7 research outputs found

    Aortoesophageal fistula caused by aneurysm of the thoracic aorta: Successful surgical treatment, case report, and literature review

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    AbstractAortoesophageal fistula induced by atherosclerotic thoracic aortic aneurysm is rare, but is usually a fatal disorder, with few survivors reported. We report the case of a 72-year-old man with aortoesophageal fistula successfully treated in a two-stage operation. In the first stage, we performed resection and replacement of the aortic aneurysm with a prosthetic graft in situ, esophagectomy, cervical esophagostomy, and jejunostomy. After the patient recovered well postoperatively, a transmediastinal retrosternal interposition of the stomach was performed, with esophagogastroanastomosis in the cervical area, to re-establish the gastrointestinal tract. We include a discussion of the causes, diagnostic approach, management of the aorta and esophagus, and review of the literature. (J Vasc Surg 1999;30:1150-7.

    Bilateral carotid body paraganglioma: case report

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    CONTEXT: Surgical treatment of carotid body paragangliomas is a challenge to the surgeon because of the large vascularization of the tumor, involvement of the carotid vessels and the close anatomical relationship with the cranial nerves. CASE REPORT: A 63-year-old patient was submitted to resection of two carotid body paraganglioma tumors found in the right-side and left-side carotid bodies at the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries. Two surgeries were performed at different times and neither of them presented any morbidity. Arteriography was fundamental for diagnosis of the small, asymptomatic tumor on the right side. DESIGN: Case Repor

    Primary aortoenteric fistula related to septic aortitis

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    CONTEXT: Primary aortoenteric fistulas usually result from erosion of the bowel wall due to an associated abdominal aortic aneurysm. A few patients have been described with other etiologies such as pseudoaneurysm originating from septic aortitis caused by Salmonella. OBJECTIVE: To present a rare clinical case of pseudoaneurysm caused by septic aortitis that evolved into an aortoenteric fistula. CASE REPORT: A 65-year-old woman was admitted with Salmonella bacteremia that evolved to septic aortitis. An aortic pseudoaneurysm secondary to the aortitis had eroded the transition between duodenum and jejunum, and an aortoenteric fistula was formed. In the operating room, the affected aorta and intestinal area were excised and an intestine-to-intestine anastomosis was performed. The aorta was sutured and an axillofemoral bypass was carried out. In the intensive care unit, the patient had a cardiac arrest that evolved to death