38 research outputs found

    Characterising a potential nearshore nursery ground for the blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) in Ma’agan Michael, Israel

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    The blackchin guitarfish Glaucostegus cemiculus has suffered severe declines and regional extirpation throughout its known distributions. While this species and its relative, the common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatos, have been described in the Mediterranean Sea with co-occurring habitat ranges, no research has recorded the existence or extent of these two separate populations along the Israeli coastal waters. Along a particular coast in Israel, Ma’agan Michael, fishermen have reported annual observations of juvenile guitarfish between June to November for the last forty years. Based on these citizen-based observations the main research objective is to establish whether Ma’agan Michael fulfils all three criteria from the literature by Dr Michelle Heupel, allowing it to be acknowledged as a nursery ground for G. cemiculus. The methodology built for this objective integrates biological characteristics data with the identification of a recurrent seasonal distribution. Visual surveys exhibited a significantly higher abundance in Ma’agan Michael when compared to an adjacent area (Caesarea), with 2,096 recorded observations overall. Additionally, using a species-specific modified Catch and Release protocol, a total of 492 juveniles were captured with a beach seine net. During these capturing events, individuals were morphometrically measured and sampled for future genetic analyses. Out of these, 327 specimens were also fitted for PIT tags to track recaptures in subsequent captures. The highest abundance of neonates was caught from August to September each year (2017–2019), and all individuals captured during this study were identified in the field as G. cemiculus, ranging from 20–35 cm in length (85% of captures). Many specimens had an umbilical cord scar (n = 88), with a large percentage possessing visual remains of the yolk sac. For the first time, this study provides an inter-year description of the species Glaucostegus cemiculus present along the Israeli shoreline


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    Practical Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Pediatrics and Primary Care

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    Adherence and medical outcomes in pediatric liver transplant recipients who transition to adult services

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    Non-adherence to medications is associated with poor medical outcomes in adolescent transplant recipients. It is unclear whether non-adherence is further compromised when transplant recip- ients transition to the adult health care system. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether adherence changes during transition. We reviewed the medical records of 14 recently transitioned patients and compared their adherence and corresponding medical outcomes before and after transition. These outcomes were also com- pared with two cohorts of patients receiving care solely in pediatric or adult services. Medication adherence, measured through the use of standard deviations of tacrolimus blood levels, was examined for all patients. We found that adherence to tacrolimus significantly decreased after transition. After transitioning, patients furthermore exhibited poorer adherence than patients in the other two cohorts did over time. This small retrospective study suggests that the period of transition from pediatric to adult transplant clinics is a vulnerable one. Larger, prospective investigations of the transition process are necessary before recommendations are made regarding interventions

    Adherence and Medical Outcomes in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients Who Transition to Adult Services

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    Non-adherence to medications is associated with poor medical outcomes in adolescent transplant recipients. It is unclear whether non-adherence is further compromised when transplant recipients transition to the adult health care system. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether adherence changes during transition. We reviewed the medical records of 14 recently transitioned patients and compared their adherence and corresponding medical outcomes before and after transition. These outcomes were also compared with two cohorts of patients receiving care solely in pediatric or adult services. Medication adherence, measured through the use of standard deviations of tacrolimus blood levels, was examined for all patients. We found that adherence to tacrolimus significantly decreased after transition. After transitioning, patients furthermore exhibited poorer adherence than patients in the other two cohorts did over time. This small retrospective study suggests that the period of transition from pediatric to adult transplant clinics is a vulnerable one. Larger, prospective investigations of the transition process are necessary before recommendations are made regarding interventions

    The effect of pulpotomy base material on bacterial penetration and proliferation for pulpotomized primary molar teeth: A confocal laser scanning microscopy study

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    Introduction: the study aimed to evaluate Enterococcus Faecalis colonization in the pulp chamber in pulpotomized extracted human teeth filled by different pulpotomy base materials (PBMs), using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Study design: Cavity preparations were made in 70 extracted primary molars. The pulp chambers were filled using either Intermediate restorative material (IRM), Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) or Glass ionomer (GI). Twenty-five teeth served controls. The specimens were sterilized, and coronally filled with bacterial suspension for 21 days. The specimens were cut through the furcation area, stained using LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit and evaluated using CLSM. Results: The extent of fluorescent staining was larger in the GI group, compared to the IRM and MTA groups, and larger in the IRM group compared to the MTA group (P<0.05). The minimal and maximal bacterial penetration depths into the dentinal tubules were 55 and 695μm, respectively (mean 310μm), without differences between the materials (GI, IRM, MTA, p>0.05). The ratio of live bacteria to dead bacteria within the evaluated areas was higher in the GI group compared to the IRM and the MTA groups, and higher in the IRM group compared to the MTA group (P<0.05). There were no differences between the mesial, distal and apical parts in any of the evaluations (p>0.05). Conclusions: bacteria colonize the interface between the PBM and dentin and penetrate deeply into the dentinal tubules. The extent and the vitality of the colonized bacteria may be affected by the type of PBM