11 research outputs found

    How to Use Data to Increase Bike Use by Travelers

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    The Government of the Netherlands wants to be energy neutral by 2050 (Rijksoverheid, sd). A transition towards nonfossil energy sources also affects transport, which is one of the industries significantly contributing to CO2 emission (Centraal Bureau Statistiek, 2019). Road authorities at municipalities and provinces want a shift from fossil fuel-consuming to zero emission transport choices by their inhabitants. For this the Province of Utrecht has data available. However, they struggle how to deploy data to positively influence inhabitants’ mobility behavior. A problem analysis scoped the research towards data to stimulate cycling. Three interviews, desk research and a survey revealed the gap between the province’s current data-item approach that is infrastructure oriented and the required approach that adopts traveler’s personas to successfully stimulate cycling. For this more precisely defined captured data is needed and the focus should shift from already motivated cyclists to non-cyclers

    Kledinginzameling?: Adviesrapport Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten

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    Met Situatiegericht inzamelen de kledingafvalberg te lijf. Voor u ligt het adviesrapport, dat is ontstaan door het uitvoeren van onderzoek door studenten aan drie verschillende hogescholen in Nederland: Utrecht, Rotterdam en Zuyd. De uitkomsten van het onderzoek dat de studenten verrichtten, is met resultaten van eerdere onderzoeken vergeleken door onderzoekers van het lectoraat Procesinnovatie en Informatiesystemen aan de Hogeschool Utrecht. Hieruit is dit adviesrapport opgesteld. De resultaten uit de onderzoeken van de studenten en van al bestaande rapporten komen in dit verslag samen tot een advies aan de Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten. Hoewel voor dit resultaat met name een inspanningsverplichting gold, brengt het resultaat een belangrijke eerste inzicht en daarmee een boodschap aan de (Vereniging) Nederlandse Gemeenten. Het advies is slechts een richtlijn, omdat de resultaten voortgekomen zijn uit zeer beperkte casus-bestudering

    Information Requirement in the Transition Towards a Circular Fashion Industry

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    Management of fashion (related) companies need to become convinced that circularity delivers positive financial results and incentives. This research aims to provide the first information requirement insights needed to enable the transition to a circular fashion industry. Due to easy access and abundant information ‘Jeans’ were selected as example item. Using the Design Science research approach the required information within in a closed loop supply chain (CLSC) in fashion was derived. Semi-structured interviews validated the CLSC information requirements derived from literature. Next, observations and additional literature findings supported the interview results. The outcomes show that information to support integration and collaboration of both: supply and recycle chain is necessary. Independently operating recycle organizations miss ‘central loop management’, ‘information integration’ and ‘a chain-common objective’ to successfully adopt circularity. The main bottlenecks found in relation to circularity are: ‘overlooking the customer as stakeholder’ and ‘a lack of chain integration’, this applies not only to jeans items. Therefore, the indicative study outcomes contribute to the body of knowledge of circular fashion value chain information requirements in general

    E-Procurement as Digital Collaboration in an Integrated Coalition Limited by EU Regulation

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    from the article: Supply chain integration intensifies through digitalisation of business administration (BA) processes. However, it is unclear whether differences exist between the public and private sector in development or implementation of supply chain integration solutions. The large scope of the supply chain, being a large network of companies working together towards one end product, is limited for this study to e-procurement processes. The related software solutions are included. This study starts with a theoretical snapshot of e-procurement. This is followed by a process viewpoint of the e-procurement function. Next five different forms of e-procurement cooperation are presented seen from an actors network viewpoint. The utilisation of these forms create insight in the differences between the public and private sector in their e-procurement adoption behaviour. The process maturity scan results shows that the process maturity between the two sectors is comparable. However, this only explains the differences per sector concerning their ability to improve and control their processes in general. For reliability, this step is followed by three in-depth interviews combined with analyses of recent e-procurement behaviour studies involving the two sectors. The final step compares the maturity outcome with the in-depth data results. Both sectors show certain forms of coalition in the e-procurement. Where ‘competition’ is a construct that drives the private sector, the public sector has cost control as a driver towards collaboration and integration within e-procurement. This can only partially be explained by the past European financial crises. Differences are found in digital collaboration and the integration itself. The most important difference lies in the European tendering procedure to which the public sector (unlike the private) is restricted. In nature an e-procurement design and development project does not fit the prescribed procedures

    The Role of the Supply Chain as Decision-Factor for Online Cross- Border Trade-Expansion

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    from the article: Web-shop entrepreneurs generally overlook success factors during the expansion process of applying cross-border trade, resulting in failure or even high financial losses. The solution to this issue may be a decision supporting model, that supports SME web-shop entrepreneurs in their cross border decision-making. Thuiswinkel.org, the industry organisation for web-shops in The Netherlands, actively supports the cross-border information requirements of these entrepreneurs by supporting knowledge on the marketing factors that influence the cross-border decision. This research focusses on identifying a decision supporting model answering the question: How does the supply chain as factor relate to other decisive factors used by web-shop entrepreneurs in their cross-border trade-expansion decision? The model has been developed through three research steps: semi-unstructured interviews to find the first indication for decision factors, literature research to develop contours of a decision supporting model, and an online survey to test the initial model found. To determine a weight to the factors, the KANO-model is used from a customer satisfaction viewpoint. The conceptual model shows that ‘supply chain partner(s)’, is a necessary basic factor to consider during the cross-border trade-expansion decision. However, customer satisfaction as operational logistics service determines the success of the cross-border trade-expansion

    Conversational Commerce: the Conversation of Tomorrow

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    Presented at the 14th 14th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2018: From the article: "Online shopping in The Netherlands is rapidly becoming more popular and many web-shops are aiming to develop improved customer journeys. As a consequence pure play web-shops switch to an Omni-channel approach while conventional businesses add ‘online’ to their offline sales. In The Netherlands fast growth of online sales is made possible by industry organisations such as ‘Thuiswinkel.org’, an organisation that supports their over 12.000 retail-members with knowledge, development and information on all possible aspects of online shopping. In 2017 these members raised the question whether it is possible to mimic the ‘traditional sales conversation’ to online environments by deploying AI based conversation technology. To research this question the specific actual benefits for consumers need to be determined of the conventional ‘offline-shopping sales conversation’. Next, the current online shopping opportunities presented by the B2C market of The Netherlands were studied including the level of interaction (conversation) that is technically provided. With so many industries active in the online arena it was decided to focus on the following industries: Electronics, Clothing, Food, and Financial services. This selection was made based on levels of online sales (highest for these sectors) and interests of Thuiswinkel.org members. Subsequently, the offline sales conversation benefits that were found as ‘most important’ in these industries, were used to construct online customer journeys. These are then used to formulate requirements for the comparison and selection of conversation systems. With this insight in how to achieve true conversational commerce in the defined customer journeys of the four industry’s the retailers’ question is answered. The outcome shows differences per industry in importance of a limited number of ‘e-sales conversation’ benefits. An important conclusion is that the current available technology cannot deploy all complex aspects of the offline sales conversation benefits in an online shopping environment. The technology still needs to progress significantly to adopt offline sales conversation aspects. On the other hand pure substitution of offline benefits may not be required. Further, the maturity of the functionality within each conversation system appears to be of importance as requirements differ per company. Additional research is required to extend on the differences and first insight found in the options to develop ‘e-sales conversation’.