1,954 research outputs found

    Correlations of near-infrared, optical and X-ray luminosity for early-type galaxies

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    The relation between X-ray luminosity and near-infrared luminosity for early-type galaxies has been examined. Near-infrared (NIR) luminosities should provide a superior measure of stellar mass compared to optical luminosities used in previous studies, especially if there is significant star-formation or dust present in the galaxies. However, we show that the X-ray-NIR relations are remarkably consistent with the X-ray-optical relations. This indicates that the large scatter of the relations is dominated by scatter in the X-ray properties of early-type galaxies, and is consistent with early-types consisting of old, quiescent stellar populations. We have investigated scatter in terms of environment, surface brightness profile, Mg2, H_beta, H_gamma line strength indices, spectroscopic age, and nuclear H_alpha emission. We found that galaxies with high Mg2 index, low H_beta and H_gamma indices or a `core' profile have a large scatter in Lx, whereas galaxies with low Mg2, high H_beta and H_gamma indices or `power-law' profiles, generally have Lx<10^41 erg/s. There is no clear trend in the scatter with environment or nuclear H_alpha emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 22 pages, 15 figure

    Preponderance of Late-spiking Neurons in Rat Lateral Amygdala

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    Whole-cell recordings from rat lateral amygdala (LA) revealed two populations of principal neurons, that have similar pyramid-like morphologies but differing in firing pattern: late-spiking (LS, 66%) and regular-spiking (RS, 34%). The presence of large numbers of LS neurons arguably supports recent suggestions that the LA should be considered to be a functional extension of perirhinal cortex

    Properties of Trapped Electrons

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    The current experimental evidence relating to absorption spectra, spontaneous decay and photo-bleaching of electrons trapped in non-ionic media is reviewed and the present state of the trapped electron theories which have been applied to these systems is discussed. Localised molecular orbital studies are performed on the hydrogen bonding interaction and the results are discussed in relation to present semicontinuum theories. The relevance of photoionisation spectra to trapped electron absorption in ice is investigated by considering the sensitivity of spectral features to well parameters for some simple potentials. The spontaneous short term decay of electrons at low temperature is investigated by means of a tunneling model which incorporates electron-scaven-ger distribution features. Electron-parent cation distributions are also considered and the results discussed in relation to the 'spur' model. A general photobleaching scheme is presented and quantum efficiencies are evaluated for ice and two organic media. In the former the wavelength dependence is reproduced by means of a mobile electron capture model whilst in the latter, bleaching by means of tunneling from long lived excited states is considered

    The millisecond pulsar mass distribution: Evidence for bimodality and constraints on the maximum neutron star mass

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    The mass function of neutron stars (NSs) contains information about the late evolution of massive stars, the supernova explosion mechanism, and the equation-of-state of cold, nuclear matter beyond the nuclear saturation density. A number of recent NS mass measurements in binary millisecond pulsar (MSP) systems increase the fraction of massive NSs (with M>1.8M > 1.8 M⊙_{\odot}) to ∼20%\sim 20\% of the observed population. In light of these results, we employ a Bayesian framework to revisit the MSP mass distribution. We find that a single Gaussian model does not sufficiently describe the observed population. We test alternative empirical models and infer that the MSP mass distribution is strongly asymmetric. The diversity in spin and orbital properties of high-mass NSs suggests that this is most likely not a result of the recycling process, but rather reflects differences in the NS birth masses. The asymmetry is best accounted for by a bimodal distribution with a low mass component centred at 1.393−0.029+0.0311.393_{-0.029}^{+0.031} M⊙_{\odot} and dispersed by 0.064−0.025+0.0640.064_{-0.025}^{+0.064} M⊙_{\odot}, and a high-mass component with a mean of 1.807−0.132+0.0811.807_{-0.132}^{+0.081} and a dispersion of 0.177−0.072+0.1150.177_{-0.072}^{+0.115} M⊙_{\odot}. We also establish a lower limit of Mmax≥2.018M_{max} \ge 2.018 M⊙_{\odot} at 98% C.L. for the maximum NS mass, from the absence of a high-mass truncation in the observed masses. Using our inferred model, we find that the measurement of 350 MSP masses, expected after the conclusion of pulsar surveys with the Square-Kilometre Array, can result in a precise localization of a maximum mass up to 2.15 M⊙_{\odot}, with a 5% accuracy. Finally, we identify possible massive NSs within the known pulsar population and discuss birth masses of MSPs.Comment: submitted to ApJ; 21 pages in aastex6 two-column format, 12 figures, 5 tables. Comments are welcom

    Yawning and Stretching Predict Brain Temperature Changes in Rats: Support for the Thermoregulatory Hypothesis

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    Recent research suggests that yawning is an adaptive behavior that functions to promote brain thermoregulation among homeotherms. To explore the relationship between brain temperature and yawning we implanted thermocoupled probes in the frontal cortex of rats to measure brain temperature before, during and after yawning. Temperature recordings indicate that yawns and stretches occurred during increases in brain temperature, with brain temperatures being restored to baseline following the execution of each of these behaviors. The circulatory changes that accompany yawning and stretching may explain some of the thermal similarities surrounding these events. These results suggest that yawning and stretching may serve to maintain brain thermal homeostasis

    Effect of reheating on predictions following multiple-field inflation

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    We study the sensitivity of cosmological observables to the reheating phase following inflation driven by many scalar fields. We describe a method which allows semi-analytic treatment of the impact of perturbative reheating on cosmological perturbations using the sudden decay approximation. Focusing on N\mathcal{N}-quadratic inflation, we show how the scalar spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio are affected by the rates at which the scalar fields decay into radiation. We find that for certain choices of decay rates, reheating following multiple-field inflation can have a significant impact on the prediction of cosmological observables.Comment: Published in PRD. 4 figures, 10 page

    Automated generation of heuristics for biological sequence comparison

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    BACKGROUND: Exhaustive methods of sequence alignment are accurate but slow, whereas heuristic approaches run quickly, but their complexity makes them more difficult to implement. We introduce bounded sparse dynamic programming (BSDP) to allow rapid approximation to exhaustive alignment. This is used within a framework whereby the alignment algorithms are described in terms of their underlying model, to allow automated development of efficient heuristic implementations which may be applied to a general set of sequence comparison problems. RESULTS: The speed and accuracy of this approach compares favourably with existing methods. Examples of its use in the context of genome annotation are given. CONCLUSIONS: This system allows rapid implementation of heuristics approximating to many complex alignment models, and has been incorporated into the freely available sequence alignment program, exonerate
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