196 research outputs found

    Assessing the influence of the carbon oxidation-reduction state on organic pollutant biodegradation in algal-bacterial photobioreactors

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    The influence of the carbon oxidation-reduction state (CORS) of organic pollutants on their biodegradation in enclosed algal-bacterial photobioreactors was evaluated using a consortium of enriched wild-type methanotrophic bacteria and microalgae. Methane, methanol and glucose (with CORS -4, -2 and 0, respectively) were chosen as model organic pollutants. In the absence of external oxygen supply, microalgal photosynthesis was not capable of supporting a significant methane and methanol biodegradation due to their high oxygen demands per carbon unit, while glucose was fully oxidized by photosynthetic oxygenation. When bicarbonate was added, removal efficiencies of 37¿±¿4% (20 days), 65¿±¿4% (11 days) and 100% (2 days) were recorded for CH(4,) CH(3)OH and C(6)H(12)O(6), respectively due to the additional oxygen generated from photosynthetic bicarbonate assimilation. The use of NO(3)(-) instead of NH(4)(+) as nitrogen source (N oxidation-reduction state of +5 vs. -3) resulted in an increase in CH(4) degradation from 0 to 33¿±¿3% in the absence of bicarbonate and from 37¿±¿4% to 100% in the presence of bicarbonate, likely due to a decrease in the stoichiometric oxygen requirements and the higher photosynthetic oxygen production. Hypothetically, the CORS of the substrates might affect the CORS of the microalgal biomass composition (higher lipid content). However, the total lipid content of the algal-bacterial biomass was 19¿±¿7% in the absence and 16¿±¿2% in the presence of bicarbonat

    Reproductive capacity of the red cusk-eel genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) in captivity

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work was supported by the FONDEF Project D06I 1024 “Development of technologies for the production of red cusk-eel fingerlings (Genypterus chilensis)”.Genypterus chilensis is a marine fish of high gastronomic demand, whose capture has declined in recent years due to overfishing. In the development of the farming technology, high mortalities were obtained during egg incubation. The objective of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of fecundity and eggs viability of G. chilensis in captivity. The spawns of G. chilensis were analyzed over a period of 2 years and 3 months. The total fecundity was estimated by counting the masses and eggs produced monthly throughout the period. The results confirm that G. chilensis is a partial spawner, since a female may more than two masses of eggs per day, due to a large amount of mass spawned per season (621 average). The total production of masses of the Farming Centre during the period was 2,290; of these, only 7% (166) corresponding to 15,330,517 eggs were incubated. Because of its high fecundity, G. chilensis produces numerous masses of eggs, of which only a small percentage reaches incubation, as well as it occurs in other marine fish. © 2018, Escuela de Ciencias del Mar. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-560X201800020048

    Quenching of excited carbonyl triplets by benzene derivatives

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    Se ha medido la velocidad de desactivación de tripletes carbonilicos (biacetilo, bencilo, benzofenona y 4-metil-2-pentanona) por una serie d,e derivados del benceno. Los resultados pueden ser interpretados por un mecanismo de transferencia de carga. Los compuestos con hidrógenos lábiles (i.e.cumeno) muestran una mayor reactividad. La abstracción de hidrógeno ocurre desde el complejo de transferencia de carga. La desactivación del triplete de la 4-metil-2-pentanona fue medida entre - 5 y 70°C. Las energias de activación obtenidas variaron entre 8.1 kcal (para el cumeno) y 10 kcal (para el benceno)

    Procedimiento para la obtención de cargas últimas de arcos de perfiles conformados en frío

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    This paper deals with a new methodology for the estimation of the strength of circular arches with cold-formed trapezoidal section. These cover elements, mainly subjected to compression stress and with circular curvature should be dimensioned taking into account the possibility of buckling instability. Currently, no standard describes a method for calculating the buckling consideration of curved elements. The methodology proposed herein shares the same philosophy of the European buckling curves method established in the Eurocodes. Thus, an experimental coefficient considering the effects of buckling and geometrical and mechanical imperfections depending on the slenderness of the considered arch have been obtained. For this, it was necessary to determine the experimental strength of at least three arcs, which radius and spans are sufficiently differentiated.En este trabajo se presenta una metodología de cálculo para la determinación de la carga última de arcos circulares con perfiles trapezoidales conformados en frío. Estos elementos de cubierta, sometidos fundamentalmente a esfuerzos de compresión y de directriz curva, deben ser dimensionados teniendo en cuenta la inestabilidad por pandeo. Actualmente, ninguna normativa describe un procedimiento de cálculo para la consideración del pandeo en elementos curvos. La metodología aquí planteada se basa en la filosofía de las curvas europeas de pandeo establecidas en los Eurocódigos. Así, se ha obtenido un coeficiente reductor empírico que considera los efectos del pandeo conjuntamente con imperfecciones geométricas y mecánicas en función de la esbeltez del arco considerado. Para ello, es necesario determinar la carga última experimental de al menos tres arcos, cuyos radios y luces se encuentren lo suficientemente diferenciados

    Implicancias ambientales de la deslignificación de pulpas kraft de eucalipto utilizando perácidos

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    Because of great environmental pressures, the cellulose industry has studied the potential of use of new bleaching agents among which peroxymonosulfuric acid and peracetic acid stand out. This survey summarizes the results of various laboratory investigations using peracids to delignify eucalyptus kraft pulps. The effect of a step using peroxymonosulfuric acid followed by a D-Eo-D sequence [free of elemental chlorine] was studied and compared with the use of peracetic acid and mixtures of these two acids. It was shown that a mixture of peroxymonosulfuric acid and peracetic acid reduced more lignin (measured as kappa index) than the individual peracids, and reduced more hexenuronic acid than peracetic acid with less degradation of the cellulose than with peroxymonosulfuric acid. This was explained on the basis of the electrophilic and nucleophilic properties of these acids that improved the delignification of eucalyptus kraft pulp. The effluents generated in these steps involving the peracids had greater color, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total phenols correlating with the amount of lignin removed and the analyses of bioassays did not show acute toxicity from effluents coming from a peroxymonosulfuric acid step. The delignification with peracids may possibly reduce the use of chlorine dioxide in a sequence involving bleaching with elemental free chlorine (ECF), in this way reducing the concentration of organic chlorides (AOX) in the bleaching effluent

    Feasibility study of biogas upgrading coupled with nutrient removal from anaerobic effluents using microalgae-based processes

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    Producción CientíficaThe present research was conducted to simultaneously optimize biogas upgrading and carbon and nutrient removal from centrates in a 180-L high-rate algal pond interconnected to an external CO2 absorption unit. Different biogas and centrate supply strategies were assessed to increase biomass lipid content. Results showed 99 % CO2 removal efficiencies from simulated biogas at liquid recirculation rates in the absorption column of 9.9 m3 m−2 h−1, concomitant with nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies of 100 and 82 %, respectively, using a 1:70 diluted centrate at a hydraulic retention time of 7 days. The lipid content of the harvested algal–bacterial biomass remained low (2.9–11.2 %) regardless of the operational conditions, with no particular trend over time. The good settling characteristics of the algal–bacterial flocs resulted in harvesting efficiencies over 95 %, which represents a cost-effective alternative for algal biomass reutilization compared to conventional physical–chemical techniques. Finally, high microalgae biodiversity was found regardless of the operational conditions.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. (Project GR76, VA024U14, and RTA2013-00056-C03-02

    Diagnóstico de transformadores mediante análisis de respuesta por barrido de frecuencia (SFRA)

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    El método de análisis de respuesta por barrido de frecuencia SFRA (SweepFrequency Response Analysis), es una técnica de diagnóstico para detectar deformaciones y desplazamientos (entre otras fallas eléctricas y mecánicas) sobre los devanados en transformadores. La detección del problema se traduce directamente en el tipo de mantenimiento que se debe realizar.

    Selected reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes in common bean after Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Botrytis cinerea infection

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    Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Korona plants were inoculated with the bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp), necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea (Bc) or with both pathogens sequentially. The aim of the experiment was to determine how plants cope with multiple infection with pathogens having different attack strategy. Possible suppression of the non-specific infection with the necrotrophic fungus Bc by earlier Psp inoculation was examined. Concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide anion (O2 -) and H2O2 and activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) were determined 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after inoculation. The measurements were done for ROS cytosolic fraction and enzymatic cytosolic or apoplastic fraction. Infection with Psp caused significant increase in ROS levels since the beginning of experiment. Activity of the apoplastic enzymes also increased remarkably at the beginning of experiment in contrast to the cytosolic ones. Cytosolic SOD and guaiacol peroxidase (GPOD) activities achieved the maximum values 48 h after treatment. Additional forms of the examined enzymes after specific Psp infection were identified; however, they were not present after single Bc inoculation. Subsequent Bc infection resulted only in changes of H2O2 and SOD that occurred to be especially important during plant–pathogen interaction. Cultivar Korona of common bean is considered to be resistant to Psp and mobilises its system upon infection with these bacteria. We put forward a hypothesis that the extent of defence reaction was so great that subsequent infection did not trigger significant additional response

    Efectos de una zona urbana sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos de un ecosistema fluvial del sur de Chile

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    A healthy body of freshwater can provide numerous benefits to the society, although currently, the degradation of such ecosystems has been increased due to the establishment of urban areas along its riverbanks. In this study we analyzed the spatial effect of these zones on the water quality, using the benthonic macroinvertebrate communities as bioindicators of fluvial contamination in the Gibbs channel of the Temuco commune (38°46°'S 72°38°'W). The samplings were performed in spring, in six sites. The macrozoobentos was composed by a total of 15 taxa, corresponding to organisms tolerant to anoxic conditions and high concentrations of organic matter, such as amphipods (Hyalella), dipterans (Quironomidae), and oligochaetes (Oligochaeta). There was a marked difference in the composition and abundance of taxa between the pre-urban, urban, and post-urban areas (ANOSIM Global R = 0.882, p = 0.001) tendency that was also recorded by the physicochemical parameters (ANOSIM Global R = 0.498, p = 0.001), of which pH, total suspended solids, and dissolved oxygen are those that best explained the patterns observed in the macrozoobentos. The results obtained with the biotic family index (ChIBF) were similar to those registered in the lower parts of the basins of southern Chile and the invertebrate community was shown to be sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances. © Asociación Ibérica de Limnología, Madrid