth. Transition from the larval to the adult isoform was much faster for TN-T than for TN-I. Slow-red muscle myofibrils from adult H. longifilis showed no common component (except actin) with larval, juvenile, or adult fast-white muscle myofibrils. Red myofibrils displayed a single TN-T and a single TN-I isoform, but two isoforms of TN-C. The myofibrillar protein isoforms synthesised at any given developmental stage almost certainly reflect changes in the functional requirements of swimming muscles in the course of fish development

    Characterization of parvalbumin isotypes in white muscle from the barbel and expression during development

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    Parvalbumin isotypes PA II, PA III, PA IVa, and PA IVb were isolated by chromatography from trunk white muscle of barbel and physicochemical characterized. Electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy revealed that PA II has a lower molecular weight than the other isotypes and that PA IVa and PA IVb each consist of two subforms. Isotype distribution was studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In adult fish, the total parvalbumin titre decreased and the isotype distribution varied from the anterior to the posterior myotomes. In the course of barbel development, the total parvalbumin titre increased rapidly as fish standard length increased from 1.3 to 5 cm; then sloped down gently as the length increased to 60 cm. At least six parvalbumin isotypes were identified, three of which are different forms (a, b, and c) of PA II. These three forms were present together at the larval stage, but PA IIc and chiefly PA IIb appeared as early isotypes, contrary to PA IIa which was present until the adult period. Later PA IVb accounted for up to 90% of the parvalbumin content; PA III and PA IVa are minor adult isotypes. Temporal and spatial variations in the total parvalbumin titre and in the differential expression of barbel parvalbumin isotypes very likely reflected the functional requirements of the fish axial musculature according to fish size and myotome location. Physiologically, the larval isotypes could promote faster relaxation of fast fibres than the adult isotypes, and hence favour shorter contraction time

    Type II to type I transformation of chronically stimulated goat latissimus dorsi muscle: a histoenzymological, biochemical, bioenergetic, and functional study.

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    Five goat latissimus dorsi muscles (LDM) were submitted to a progressive chronic electrostimulation program to reach an integrated understanding of the fast-to-slow transformation process in large mammals. LDM were regularly sampled and followed during a period of 8 months. Each sample was simultaneously assessed for histoenzymological study, myosin and LDH isoforms and bioenergetic capacities [NADH dehydrogenase cytochrome c oxidoreductase (NADH Cyt c OR), succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome c oxidoreductase (Succ Cyt c OR), cytochrome c oxidase (Cyt c Ox) and LDH]. Such muscles were also tested with and without completion of II to I transformation for their mechanical properties in isometric and isotonic strain gauge testing. The conversion of fast-to-slow myosin monitored by heavy chain (HC I) and light chain slow component (LC2s) began a few days after stimulation and was almost 100% after 100 days. The H-LDH isoforms evolved similarly but did not reach 100% conversion after 200 days. The activity of respiratory chain oxidases increased within 36 h but to a variable extent and peaked after 32 days, corresponding to a 75% transformation of myosin compared to initial levels. NADH Cyt c OR, Succ Cyt c OR, and Cyt c Ox, respectively increased 10-, 5- and 5-fold. These activities then significantly decreased before the completion of the myofibrillar transformation and reached a plateau with stable activities that remained 2- to 3-fold higher than the unstimulated LDM. LDH activity sharply decreased until day 62 (5-fold) and then plateaued. Functionally, muscle showed a reduced speed of contraction and moderate reduction in power output but had become fatigue-resistant. This study documents the transformation process in large mammals and suggests the dynamic relation between workload, aerobic-anaerobic metabolism and the contractile myofibrillar system