3 research outputs found

    Recently Emerging Nanotechnological Advancements in Polymer Nanocomposite Coatings for Anti-corrosion, Anti-fouling and Self-healing

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    Recent nanotechnological advancements have enabled novel innovations in protective polymer nanocomposites (PNC) coatings for anti-corrosion, anti-fouling and self-healing services on material surfaces. Nanotechnology encompases research, manufacturing, and application of nanoparticulate architectures, tubular structures, sheets or plates exhibiting sizes below 100 nanometers (nm) in at least a single dimension. Inclusions of nanoparticles into organic entities have demonstrated enhanced properties essential for attainiment of aesthetics, anti-corrosion, thermal stability for high-temperature performances, mechanical strength essential for resisting coating deterioration in harsh environments, nano-architectural cross-linking capable of hindering penetration of corrosive, and biofouling entities. Unlike previously published literature, this paper elucidates very recently emerging important advancements in novel techniques utilized in developing PNC coatings for applications in aerospace, packaging, automotive, biomedicine, maritime, and oil and gas industries for attaining superior anti-fouling, anti-corrosion, and self-healing behaviors on critical material surfaces. Emerging market structures and novel applications are also presented

    Managing job stress in teachers of children with autism : a rational emotive occupational health coaching control trial

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    Abstract: Background/Objective: Teaching has been found to be 1 of the most stressful occupations worldwide. Stress associated with teaching is more critical among teachers teaching children with special needs in general and those with autism specifically, partly due to the heterogeneous nature of the disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Occupational Health Coaching (REOHC) in minimizing job stress in teachers of children with autism (CWA). Methods: A group-randomized waitlist control-trial design was adopted. A sample of 87 teachers of CWA who participated in the study was randomized into the immediate intervention group (IIG) and waitlist group (WLG). Participants were evaluated on 3 occasions: pretest, post-test and follow-up. Three instruments (Occupational Stress Index, Perceived Occupational Stress Scale and Stress Symptom Scale) were used to measure dimensions of job stress. After the pretest exercise, the IIG participated in a 2- hour REOHC programme weekly for a period of 12 weeks. Post- and follow-up evaluations were conducted respectively at 2 weeks and 3 months after the REOHC programme. Those in WLG were exposed to the REOHC after the follow-up assessment. Data collected were analysed using t-test statistics, repeated measures analysis of variance and bar charts. Results: Results revealed that the perceived stress and stress symptoms of the REOHC group reduced significantly over WLG at post-test, and follow-up assessments. Changes in the occupational stress index scores across pre-, post- and follow-up measurements were minimal and could not account for a significant difference between the IIG and WLG. Conclusion: It was concluded that REOHC is effective in reducing subjective feelings and physiological symptoms of job stress, even when the objective stressors remain constant among teachers of CWA and other employees who work in stressful occupational environments. Abbreviations: ABCDE = activating event, beliefs, consequences, disputation and effective world view, CI = confidence interval, df = Degree of Freedom, IIG = immediate Intervention Group, ŋ2 = partial eta squared (effect size), OSI = occupational stress index, POSS = perceived occupational stress scale, REBT = Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, REOHC = Rational Emotive Occupational Health Coaching, SISQ = single-item stress questionnaire, SSS = Stress Symptom Scale, WLG = waitlist group