191 research outputs found

    Vertical representation of C∞C^{\infty}-words

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    We present a new framework for dealing with C∞C^{\infty}-words, based on their left and right frontiers. This allows us to give a compact representation of them, and to describe the set of C∞C^{\infty}-words through an infinite directed acyclic graph GG. This graph is defined by a map acting on the frontiers of C∞C^{\infty}-words. We show that this map can be defined recursively and with no explicit references to C∞C^{\infty}-words. We then show that some important conjectures on C∞C^{\infty}-words follow from analogous statements on the structure of the graph GG.Comment: Published in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Equitable (d,m)(d,m)-edge designs

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    The paper addresses design of experiments for classifying the input factors of a multi-variate function into negligible, linear and other (non-linear/interaction) factors. We give constructive procedures for completing the definition of the clustered designs proposed Morris 1991, that become defined for arbitrary number of input factors and desired clusters' multiplicity. Our work is based on a representation of subgraphs of the hyper-cube by polynomials that allows the formal verification of the designs' properties. Ability to generate these designs in a systematic manner opens new perspectives for the characterisation of the behaviour of the function's derivatives over the input space that may offer increased discrimination

    La doctrine du Logos chez Justin : enjeux philosophiques et théologiques

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    La doctrine du Logos tient une place centrale dans la pensĂ©e de Justin. L’article en explique la signification sur la base de l’Apologie. Il montre comment Justin a compris la mĂ©diation du Logos entre Dieu et le monde, et commente ensuite ses affirmations sur le « Logos spermatikos » et les « semences du Logos ». Il montre que la pensĂ©e de Justin ne doit pas ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ©e Ă  la lumiĂšre de l’arianisme ultĂ©rieur, mais que, considĂ©rĂ©e dans son contexte, elle reprĂ©sente une importante contribution Ă  la comprĂ©hension du rapport entre Dieu et le monde. Il souligne enfin que sa doctrine du « Logos spermatikos » n’implique pas d’abord une « hellĂ©nisation » du christianisme ; elle est plutĂŽt, pour Justin, une maniĂšre d’affirmer l’universalitĂ© du don de Dieu.The doctrine of the Logos has a central place in the thought of Justin. The article explains its meaning on the basis of the Apology. It shows how Justin understood the mediation of the Logos between God and the world; then it comments his assertions on the “Logos spermatikos” and the “seeds of the Logos”. It shows that the thought of Justin should not be interpreted in the light of the later Arianism, but that, considered in its context, it represents an important contribution to the understanding of the relationship between God and the world. It underlines finally that his doctrine of “Logos spermatikos” does not imply an “hellenization” of Christianity; it is rather, for Justin, a way of asserting the universality of the gift of God

    Extending Morris Method: identification of the interaction graph using cycle-equitabe designs

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    International audienceThe paper presents designs that allow detection of mixed effects when performing preliminary screening of the inputs of a scalar function of dd input factors, in the spirit of Morris' Elementary Effects approach. We introduce the class of (d,c)(d,c)-cycle equitable designs as those that enable computation of exactly cc second order effects on all possible pairs of input factors. Using these designs, we propose a fast Mixed Effects screening method, that enables efficient identification of the interaction graph of the input variables. Design definition is formally supported on the establishment of an isometry between sub-graphs of the unit cube QdQ_d equipped of the Manhattan metric, and a set of polynomials in (X1,
,Xd)(X_1,\ldots, X_d) on which a convenient inner product is defined. In the paper we present systems of equations that recursively define these (d,c)(d,c)-cycle equitable designs for generic values of c≄1c\geq 1, from which direct algorithmic implementations are derived. Application cases are presented, illustrating the application of the proposed designs to the estimation of the interaction graph of specific functions

    The number of kk-parallelogram polyominoes

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    A convex polyomino is kk-convex\textit{convex} if every pair of its cells can be connected by means of a monotone path\textit{monotone path}, internal to the polyomino, and having at most kk changes of direction. The number kk-convex polyominoes of given semi-perimeter has been determined only for small values of kk, precisely k=1,2k=1,2. In this paper we consider the problem of enumerating a subclass of kk-convex polyominoes, precisely the kk-convex parallelogram polyominoes\textit{convex parallelogram polyominoes} (briefly, kk-parallelogram polyominoes\textit{parallelogram polyominoes}). For each k≄1k \geq 1, we give a recursive decomposition for the class of kk-parallelogram polyominoes, and then use it to obtain the generating function of the class, which turns out to be a rational function. We are then able to express such a generating function in terms of the Fibonacci polynomials\textit{Fibonacci polynomials}

    Automata and Differentiable Words

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    We exhibit the construction of a deterministic automaton that, given k > 0, recognizes the (regular) language of k-differentiable words. Our approach follows a scheme of Crochemore et al. based on minimal forbidden words. We extend this construction to the case of C\infinity-words, i.e., words differentiable arbitrary many times. We thus obtain an infinite automaton for representing the set of C\infinity-words. We derive a classification of C\infinity-words induced by the structure of the automaton. Then, we introduce a new framework for dealing with \infinity-words, based on a three letter alphabet. This allows us to define a compacted version of the automaton, that we use to prove that every C\infinity-word admits a repetition in C\infinity whose length is polynomially bounded.Comment: Accepted for publicatio

    Derivative based global sensitivity measures

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    The method of derivative based global sensitivity measures (DGSM) has recently become popular among practitioners. It has a strong link with the Morris screening method and Sobol' sensitivity indices and has several advantages over them. DGSM are very easy to implement and evaluate numerically. The computational time required for numerical evaluation of DGSM is generally much lower than that for estimation of Sobol' sensitivity indices. This paper presents a survey of recent advances in DGSM concerning lower and upper bounds on the values of Sobol' total sensitivity indices S_itotS\_{i}^{tot}. Using these bounds it is possible in most cases to get a good practical estimation of the values of S_itotS\_{i}^{tot} . Several examples are used to illustrate an application of DGSM

    Effets chroniques de l’exercice ciblĂ© au niveau d’oxydation maximale des lipides (LIPOXmax) sur le comportement alimentaire de sujets obĂšses sĂ©dentaires

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    International audiencePhysical exercise has both a satiating and an orexigenic effect. The latter seems to be favored by glycogen depletion and thus by high intensity exercise. The balance between these two effects is likely to strongly determine the effect of muscle activity on fat loss. Our hypothesis is that the efficiency of training targeted in the zone of maximal lipid oxidation is at least in part explained by alterations in eating behavior. We studied 25 overweight and obese subjects, including 21 women and 4 men. On the whole these subjects lost weight: –2.05 ± 0.8 kg; P < 0.02 and this loss was due to a loss in fat mass (–1.68 ± 0.81 kg; P < 0.05) while FFM was preserved. Five subjects (20%) gained weight (ranging from 0.1 to 1.9 kg), two (8%) had a stable weight and 18 (72%) lost weight (from 0.4 to 21.2 kg). After the first session of training: satiety was unchanged, but hunger was increased (1.15 ± 0.53; P < 0.05) and the subjects were less thinking of food (P < 0.05). Throughout the sessions there was a gradual increase in the satiety score (P < 0.05), and subjects were less thinking of food (P < 0.05). After training, the acute effect of an exercise session on the appetite scale was modified. The acute orexigenic effect (increased hunger) decreases (–1.17 ± 0.40; P < 0.01) as well as the desire to eat (–1.35 ± 0.61, P < 0.05), the amount of food we could eat (–1.25 ± 0.57, P < 0.05) and the will to eat food (–1.78 ± 0.58, P < 0.01). Caloric intake decreased after 8 weeks by 362.69 ± 91.2 kcal/d (P < 0.01) due to a decrease in fat intake (0.17 ± 0.06 g/kg/day; P < 0.02) which was explained in turn by a decrease in the percentage of fat in diet (from 25% to 21% P < 0.05) and reduced snacking that goes from 44% to 18% of subjects tested (P < 0.01). This decrease in snacking is correlated with that of the item “I think about food” on the scale (Spearman rank correlation r = 0.634 P = 0.003). This work therefore shows that LIPOXmax training in obese subjects increases satiety at rest and decreases the orexigenic effect of a single session, and decreased caloric intake and snacking at a correspondingly lower thoughts directed towards the food, resulting in weight loss in 72% of subjects. The slimming effect of training at LIPOXmax seems to be explained at least in part by an increase in satiating effect and decreased orexigenic effect of exercise, resulting in a measurable decrease in calorie intake. These results thus evidence a new mechanism that increases the interest in this variety of training in the management of obesity.L’exercice physique a un effet satiĂ©togĂšne et un effet orexigĂšne, ce dernier semblant favorisĂ© par la dĂ©plĂ©tion glycogĂ©nique et les exercices Ă  haute intensitĂ©. L’équilibre entre ces deux effets semble dĂ©terminer fortement l’effet de l’activitĂ© musculaire sur l’adipositĂ©. Notre hypothĂšse est que l’efficacitĂ© du rĂ©entraĂźnement au LIPOXmax s’expliquerait partiellement par une modulation du comportement alimentaire. L’effet chronique de l’entraĂźnement ciblĂ© au LIPOXmax a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© chez 25 sujets en surpoids (IMC ≄ 25 kg/m2) et obĂšses (IMC ≄ 30 kg/m2) dont 21 femmes et 4 hommes. Dans l’ensemble les 25 sujets ont maigri : –2,05 ± 0,8 kg ; p < 0,02 en perdant de la MG (–1,68 ± 0,81 kg ; p < 0,05) et pas de la MM. Cinq sujets (20 %) ont grossi (de 0,1 Ă  1,9), deux (8 %) ont eu un poids stable et 18 (72 %) ont maigri (de 0,4 Ă  21,2 kg). L’échelle de Hill est modifiĂ©e par la premiĂšre sĂ©ance de rĂ©entraĂźnement : juste aprĂšs celle-ci la satiĂ©tĂ© est inchangĂ©e, la faim augmente (+1,15 ± 0,53 ; p < 0,05) et les sujets pensent moins Ă  la nourriture (p < 0,05). Au fil des sĂ©ances, on voit augmenter le score de satiĂ©tĂ© (p < 0,05), et les sujets pensent moins Ă  la nourriture (p < 0,05). L’effet immĂ©diat d’une sĂ©ance sur l’échelle de Hill se modifie. L’effet orexigĂšne aigu de celle-ci (augmentation de faim) diminue (–1,17 ± 0,40 p < 0,01) ainsi que l’intensitĂ© du dĂ©sir de manger. L’envie de manger (–1,35 ± 0,61 ; p < 0,05), et la quantitĂ© de nourriture que l’on pourrait manger (–1,25 ± 0,57 ; p < 0,05) et on pense moins Ă  la nourriture (–1,78 ± 0,58 ; p < 0,01). La ration alimentaire des sujets aprĂšs 8 semaines de rĂ©entraĂźnement au LIPOXmax a baissĂ© de 362,69 ± 91,2 kcal/j (p < 0,01) en raison d’une baisse de la ration lipidique de 0,17 ± 0,06 g/kg/j (p < 0,02) ce qui reprĂ©sente une diminution de pourcentage de lipides dans la ration alimentaire passant de 25 % Ă  21 % (p < 0,05) et une baisse du grignotage qui passe de 44 % Ă  18 % des sujets testĂ©s (p < 0,01). Cette baisse du grignotage est corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  celle de l’item (je pense Ă  la nourriture) de l’échelle de Hill (corrĂ©lation des rangs de Spearman r = 0,634, p = 0,003). Ce travail montre donc que l’entraĂźnement au LIPOXmax des sujets obĂšses augmente la sensation de satiĂ©tĂ© au repos, diminue progressivement l’effet orexigĂšne d’une sĂ©ance isolĂ©e, et diminue la consommation calorique et le grignotage corrĂ©lativement Ă  une diminution des pensĂ©es dirigĂ©es vers la nourriture, dĂ©terminant une perte de poids chez 72 % des sujets. L’effet amaigrissant du rĂ©entraĂźnement au LIPOXmax semble donc s’expliquer au moins en partie par une augmentation de l’effet satiĂ©togĂšne et une diminution de l’effet orexigĂšne de l’exercice, entraĂźnant une modification mesurable de la prise alimentaire. Ces rĂ©sultats mettent ainsi en Ă©vidence un nouveau mĂ©canisme qui renforce l’intĂ©rĂȘt de ce type de rĂ©entraĂźnement dans la prise en charge de l’obĂ©sitĂ©
