2,144 research outputs found

    Low-dimensional chaos in populations of strongly-coupled noisy maps

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    We characterize the macroscopic attractor of infinite populations of noisy maps subjected to global and strong coupling by using an expansion in order parameters. We show that for any noise amplitude there exists a large region of strong coupling where the macroscopic dynamics exhibits low-dimensional chaos embedded in a hierarchically-organized, folded, infinite-dimensional set. Both this structure and the dynamics occuring on it are well-captured by our expansion. In particular, even low-degree approximations allow to calculate efficiently the first macroscopic Lyapunov exponents of the full system.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Progress of Theoretical Physics, to appea

    Developments of the pinned photodiode terahertz rectifier

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    This paper presents we presents a development of the structure of the pinned photodiode terahertz rectifier, in which the metal whisker of the antenna is separated from the semiconductor by a silane oxide layer, in order to reduce the surface defectiveness. The rectifies is the basic component of an image detection system based on the structure of actual CMOS image detectors. The structure combines a nano-antenna, fabricated on the top of a standard image sensor, the rectifier, and the readout electronics. The rectifier device proposed has vertical extension of some tenths of nanometers, can be created at the foot of the nano-whisker at the end of the terahertz antenna, above the storage well

    Tocilizumab administration in COVID-19 patients: Water on the fire or gasoline?

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    Tocilizumab is widely being used to treat COVID-19. Although reducing systemic inflammation, it also increases the risk for secondary infections as a result of the immunosuppression produced. We report the case of a 69-year-old patient admitted to the ICU with severe respiratory distress caused by COVID-19 pneumonia who developed pulmonary aspergillosis. On the basis of these findings, we suggest early testing for pulmonary aspergillosis in COVID-19 patients treated with tocilizumab

    Emotions and dog bites: Could predatory attacks be triggered by emotional states?

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    Dog biting events pose severe public health and animal welfare concerns. They result in several consequences for both humans (including physical and psychological trauma) and the dog involved in the biting episode (abandonment, relocation to shelter and euthanasia). Although numerous epidemiological studies have analyzed the different factors influencing the occurrence of such events, to date the role of emotions in the expression of predatory attacks toward humans has been scarcely investigated. This paper focuses on the influence of emotional states on triggering predatory attacks in dogs, particularly in some breeds whose aggression causes severe consequences to human victims. We suggest that a comprehensive analysis of the dog bite phenomenon should consider the emotional state of biting dogs in order to collect reliable and realistic data about bite episodes

    Influência de diferentes fontes de adubos nitrogenados na produção de grãos e nos crescimento de ramos de cafeeiro Conilon.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de cinco fontes de adubos nitrogenados no crescimento de ramos e na produção de grãos do cafeeiro Conilon (Coffea canephora), foram comparados uréia perolada; Uréia + NBPT; uréia + 0,15% de cobre e 0,4% de boro; uréia (37%) + enxofre (17%) e nitrato de amônio. O estudo foi realizado no município de Nova Venécia - ES em uma lavoura de cafeeiro Conilon ?Vitória INCAPER 8142? clone 03 com espaçamento de três metros entre linhas e um metro entre plantas, em estádio de segundo ano de produção, seguindo o delineamento em blocos casualizados. Foi avaliado o crescimento dos ramos ortotrópicos e dos ramos plagiotrópicos em nove avaliações mensais. A produtividade do cafeeiro foi obtida em litros por planta de café maduro e extrapolada para sacas por hectare. Observou-se que não houve diferença estatística entre as diferentes fontes de adubos nitrogenados no crescimento de ramos do cafeeiro. Em relação à produtividade, observou-se que os tratamentos com uréia + 0,15% de cobre + 0,4% de boro e o tratamento com uréia (37%) + enxofre (17%) apresentaram maior produção de grãos do cafeeiro

    Modeling and Measuring Thermodynamic and Transport Thermophysical Properties: A Review

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    The present review describes the up-to-date state of the evaluation of thermophysical prop erties (TP) of materials with three different procedures: modeling (also including inverse problems), measurements and analytical methods (e.g., through computing from other properties). Methods to measure specific heat and thermal conductivity are described in detail. Thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity are a combination of the previously cited properties, but also for these proper ties, specific measurement and calculation methods are reported. Experiments can be carried out in steady-state, transient, and pulse regimes. For modeling, special focus is given to the inverse methods and parameter estimation procedures, because through them it is possible to evaluate the thermophysical property, assuring the best practices and supplying the measurement uncertainty. It is also cited when the most common data processing algorithms are used, e.g., the Gauss–Newton and Levenberg–Marquardt least squares minimization algorithms, and how it is possible to retrieve values of TP from other data. Optimization criteria for designing the experiments are also mentione

    Learning from the italian experience during covid-19 pandemic waves: Be prepared and mind some crucial aspects

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    COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread worldwide causing a serious challenge to the global medical community. Italy was struck hard during the first wave earlier this year and several weaknesses as well as general unpreparedness of the national healthcare system were acknowledged. Learning essential lessons from the past, we realized how implementing contingency response measures, human resources and social dynamics could have changed the outcome if promptly adopted. This review translates the previous experience into strategic actions that has to be considered when developing appropriate national and regional operational plans to respond to a pandemic

    Brazilian sedimentary zeolite use in agriculture.

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    Zeolites are hydrated crystalline aluminosilicate minerals of alkaline and alkaline earth metals, structured in rigid three dimension nets, organized by AlO4 and SiO4 tetrahedral and are of natural occurrence. This report describes the characterization and application of the Brazilian zeolitic sedimentary rock as a release fertilizer and soil conditioner. The characterization of the head samples showed that it is composed of the zeolite stilbite intermixed with a smectitic clay mineral, and quartz. A low-cost quartz separation technique was established. Enrichment of concentrated natural zeolite was carried out: zeolite + KNO3, zeolite + K2HPO4 and zeolite + H3PO4 + apatite and the concentrated zeolite. These materials were tested with Rangpur lime rootstock and an experiment was also carried out with successive crops grown on the same substrate: lettuce, tomato, rice, and Andropogon grass. The results indicated that N, P and K enriched zeolite was an adequate slow-release source of nutrients to plants. Other green house and field experiments with concentrated zeolite applied with urea showed reduction of losses of ammonia by volatilization and improved in N use efficiency by maize. Concentrated zeolite also increased water retention and the available water capacity of a sand soil