6 research outputs found

    The Middle and Late Pleniglacial (Weichselian) malacofauna of the Zemun loess–paleosol sequence, Serbia

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    The aim of our study was to describe the succession of malacological assemblages along the exposed loess profile located in Belgrade, along the banks of the Danube River (municipality of Zemun). Deposits that belong to the composite loess unit L1 were sampled. Loess unit L1 included two subunits: L1SS1 (a Middle Pleniglacial subunit with two weakly developed initial pedogenic horizons) and L1LL1 (a Late Pleniglacial loess subunit). Three malacological zones were distinguished. Malacological results imply a change in climatic conditions and subsequently in vegetation structure. The molluscs indicate an environment with a moderate (warm and dry) climate and a mosaic vegetation type composed of grasslands and forest steppe. Gradual cooling was inferred within the Late Pleniglacial period. Our findings concur with the results of earlier studies indicating that the Zemun site and the adjacent area served as a transition zone between the refuge areas within the southeastern part of the Carpathian Basin during the Late Pleistocene