246 research outputs found

    Oscillating spin-orbit interaction in two-dimensional superlattices: sharp transmission resonances and time-dependent spin polarized currents

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    We consider ballistic transport through a lateral, two-dimensional superlattice with experimentally realizable, sinusoidally oscillating Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction. The periodic structure of the rectangular lattice produces a spin-dependent miniband structure for static SOI. Using Floquet theory, transmission peaks are shown to appear in the mini-bandgaps as a consequence of the additional, time-dependent SOI. A detailed analysis shows that this effect is due to the generation of harmonics of the driving frequency, via which e.g., resonances that cannot be excited in the case of static SOI become available. Additionally, the transmitted current shows space and time-dependent partial spin-polarization, in other words, polarization waves propagate through the superlattice.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum rings with time dependent spin-orbit coupling: Rabi oscillations, spintronic Schrodinger-cat states, and conductance properties

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    The strength of the (Rashba-type) spin-orbit coupling in mesoscopic semiconductor rings can be tuned with external gate voltages. Here we consider the case of a periodically changing spin-orbit interaction strength as induced by sinusoidal voltages. In a closed one dimensional quantum ring with weak spin-orbit coupling, Rabi oscillations are shown to appear. We find that the time evolution of initially localized wave packets exhibits a series of collapse and revival phenomena. Partial revivals -- that are typical in nonlinear systems -- are shown to correspond to superpositions of states localized at different spatial positions along the ring. These "spintronic Schrodinger-cat sates" appear periodically, and similarly to their counterparts in other physical systems, they are found to be sensitive to environment induced disturbances. The time dependent spin transport problem, when leads are attached to the ring, is also solved. We show that the "sideband currents" induced by the oscillating spin-orbit interaction strength can become the dominant output channel, even in the presence of moderate thermal fluctuations and random scattering events.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Mesoscopic superposition and sub-Planck-scale structure in molecular wave packets

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    We demonstrate the possibility of realizing sub-Planck-scale structures in the mesoscopic superposition of molecular wave packets involving vibrational levels. The time evolution of the wave packet, taken here as the SU(2) coherent state of the Morse potential describing hydrogen iodide molecules, produces macroscopicquantum- superposition-like states, responsible for the above phenomenon. We investigate the phase-space dynamics of the coherent state through the Wigner function approach and identify the interference phenomena behind the sub-Planck-scale structures. The optimal parameter ranges are specified for observing these features.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Filtering of spin currents based on ballistic ring

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    Quantum interference effects in rings provide suitable means for controlling spin at mesoscopic scales. Here we apply such a control mechanism to the spin-dependent transport in a ballistic quasi one dimensional ring patterned in two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs). The study is essentially based on the {\it natural} spin-orbit (SO) interactions, one arising from the laterally confining electric field {(β\beta term) and the other due to to the quantum-well potential that confines electrons in the 2DEG (conventional Rashba SO interaction or α\alpha term).} We focus on single-channel transport and solve analytically the spin polarization of the current. As an important consequence of the presence of spin splitting, we find the occurrence of spin dependent current oscillations. We analyze %the effects of disorder by discussing the transport in the presence of one non-magnetic obstacle in the ring. We demonstrate that a spin polarized current can be induced when an unpolarized charge current is injected in the ring, by focusing on the central role that the presence of the obstacle plays.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, PACS numbers: 72.25.-b, 72.20.My, 73.50.Jt, accepted for publication in J. Phys. - Cond. Ma

    Preparation of decoherence-free, subradiant states in a cavity

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    The cause of decoherence in a quantum system can be traced back to the interaction with the environment. As it has been pointed out first by Dicke, in a system of N two-level atoms where each of the atoms is individually dipole coupled to the environment, there are collective, subradiant states, that have no dipole coupling to photon modes, and therefore they are expected to decay slower. This property also implies that these type of states, which form an N-1 dimensional subspace of the atomic subsytem, also decohere slower. We propose a scheme which will create such states. First the two-level atoms are placed in a strongly detuned cavity and one of the atoms, called the control atom is excited. The time evolution of the coupled atom-cavity system leads to an appropriately entangled state of the atoms. By applying subsequent laser pulses at a well defined time instant, it is possible to drive the atomic state into the subradiant, i. e., decoherence free subspace. Up to a certain average number of the photons, the result is independent of the state of the cavity. The analysis of the conditions shows that this scheme is feasible with present day techniques achieved in atom cavity interaction experiments.Comment: 5 page

    Spintronic single qubit gate based on a quantum ring with spin-orbit interaction

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    In a quantum ring connected with two external leads the spin properties of an incoming electron are modified by the spin-orbit interaction resulting in a transformation of the qubit state carried by the spin. The ring acts as a one qubit spintronic quantum gate whose properties can be varied by tuning the Rashba parameter of the spin-orbit interaction, by changing the relative position of the junctions, as well as by the size of the ring. We show that a large class of unitary transformations can be attained with already one ring -- or a few rings in series -- including the important cases of the Z, X, and Hadamard gates. By choosing appropriate parameters the spin transformations can be made unitary, which corresponds to lossless gates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Decoherence of molecular wave packets in an anharmonic potential

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    The time evolution of anharmonic molecular wave packets is investigated under the influence of the environment consisting of harmonic oscillators. These oscillators represent photon or phonon modes and assumed to be in thermal equilibrium. Our model explicitly incorporates the fact that in the case of a nonequidistant spectrum the rates of the environment induced transitions are different for each transition. The nonunitary time evolution is visualized by the aid of the Wigner function related to the vibrational state of the molecule. The time scale of decoherence is much shorter than that of dissipation, and gives rise to states which are mixtures of localized states along the phase space orbit of the corresponding classical particle. This behavior is to a large extent independent of the coupling strength, the temperature of the environment and also of the initial state.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Time evolution in the Morse potential using supersymmetry: dissociation of the NO molecule

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    We present an algebraic method for treating molecular vibrations in the Morse potential perturbed by an external laser field. By the help of a complete and normalizable basis we transform the Schr\"{o}dinger equation into a system of coupled ordinary differential equations. We apply our method to calculate the dissociation probability of the NO molecule excited by chirped laser pulses. The dependence of the molecular dipole-moment on the interatomic separation is determined by a quantum-chemical method, and the corresponding transition dipole moments are given by approximate analytic expressions. These turn out to be very small between neighboring stationary states around the vibrational quantum number m=42m=42, therefore we propose to use additional pulses in order to skip this trapping state, and to obtain a reasonable dissociation probability.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum rings as electron spin beam splitters

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    Quantum interference and spin-orbit interaction in a one-dimensional mesoscopic semiconductor ring with one input and two output leads can act as a spin beam splitter. Different polarization can be achieved in the two output channels from an originally totally unpolarized incoming spin state, very much like in a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. We determine the relevant parameters such that the device has unit efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    Microwave emission from a crystal of molecular magnets -- The role of a resonant cavity

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    We discuss the effects caused by a resonant cavity around a sample of a magnetic molecular crystal (such as Mn12{}_{12}-Ac), when a time dependent external magnetic field is applied parallel to the easy axis of the crystal. We show that the back action of the cavity field on the sample significantly increases the possibility of microwave emission. This radiation process can be supperradiance or a maser-like effect, depending on the strength of the dephasing. Our model provides further insight to the theoretical understanding of the bursts of electromagnetic radiation observed in recent experiments accompanying the resonant quantum tunneling of magnetization. The experimental findings up to now can all be explained as being a maser effect rather than superradiance. The results of our theory scale similarly to the experimental findings, i.e., with increasing sweep rate of the external magnetic field, the emission peaks are shifted towards higher field values.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.
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