3 research outputs found

    Analysis of Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture Among Female Groundnut Farmers in Enugu State

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    This paper examines the entrepreneurship development in agriculture among female groundnut farmers in Enugu state. Eighty female farmers were selected using multi-stage random sampling techniques. Well structured questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools, and five point likert scale rating. Results showed that their mean age was 43 years. Majority were married with average household size of five persons. Farmers had small farm sizes of 1.7 hectares. Their average income per farming season was N117000. Majority of the female farmers identified need to increase their income, desire to succeed; need to care for their family and desire to be financially independent as the key drive to entrepreneurship development in groundnut production. They complained of poor access to entrepreneurship education and information, and inadequate capital as major challenges hindering their entrepreneurship development. Despite the challenges, entrepreneurship drive and participation was high. It was recommended that effective and adequate policies and programmes on entrepreneurship should be developed especially for female farmers. Entrepreneurship education/training at all levels to ensure capacity building was also advocated. Most importantly, government should provide soft loans and grants to female farmers as a way to enhance their entrepreneurial spirit and development for national food security. Keywords: Entrepreneurship development, Groundnut production, Female farmers, Challenge

    Women Entrepreneurship as a Cutting Edge for Rural Development in Nigeria

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    Rural development is more than ever before linked to entrepreneurship. Institutions and individual promoting rural development now see entrepreneurship as a strategic development intervention that could accelerate the rural development process. Furthermore, institutions and individuals seem to agree on the urgent need to promote rural enterprises; development agencies see rural entrepreneurship as an employment potential, politicians see it as the key strategy to prevent rural unrest; farmers see it as an instrument for improving farm earnings; and women see it as an employment possibility near their homes which provides autonomy, independence and a reduced need for social support. To all these groups, however, entrepreneurship stands as a vehicle to improve the quality of communities and to sustain a healthy economy and environment. Without entrepreneurial capabilities which are well developed or potentially available, external funds will be wasted on projects that will not provide long term economic growth. Rural entrepreneurship stimulates local entrepreneurial talent and subsequent growth of indigenous companies; it finds a unique blend of resources either inside or outside of agriculture. Therefore to accelerate economic development in rural areas, it is necessary to increase the supply of entrepreneurs, thus building up the critical mass of first generation entrepreneurs who will take risk and engage in uncertainties of new venture creation, create something from practically nothing and create values by pulling together a unique package of resources to exploit. The paper therefore deals with the following three issues: firstly, it sets out reasons why promoting entrepreneurship is a force of economic change that must take place if many rural communities are to survive, secondly, it deals with what policies are necessary in order to create an environment in rural areas conducive for entrepreneurship and thirdly, it considers developing and promoting of women entrepreneurship as a way for sustainable rural development in Nigeria. Key words: Entrepreneurship, rural development, economic policies, entrepreneurial skills and women empowerment

    Developing the Active Participation of African Women in Science, Technology and Innovation: The Entrepreneurial Approach

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    This work is concerned with using entrepreneurship to augment the active participation of women in science, technology and innovation, both for self improvement and societal benefits. It explores the fact that entrepreneurship is a subject that is devoted to finding solution to daunting problems not only in the area of business but also in other areas of human endeavour and self improvement. It is argued that since women constitute about half of humanity and have proven competence, underutilizing their entrepreneurial capacity is a major source of poverty, therefore efforts should be made to positively harness this huge potentials for prosperity and reduction of hunger. The problem of women as entrepreneurs has been explained as originating from mere stereotyping of duties entrenched in cultures and other social norms which restrict the utilization of the vast energy and competencies in women. Entrepreneurship has been established as the only means of narrowing these divides, it can help women to form networks and access necessary infrastructure for ICT capability and usage. It can increase their communication power, expose them to influences and best practices and hence prepare them to partake fully in creative, science, technology and innovative skill. This way, women will be integrated into socio-economic reckoning and policy making status. Keywords: Active participation, African women, Science Technology and Innovation Development, Entrepreneurial approach and supportive education