203 research outputs found

    The quantum N-body problem with a minimal length

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    The quantum NN-body problem is studied in the context of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics with a one-dimensional deformed Heisenberg algebra of the form [x^,p^]=i(1+βp^2)[\hat x,\hat p]=i(1+\beta \hat p^2), leading to the existence of a minimal observable length β\sqrt\beta. For a generic pairwise interaction potential, analytical formulas are obtained that allow to estimate the ground-state energy of the NN-body system by finding the ground-state energy of a corresponding two-body problem. It is first shown that, in the harmonic oscillator case, the β\beta-dependent term grows faster with NN than the β\beta-independent one. Then, it is argued that such a behavior should be observed also with generic potentials and for DD-dimensional systems. In consequence, quantum NN-body bound states might be interesting places to look at nontrivial manifestations of a minimal length since, the more particles are present, the more the system deviates from standard quantum mechanical predictions.Comment: To appear in PR

    Mass formula for strange baryons in large NcN_c QCD versus quark model

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    A previous work establishing a connection between a quark model, with relativistic kinematics and a YY-confinement plus one gluon exchange, and the 1/Nc1/N_c expansion mass formula is extended to strange baryons. Both methods predict values for the SU(3)-breaking mass terms which are in good agreement with each other. Strange and nonstrange baryons are shown to exhibit Regge trajectories with an equal slope, but with an intercept depending on the strangeness. Both approaches agree on the value of the slope and of the intercept and on the existence of a single good quantum number labeling the baryons within a given Regge trajectory.Comment: 2 figure

    (2+1)(2+1)-dd Glueball Spectrum within a Constituent Picture

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    The quantum numbers and mass hierarchy of the glueballs observed in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional lattice QCD with gauge group SU(NcN_c) are shown to be in agreement with a constituent picture. The agreement is maintained when going from glueballs to gluelumps, and when the gauge group SO(2Nc2N_c) is taken instead of SU(NcN_c)

    String deformations induced by retardation effects

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    The rotating string model is an effective model of mesons, in which the quark and the antiquark are linked by a straight string. We previously developed a new framework to include the retardation effects in the rotating string model, but the string was still kept straight. We now go a step further and show that the retardation effects cause a small deviation of the string from the straight line. We first give general arguments constraining the string shape. Then, we find analytical and numerical solutions for the string deformation induced by retardation effects. We finally discuss the influence of the curved string on the energy spectrum of the model.Comment: 3 figure

    Effective potential between two transverse gluons from lattice QCD

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    Modeling glueballs as bound states of transverse constituent gluons allows to understand the main features of the lattice QCD glueball spectrum. In particular it has been shown in previous works that the lightest C-even glueballs can be seen as bound states of two transverse constituent gluons interacting via a funnel potential. In the present study we show that such an effective potential emerges from the available lattice QCD data. Starting from the scalar glueball mass and wave function computed in lattice QCD, we indeed compute the equivalent local potential between two transverse constituent gluons in the scalar channel and show that it is compatible with a funnel shape, where standard values of the parameters are used and where a negative constant has to be added to reproduce the absolute height of the potential. Such a constant could be related to instanton-induced effects in glueballs.Comment: 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Towers of hybrid mesons

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    A hybrid meson is a quark-antiquark pair in which, contrary to ordinary mesons, the gluon field is in an excited state. In the framework of constituent models, the interaction potential is assumed to be the energy of an excited string. An approximate, but accurate, analytical solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with such a potential is presented. When applied to hybrid charmonia and bottomonia, towers of states are predicted in which the masses are a linear function of a harmonic oscillator band number for the quark-antiquark pair. Such a formula could be a reliable guide for the experimental detection of heavy hybrid mesons.Comment: 3 figure

    Gluelump model with transverse constituent gluons

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    We show that C-odd gluelumps can be successfully described as bound states of a single transverse constituent gluon evolving in the flux-tube-like potential generated by a static color-octet source. The use of a helicity degree of freedom rather than a spin one for the constituent gluon forbids the states that are not observed in lattice QCD. Our model leads to a gluelump mass spectrum in remarkable agreement with the available lattice data provided that an additional parity-splitting mass term is introduced. We argue that such a term is due to instanton-induced interactions in gluelumps.Comment: 4 page
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