13 research outputs found
Dynamic vibronic coupling in InGaAs quantum dots
The electron-phonon coupling in self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots is relatively weak at low
light intensities, which means that the zero-phonon line in emission is strong compared to the phonon
sideband. However, the coupling to acoustic phonons can be dynamically enhanced in the presence
of an intense optical pulse tuned within the phonon sideband. Recent experiments have shown that
this dynamic vibronic coupling can enable population inversion to be achieved when pumping with a
blue-shifted laser and for rapid de-excitation of an inverted state with red detuning. In this paper we
confirm the incoherent nature of the phonon-assisted pumping process and explore the temperature
dependence of the mechanism. We also show that a combination of blue- and red-shifted pulses
can create and destroy an exciton within a timescale ∼ 20 ps determined by the pulse duration and
ultimately limited by the phonon thermalisation time
Probing different regimes of strong field light-matter interaction with semiconductor quantum dots and few cavity photons
In this work we present an extensive experimental and theoretical investigation of different regimes of strong field light-matter interaction for cavity-drivenquantum dot-cavity systems. The electric field enhancement inside a high-Q micropillar cavity facilitates exceptionally strong interaction with few cavityphotons, enabling the simultaneous investigation for a wide range of QD-laserdetuning. In case of a resonant drive, the formation of dressed states and aMollow triplet sideband splitting of up to 45 μeV is measured for a mean cavityphoton number ⟨nc⟩ ≤ 1. In the asymptotic limit of the linear AC Stark effectwe systematically investigate the power and detuning dependence of more than400 QDs. Some QD-cavity systems exhibit an unexpected anomalous Stark shift,which can be explained by an extended dressed 4-level QD model. We provide adetailed analysis of the QD-cavity systems properties enabling this novel effect.The experimental results are successfully reproduced using a polaron masterequation approach for the QD-cavity system, which includes the driving laserfield, exciton-cavity and exciton-phonon interactions
Cavity-assisted simultaneous dressing of biexciton and exciton transitions in a single quantum dot
We introduce the regime of simultaneous dressing of the biexciton-exciton and exciton-ground transitions in a single quantum-dot cavity system. The formation of pump-induced dressed states is explained theoretically and demonstrated experimentally using photoluminescence measurements.</p
Inventarizace emisí - vědecké a technické aspekty vstupu do Evropské unie:Ekonomické vyhodnocení zpracování emisních inventur
Zpráva uvádí podrobný popis požadavků na provedení emisních inventur především z hledisek mezinárodních požadavků. Dále je zde uveden postup inventarizace pro jednotlivé kategorie zdrojů a pro jednotlivé bilancované znečišťující látky. Na základě pracnosti dat byly odhadnuty náklady státní správy, zahrnující činnost ČIŽP a obcí s rozšířenou působností