5 research outputs found

    Future Perspectives of Therapeutic, Diagnostic and Prognostic Aptamers in Eye Pathological Angiogenesis

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    Aptamers are single-stranded DNA or RNA oligonucleotides that are currently used in clinical trials due to their selectivity and specificity to bind small molecules such as proteins, peptides, viral particles, vitamins, metal ions and even whole cells. Aptamers are highly specific to their targets, they are smaller than antibodies and fragment antibodies, they can be easily conjugated to multiple surfaces and ions and controllable post-production modifications can be performed. Aptamers have been therapeutically used for age-related macular degeneration, cancer, thrombosis and inflammatory diseases. The aim of this review is to highlight the therapeutic, diagnostic and prognostic possibilities associated with aptamers, focusing on eye pathological angiogenesis

    Can Human Oral Mucosa Stem Cells Differentiate to Corneal Epithelia?

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    Human oral mucosa stem cells (hOMSCs) arise from the neural crest, they can self-renew, proliferate, and differentiate to several cell lines and could represent a good source for application in tissue engineering. Because of their anatomical location, hOMSCs are easy to isolate, have multilineage differentiation capacity and express embryonic stem cells markers such as—Sox2, Oct3/4 and Nanog. We have used SHEM (supplemented hormonal epithelial medium) media and cultured hOMSCs over human amniotic membrane and determined the cell’s capacity to differentiate to an epithelial-like phenotype and to express corneal specific epithelial markers—CK3, CK12, CK19, Pan-cadherin and E-cadherin. Our results showed that hOMSCs possess the capacity to attach to the amniotic membrane and express CK3, CK19, Pan-Cadherin and E-Cadherin without induction with SHEM media and expressed CK12 or changed the expression pattern of E-Cadherin to a punctual-like feature when treated with SHEM media. The results observed in this study show that hOMSCs possess the potential to differentiate toward epithelial cells. In conclusion, our results revealed that hOMSCs readily express markers for corneal determination and could provide the ophthalmology field with a therapeutic alternative for tissue engineering to achieve corneal replacement when compared with other techniques. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to develop a predictable therapeutic alternative for cornea replacement

    Human Amniotic Membrane Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Synthesized PGE<sub>2</sub> Exerts an Immunomodulatory Effect on Neutrophil Extracellular Trap in a PAD-4-Dependent Pathway through EP2 and EP4

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    Human amniotic membrane mesenchymal stem cells (hAM-MSC) secrete a myriad of components with immunosuppressive activities. In the present research, we aimed to describe the effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) secreted by hAM-MSCs on neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) release and to characterize the role of its receptors (EP2/EP4) in PAD-4 and NFÎșB activity in neutrophils. Human peripheral blood neutrophils were ionomycin-stimulated in the presence of hAM-MSC conditioned medium (CM) treated or not with the selective PGE2 inhibitor MF-63, PGE2, EP2/EP4 agonists, and the selective PAD-4 inhibitor GSK-484. NET release, PAD-4, and NFÎșB activation were analyzed. Ionomycin induced NET release, which was inhibited in the presence of hAM-MSC-CM, while CM from hAM-MSCs treated with MF-63 prevented NET release inhibition. PGE2 and EP2/EP4 agonists, and GSK-484 inhibited NET release. EP2/EP4 agonists and GSK-484 inhibited H3-citrullination but did not affect PAD-4 protein expression. Finally, PGE2 and EP2/EP4 agonists and GSK-484 increased NFÎșB phosphorylation. Taken together, these results suggest that hAM-MSC exert their immunomodulatory activities through PGE2, inhibiting NET release in a PAD-4-dependent pathway. This research proposes a new mechanism by which hAM-MSC exert their activities when modulating the innate immune response and inhibiting NET release

    AS1411 Nucleolin-Specific Binding Aptamers Reduce Pathological Angiogenesis through Inhibition of Nucleolin Phosphorylation

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    Proliferative retinopathies produces an irreversible type of blindness affecting working age and pediatric population of industrialized countries. Despite the good results of anti-VEGF therapy, intraocular and systemic complications are often associated after its intravitreal use, hence novel therapeutic approaches are needed. The aim of the present study is to test the effect of the AS1411, an antiangiogenic nucleolin-binding aptamer, using in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro models of angiogenesis and propose a mechanistic insight. Our results showed that AS1411 significantly inhibited retinal neovascularization in the oxygen induced retinopathy (OIR) in vivo model, as well as inhibited branch formation in the rat aortic ex vivo assay, and, significantly reduced proliferation, cell migration and tube formation in the HUVEC in vitro model. Importantly, phosphorylated NCL protein was significantly abolished in HUVEC in the presence of AS1411 without affecting NFÎșB phosphorylation and -21 and 221-angiomiRs, suggesting that the antiangiogenic properties of this molecule are partially mediated by a down regulation in NCL phosphorylation. In sum, this new research further supports the NCL role in the molecular etiology of pathological angiogenesis and identifies AS1411 as a novel anti-angiogenic treatment