264 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Job Stress And Career Development terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan pada Perusahaan PT. BNI (Persero) TBK (Divisi Teknologi)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh job stress dan career development terhadap turnover intention karyawan pada Perusahaan PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk (Divisi teknologi). penelitian ini menggunakkan data primer yang berasal dari 60 responden yang merupakan karyawan pada jajaran first line management dan middle management di kelompok IT architect and governance divisi teknologi PT BNI. Job stress adalah sebuah respon karyawan terhadap lingkungan pekerjaannya yang dirasakan dapat menekan fisik dan emosional karyawan, pengembangan karir adalah sebuah USAha jangka panjang dimana Perusahaan membantu karyawan untuk memanfaatkan secara penuh potensial mereka, dan turnover intention yaitu mengacu hasil evaluasi individu mengenai kelanjutan hubungannya dengan organisasi dan belum ditunjukkan secara pasti untuk meninggalkan organisasi. Data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan teknik sensus yaitu jumlah populasi sama dengan jumlah responden. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa variabel job stress dan career development memiliki hubungan positif dan pengaruh terhadap variabel turnover intention. Berdasarkan T test menyebutkan secara parsial atau individual job stress (X1) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap turnover intention (Y), sedangkan uji T test pada variabel career development (X2) menyebutkan bahwa secara parsial atau individual tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap turnover intention (Y). F test menyebutkan bahwa secara simultan atau bersama-sama variabel job stress (X1) dan variabel career development (X2) memiliki pengaruh yang siginifikan terhadap variabel turnover intention (Y). Penelitian ini diharapkan Perusahaan dapat memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan job stress dan memperhatikan dampak pengembangan karir yang berguna untuk mengurangi turnover intention karyawan, serta bagi penelitian selanjutnya adalah agar peneliti memperhatikan faktor internal dan eksternal lainnya serta jenis Perusahaan yang dapat mendorong terjadinya turnover intention karyawan

    State of knowledge of Cameroonian drug prescribers on pharmacovigilance

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    Introduction: the present study conducted in Cameroon from June 2013 to February 2014 aimed to estimating the level of pharmacovigilance knowledge and practice of health professionals in Cameroon.Methods: we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional survey on 149 health professionals in Cameroon from June to September 2013. Data were analyzed using software IBM SPSS 20.0. We calculated proportions and oddratio, and confident interval of their values, keeping a threshold of p of 0.05 to determine the level of significance.Results: ninety percent (90%) of declaration of side effects were made to the medical representatives and 4% to the National Pharmacovigilance Centre. Fifty four percent (54%) of physicians were not aware of the  existence of a National Pharmacovigilance system. Ten (10%) of  prescribers had never heard of pharmacovigilance, however respondents answered unanimously that they need training on pharmacovigilance. A wrong definition was given by most of the nurses and dentists (61,1% and 58,3% respectively) as compared to physicians and pharmacists  (respectively 15.2% and 26,5%). Given the results of this study, the  establishment of a National Pharmacovigilance system based on a solid legal foundation is necessary in Cameroon. This implementation must go through the involvement of all stakeholders and their awareness raising on the importance of this activity and its positive impact on the health of populations.Conclusion: pharmacovigilance is a public health problem in Cameroon, with due to lack of good knowledge and practice of prescribers, precisely physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and dentists who are not always aware of an existing pharmacovigilance system in Cameroon

    Analisis Pendapatan Masyarakat Dalam Pemanfaatan Hutan Tembawang Di Dusun Kurnia Kecamatan Kuala Behe Kabupaten Landak Analysis of Public Income in the Utilization of Forest Tembawang in the Village Kurnia District Kuala Behe, Landak Regency

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    This study aims to determine the level of income of the people in forest tembawang use in village to Kurnia of District of Kuala Behe Landak Regency. The study was conducted by direct interview by census (100%), respondents as many as 113 family based on population (KK). The overall result of tembawang forest products and forest products revenue outside tembawang shows peoples income from outside employment a result of forest tembawang Rp 1,886,681, - / month or 62.14890% of the total revenue with the highest income variation of Rp 15.575 million, - / month and the lowest revenue of Rp 425.000, - / month. While income from forest products tembawang contributed 37.8510% of the total income of society. income of farmers in forest tembawang by 40%, while 60% is influenced by other factors such as weather factors mileage and prices are constantly changing market. Kata kunci : income community, tembawang forest, kurnia villag

    Potensi Wisata Alam Gunung Roban Di Kelurahan Pajintan Kecamatan Singkawang Timur Pontential Nature Roban Mountain in Pajintan Village District East Singkawang

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    Roban mountain area become alternative natural tourist destination in Singkawang its natural beauty. However, until now there is no need of the local government and the private sector for the development of its tourism. Perhaps, due to the lack of information about the potential attractiveness of Roban Mountain area. The purpose of this study was to looking for data on the potential attractiveness of the region Roban Mountain area. Data processing done by descriptive analysis is performed a weighting and assessment based on the Guidelines for Regional Operations Analysis Objects and Attraction Nature Directorate General of PHKA (2003) which has been modified. The most popular attraction in Roban Mountain area : the view from the top of the mountain, integrity of natural resources, fres air and good atmosphere. Climbing activity is the most popular visitor activity. The assessment result all of attraction criteria have score 1233,42 that means this area have potential attraction (B). This value indicates Roban Mountain area could be developed into a tourist destination of nature. Keywords: Roban mountain, tourism potential, nature touris

    Studi Pemanfaatan Pandan Duri (Pandanus Tectorius) Di Hutan Tembawang Oleh Masyarakat Desa Riam Mengelai Kecamatan Boyan Tanjung Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Study Using Thorns Pandan (Pandanus Tectorius) in Tembawang Forest by Village Riam Mengelai in Boyan

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    Tembawang forest has a very large role for the life of the local community and society which are located around the forest area. Utilizing thorns pandan (Pandanus tectorius) is a forest conservation efforts in order to be able to enjoy the benefits of forests to the future. The method used is descriptive whereas for data collection used a structured interview using a questionnaire. The number of respondents in this study were 100 respondents. The results reveal that the level of utilization of pandanus thorns by society tends to be high. A total of 62 respondents (62%) had a utilization rate of thorns pandan in high tembawang woods, as many as 30 respondents (30%) had a utilization rate of thorns pandan tembawang forests are and as much as 8 resonden (8% ) has a utilization rate of thorns pandan in low tembawang forest. Keyword: Tembawang forest, thorns panda

    Potensi Obyek Dan Daya Tarik Pulau Pontiyanak Sebagai Wisata Alam Di Kecamatan Jawai Selatan Kabupaten Sambas (Potential Object and Attraction as Nature Pontiyanak Island in District of South Jawai Regency of Sambas)

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    South Jawai is one of the districts that are in regency of Sambas West Kalimantan province. In the district of South Jawai there is a potential for nature tourism is not yet widely known by the public, the potential is in the hamlet Ramayadi, nature tourism potential of the region, namely the Pontiyanak Island, nature tourism potential Pontiyanak Island has a fascinating natural scenery to visit and still have fresh air and natural, but until now there is no relevant agencies interested in developing the site as a tourist attraction, due to the lack of specific information about the tourism potential Pontiyanak Island in detail. The aim of this study was to obtain data on the potential tourist attraction and provide an assessment of the potential attractiveness Pontiyanak Island in regency of Sambas. The method used in this study is a scoring method based on the assessment standards Object to Visit Nature PHKA 2003. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and direct observations in the field. The results showed an average total score of 785.62, from the results obtained in the area of the Pontiyanak island of get the value (A) which means Pontiyanak Island neighborhood potential to be developed as a place or natural attractions. Keywords: Potential tourism, ecotourism, South Jawai, Pontiyanak Islan

    Risk-cost optimization of buried pipelines using subset simulation

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    On the basis of time-dependent reliability analysis, a computational framework called subset simulation (SS) has been applied for risk-cost optimization of flexible underground pipeline networks. SS can provide better resolution for rare failure events that are commonly encountered in pipeline engineering applications. Attention in this work is devoted to scrutinize the robustness of SS in risk-cost optimization of pipelines. SS is first employed to estimate the reliability of flexible underground pipes subjected to externally applied loading and material corrosion. Then SS is extended to determine the intervention year for maintenance and to identify the most appropriate renewal solution and renewal priority by minimizing the risk of failure and whole life-cycle cost. The efficiency of SS compared to genetic algorithm has been demonstrated by numerical studies with a view to prevent unexpected failure of flexible pipes at minimal cost by prioritizing maintenance based on failure severity and system reliability. This paper shows that SS is a more robust method in the decision-making process of reliability-based management for underground pipeline networks

    Evaluation de la qualité sanitaire des poudres de feuilles de Moringa oleifera Lam. commercialisées au profit des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH à Cotonou (Bénin)

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    Face au péril des carences nutritionnelles, la promotion des compléments alimentaires prend de l’ampleur au Bénin. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la qualité hygiénique des poudres de feuilles de Moringa oleifera commercialisées à Cotonou. 24 échantillons ont été achetés dans 12 points de vente et soumis à des analyses de laboratoire. L’enquête a révélé que, 25% des échantillons ne sont pas scellés, 58% des emballages sont non opaques, les dates de conditionnement et dates limites d’utilisation ne figurent pas sur 50% des échantillons. 43% des poids marqués ne sont pas conformes aux poids nets réels. La concentration moyenne des germes aérobies mésophiles (1,4.106 à 3.106 UFC/g) dépasse significativement la limite maximale d’acceptation du produit au plan microbiologique. Cette insalubrité des échantillons se confirme par la forte présence de Staphylocoques à coagulase positive (3.104), Escherichia coli (1,5.103 à 30.103), levures (1,1.103 à 15.103) et moisissures (3,4.103 à 30.103) respectivement dans 100%, 92%, 50% et 17% des poudres analysées. Par ailleurs, les bactéries Anaérobies Sulfito-Réductrices sont dans les limites d’acceptation de l’aliment. Au total, l’innocuité des poudres de Moringa commercialisées n’est pas garantie et il importe que les fabricants corrigent les failles en matière d’hygiène dans le processus de fabrication.Mots clés : Moringa oleifera, Complément alimentaire, nutrition, qualité, hygiène
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