9 research outputs found

    Case report: tracking data from foraging hawksbill turtles in the northern Red Sea

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    Background: Hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) are Critically Endangered throughout their global range, and concerningly little is known about this species in the Red Sea. With large-scale coastal development projects underway in the northern Red Sea, it is critical to understand the movement and habitat use patterns of hawksbill turtles in this environmentally unique region, so that effective conservation strategies can be implemented. We satellite tagged three hawksbill turtles, one 63 cm curved carapace length adult male captured near Wahlei Island, one 55 cm turtle captured in the Gulf of Aqaba, and one 56 cm turtle suffering from a floating syndrome which was captured at Waqqadi Island, rehabilitated, and released at Waqqadi Island. Turtles were tracked for 156, 199, and 372 days between October 2020 and November 2021. Results: We calculated the home ranges and core use areas of hawksbill turtles using kernel-density estimations and found that each turtle showed high fidelity to their foraging sites. Home ranges calculated with GPS-derived locations ranged between 13.6 and 2.86 km2, whereas home ranges calculated with Argos-derived locations ranged from 38.98 to 286.45 km2. GPS-derived locations also revealed a higher proportion of time spent in coral and rock habitats compared to Argos, based on location overlap with the Allen Coral Reef Atlas. We also found that turtles were making shallow dives, usually remaining between 0 and 5 m. Conclusions: While the number of tracked turtles in this study was small, it represents an important contribution to the current understanding of spatial ecology among foraging hawksbill turtles globally, and provides the first-ever reported hawksbill turtle tracking data from the Red Sea. Our results suggest that protecting coral reef habitats and implementing boating speed limits near reefs could be effective conservation measures for foraging hawksbill turtles in the face of rapid coastal development

    The First Deep-Sea Stylasterid (Hydrozoa, Stylasteridae) of the Red Sea

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    The Stylasteridae, commonly known as lace corals, is a family of colonial calcifying hydrozoans mostly inhabiting deep waters. Stylasterids show a cosmopolitan distribution but, in some areas, they are characterized by low species diversity, such as in the Red Sea, where only a shallow-water species has been reported so far. With this work, we provide the first evidence of a deep-sea stylasterid inhabiting the NEOM region in the northern Saudi Arabian Red Sea, at depths ranging between 166 and 492 m. Morphological examinations revealed that this species was previously unknown and belonging to the genus Stylaster. We, therefore, describe Stylaster tritoni sp. nov., representing the first record of the genus in the Red Sea. Lastly, the phylogenetic position of the species within the Stylasteridae was evaluated, revealing a close relationship with shallow-water Indo-Pacific and Western Atlantic Stylaster species and confirming the polyphyletic nature of the genus Stylaster

    The First Deep-Sea Stylasterid (Hydrozoa, Stylasteridae) of the Red Sea

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    The Stylasteridae, commonly known as lace corals, is a family of colonial calcifying hydrozoans mostly inhabiting deep waters. Stylasterids show a cosmopolitan distribution but, in some areas, they are characterized by low species diversity, such as in the Red Sea, where only a shallow-water species has been reported so far. With this work, we provide the first evidence of a deep-sea stylasterid inhabiting the NEOM region in the northern Saudi Arabian Red Sea, at depths ranging between 166 and 492 m. Morphological examinations revealed that this species was previously unknown and belonging to the genus Stylaster. We, therefore, describe Stylaster tritoni sp. nov., representing the first record of the genus in the Red Sea. Lastly, the phylogenetic position of the species within the Stylasteridae was evaluated, revealing a close relationship with shallow-water Indo-Pacific and Western Atlantic Stylaster species and confirming the polyphyletic nature of the genus Stylaster

    Low diversity and abundance of predatory fishes in a peripheral coral reef ecosystem

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    Abstract Semi‐enclosed seas are often associated with elevated local threats and distinct biogeographic patterns among marine fishes, but our understanding of how fish assemblage dynamics vary in relation to relatively small semi‐enclosed seas (e.g., the Gulf of Aqaba) remains limited. Baited remote underwater video surveys (n = 111) were conducted across ~300 km of coral reef habitats in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea. A total of 55 predatory fish species were detected, with less than half of all species (n = 23) observed in both basins. Relative abundance patterns between the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea were variable among taxa, but nearly twice as many predatory fish were observed per unit of effort in the northern Red Sea. In general, assemblages in both basins were dominated by three taxa (Epinephelinae, Carangidae, and Lethrinidae). Large‐bodied and threatened species were recorded at very low abundances. Multivariate analysis revealed distinct assemblage structuring of coral reef predators between the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea. Most of the species driving these differences were recorded in both basins, but occurred at varying levels of abundance. Environmental factors were largely unsuccessful in explaining variation in assemblage structuring. These findings indicate that biological assemblages in the Gulf of Aqaba are more distinct than previously reported and that reef fish assemblage structuring can occur even within a relatively small semi‐enclosed sea. Despite inter‐basin assemblage structuring, the overall low abundance of vulnerable fish species is suggestive of overexploitation in both the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern Red Sea of Saudi Arabia. As the region surveyed is currently undergoing large‐scale coastal development, the results presented herein aim to guide spatial management and recovery plans for these coral reef systems in relation to this development

    First record of Boulenger's anthias Sacura boulengeri (Heemstra 1973) in the Red Sea

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    In November 2020, we observed several individuals and collected one juvenile of an unidentified anthiadine fish (Serranidae) between depths of 250 and 307 m near vertical walls of rocky reefs in the northern Red Sea. Further morphological and molecular analyses revealed that the collected specimen matches Sacura boulengeri, a species previously reported only from the Gulf of Oman to India

    A Red Sea Depth Record of the Coral-Dwelling Crab Opecarcinus (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae) in the Mesophotic Zone

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    Coral-dwelling gall crabs (Cryptochiridae) are obligate symbionts of stony corals and occur on shallow and deep reefs across the tropical belt. The circumtropical genus Opecarcinus associates with Agariciidae corals, a dominant component of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs). Here, we report the first Red Sea mesophotic record, with 89 m as the deepest record to date, for Opecarcinus—collected from Leptoseris cf mycetoseroides—from the NEOM marine area in Saudi Arabia. This observation reconfirms the depth range flexibility of Opecarcinus species and highlights the need for further mesophotic explorations of reef-associated fauna

    From the shallow to the mesophotic: a characterization of Symbiodiniaceae diversity in the Red Sea NEOM region

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    IntroductionThe northern Red Sea has been coined a refuge for reef corals due to the exceptional thermal tolerance of these organisms. With ocean warming threatening coral reefs worldwide, a panoptic characterization of corals living in extreme conditions may provide insights into future responses of corals to environmental change. Among other factors, the genotype of the endosymbiotic algae in the family Symbiodiniaceae has been shown to have major implications on the distribution and resilience of their coral hosts. In this study, we aim at genotyping the Symbiodiniaceae communities associated with three depth generalist and one depth specialist coral species, characterized by the ability to withstand environmental conditions that are apparently limiting for other corals and occurring in a unique geographical region. MethodsWe sampled 50 corals from the northern Saudi Arabian Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, covering a 97 m bathymetric gradient. We used high-throughput ITS2 gene sequencing and recovered different patterns of host-algal associations. Results and discussionThe majority of the recovered algal genotypes appeared host- and environment-specific, while others were more widely distributed. At large, coral specimens were overwhelmingly associated with symbionts from the genus Cladocopium and specifically with many previously undescribed genotypes. This suggests the selection of specific genotypes, which might confer resistance and/or resilience to their host counterparts. Interestingly, we found a limited association with Durusdinium spp. and other known tolerant taxa in mesophotic corals in the northern Red Sea, but not in the Gulf of Aqaba. The broad absence of Durusdinium spp., typically ascribed to be stress tolerant, warrants further investigation into Symbiodiniaceae species that convey environmental resilience. Our data will serve as a baseline to explore the occurrence of specific symbionts that might be contributing to coral acclimation and adaptation and to assay how biodiversity might be impacted if subjected to increasing stressors