2 research outputs found

    Quality of meat from native pigs

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    Production of traditional meat products, characterized by very good organoleptic properties demands specific raw material which is meat from pigs with slaughter weight 120 kg, intramuscular fat content higher then 3% and bred by extensive system. Some of breeds which can fulfil this requirements are native breeds likeMangalitza, Moravka, Złotnicka Spotted, Złotnicka White and Pulawska pigs. Aim of this study was analysis of raw meat from Mangalitza, Moravka, Złotnicka Spotted, Złotnicka White and Pulawska pigs – quality of meat and its technological values were evaluated. Meat from analysed pigs had proper chemical composition, favourable n3/n6 fatty acids profile, low drip loss, proper pH. The composition of loin of: Puławska, Złotnicka, Mangalica and Moravka races was similar in protein, ash and carbohydrates contents. The content of intramusular fat in loins of examined races ranged from 3.0% (Złotnicka White) to 5,1% (Moravka). In this study there was confirmed good meat quality and its usefulness for production of traditional products.Proizvodnja tradicionalnih proizvoda od mesa, koje karakterišu vrlo dobre organoleptičke osobine, zahteva specifičnu sirovinu tj. meso od svinja težine na klanju od 120 kg, intramuskularnim sadržajem masti većim od 3% i uzgajanih u ekstenzivnom sistemu. Neke od rasa koje mogu ispuniti ove zahteve su domaće rase kao što su mangulica, moravka, zlotnička šarena, zlotnička bela i pulavska svinja. Cilj ove studije bila je analiza sirovog mesa svinja rase mangulica, moravka, zlotnička šarena, zlotnička bela i pulavska - kvalitet mesa i njegove tehnološke vrednosti. Meso od analiziranih svinja imalo je adekvatan hemijski sastav, povoljan profil n3/n6 masnih kiselina, nizak kalo, odgovarajući pH. Sastav slabine pułavske svinje, złotničke svinje, mangulice i moravke je sličan u sadržaju proteina, pepela i ugljenih hidrata. Sadržaj intramuslularne masti u slabinama ispitanih rasa varira od 3,0% (zlotnička bela) do 5,1% (moravka). U ovoj studiji potvrdjen je dobar kvalitet mesa i njegova korisnost za proizvodnju tradicionalnih proizvoda

    Biochemical Properties Affecting the Nutritional Quality, Safety, and Aroma of Dry-Cured Products Manufactured from Meat of Rare Native Pig Breeds

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    The aim of study was to compare the biochemical properties affecting the nutritional quality, safety, and aroma of dry-cured products manufactured from valuable meat of rare native pig breeds: Pulawska (Pul) and Zlotnicka Spotted (ZS). The count of lactic acid bacteria (4.4 log cfu/g) and the release of palmitic (23.1% and 25.9%), oleic (44.1% and 42.2%), and linoleic acids (8.3% and 7.8%), as well as arginine (30.0 and 44.3 mg/kg), histidine (25.8 and 20.6 mg/kg), and lysine (26.8–22.9 mg/kg), shaped the final pH (5.3 and 5.4) in Pul and ZS products during the 4 week maturing, respectively. Lastly, Pul and ZS meat differed in the proportion of decanoic, lauric, stearic, arachidic, and conjugated linoleic acids. The high content of putrescine (23.7 mg/kg), cadaverine (54.3 mg/kg), and tyramine (57.2 mg/kg), as well as a twofold greater share of histamine (163.2 mg/kg) and tryptamine (9.1 mg/kg), indicated a more advanced decarboxylation of ZS meat. Volatile compounds differentiating Pul and ZS meat were primarily hexanal, 3-hydroxybutan-2-one, phenylacetalaldehyde, 2,3-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2-cyclopenten-1-one, and 3-methyl- and 2-cyclopenten-1-one. Most marked volatile compounds were obtained as a result of microbial activity (acetic acid, 3-methylbutan-1-ol, ethanol, acetone, and 3-hydroxybutan-2-one), advanced lipid oxidation, and decomposition of secondary oxidation products (hexanal, phenylacetaldehyde, and 2-cyclopenten-1-one)