7 research outputs found


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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a tool used by organizations to align strategy, business processes, and information technology (IT). Unfortunately, enterprise-level strategy is often not adequately encompassed by EA in such a way that it facilitates strategic IT alignment. Without such strategic orientation, EA may not provide benefits anticipated by firms using EA, such as enhanced levels of inter- and intra-organizational collaboration, agility, and performance. In this study, we examine organizational-level factors that might contribute to the degree to which EA embodies firm strategy from a diffusion of innovation perspective. Based on extant innovation routinization literature, we propose a model consisting of formal guidance addressing EA, EA training, funding to support EA, and EA strategic orientation. We show that organizations can dramatically enhance the level their EA embodies firm strategy and potentially, their bottom line, by employing formal guidance addressing EA, increasing EA training, and providing resources in support of EA

    A Rubric to Evaluate and Enhance Requirements Elicitation Interviewing Skills

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    Eliciting effective requirements is vital for successful Information Systems development and implementation. Interviews with stakeholders and users are an important part of the requirements elicitation process. Thus, teaching students how to better perform requirements elicitation interviews is a critical task for information systems faculty. However, prior to this research, a common tool or rubric to evaluate the effectiveness of requirements elicitation interviews was not found in the literature. The purpose of this research was to develop a rubric that can be used to both evaluate (provide summative measures) and enhance (via formative training techniques) the requirements elicitation interviewing skills of information systems students. The results of this research provide both quantitative and qualitative evidence that the rubric developed and described in this paper substantially improved the ability of our students to conduct requirements elicitation interviews. Along with detailing the various methodologies we used, this paper provides practical pedagogical suggestions and lessons learned along with covering possible future avenues of research in this area

    Developing Measurable Cross-Departmental Learning Objectives for Requirements Elicitation in an Information Systems Curriculum

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    The ability to elicit information systems requirements is a necessary learning objective for students in a contemporary information systems curriculum, and is a skill vital to their careers. Common challenges in teaching this skill include both the lack of structure and guidance in information systems textbooks as well as the view that a student’s education consists of a disparate set of unrelated courses. These challenges are exacerbated by faculty who focus only on their taught courses and by textbooks that often promote an isolated, passing glance at both the importance of and the idea behind requirements elicitation. In this paper, we describe a multi-year, faculty-led effort to create and refine learning activities that are aligned to requirements elicitation learning objectives both within and scaffolded across courses in a modern information systems curriculum. To achieve success in developing this marketable skill within information systems students, learning activities were integrated across the entire information systems major in a process we call Bloomification, where learning objectives, aligned learning activities, and courses are related and connected across the curriculum. This cross-departmental process is presented and lessons learned by the faculty are discussed

    Transactive Memory Theory: A Review of the Literature and Suggestions for Future MIS Research

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    In this paper, we analyze extant literature to assess the state of transactive memory theory research and report the preliminary findings of our research in progress. Based on prevalent transactive memory themes identified in the literature, we content analyze 52 articles at the individual, group, and organizational levels of analysis, and identify several future MIS research opportunities. Our findings show that themes such as knowledge directories, transferring the knowledge didactically, and pooling knowledge centrally, have received the majority of research focus. Future research may investigate how information systems can enhance human abilities in the transactive memory system to relieve cognitive strain and enhance individual memory capacity. Additional research could examine the effects of information technologies on the relationship between transactive memory and performance outcomes in large groups or organizations. Future investigation of these topics will serve to both extend transactive memory theory and operationalize the theory in MIS research settings