4 research outputs found

    SDSS J0349-0059 is a GW Virginis star

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    High speed photometric observations of the spectroscopically-discovered PG 1159 star SDSS J034917.41-005917.9 in 2007 and 2009 reveal a suite of pulsation frequencies in the range of 1038 - 3323 microHz with amplitudes between 3.5 and 18.6 mmag. SDSS J034917.41-005917.9 is therefore a member of the GW Vir class of pulsating pre-white dwarfs. We have identified 10 independent pulsation frequencies that can be fitted by an asymptotic model with a constant period spacing of 23.61 +/- 0.21 s, presumably associated with a sequence of l = 1 modes. The highest amplitude peak in the suite of frequencies shows evidence for a triplet structure, with a frequency separation of 14.4 microHz. Five of the identified frequencies do not fit the l = 1 sequence, but are, however, well-modeled by an independent asymptotic sequence with a constant period spacing of 11.66 +/- 0.13 s. It is unclear to which l mode these frequencies belong.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 5 pages, 6 figures and 4 table

    On the spin modulated circular polarization from the intermediate polars NY Lup and IGRJ1509-6649

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    We report on high time resolution, high signal/noise, photo-polarimetry of the intermediate polars NY Lup and IGRJ1509-6649. Our observations confirm the detection and colour dependence of circular polarization from NY Lup and additionally show a clear white dwarf, spin modulated signal. From our new high signal/noise photometry we have unambiguously detected wavelength dependent spin and beat periods and harmonics thereof. IGRJ1509-6649 is discovered to also have a particularly strong spin modulated circularly polarized signal. It appears double peaked through the I filter and single peaked through the B filter, consistent with cyclotron emission from a white dwarf with a relatively strong magnetic field. We discuss the implied accretion geometries in these two systems and any bearing this may have on the possible relationship with the connection between polars and soft X-ray-emitting IPs. The relatively strong magnetic fields is also suggestive of them being polar progenitors.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Possible detection of two giant extrasolar planets orbiting the eclipsing polar UZ Fornacis

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    We present new high-speed, multi-observatory, multi-instrument photometry of the eclipsing polar UZ For in order to measure precise mid-eclipse times with the aim of detecting any orbital period variations. When combined with published eclipse times and archival data spanning ~27 years, we detect departures from a linear and quadratic trend of ~60 s. The departures are strongly suggestive of two cyclic variations of 16(3) and 5.25(25) years. The two favoured mechanisms to drive the periodicities are either two giant extrasolar planets as companions to the binary (with minimum masses of 6.3(1.5)M(Jupiter) and 7.7(1.2)M(Jupiter)) or a magnetic cycle mechanism (e.g. Applegate's mechanism) of the secondary star. Applegate's mechanism would require the entire radiant energy output of the secondary and would therefore seem to be the least likely of the two, barring any further refinements in the effect of magnetic fieilds (e.g. those of Lanza et al.). The two planet model can provide realistic solutions but it does not quite capture all of the eclipse times measurements. A highly eccentric orbit for the outer planet would fit the data nicely, but we find that such a solution would be unstable. It is also possible that the periodicities are driven by some combination of both mechanisms. Further observations of this system are encouraged.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    High speed photometry of faint Cataclysmic Variables - VII. Targets selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey

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    We present high speed photometric observations of 20 faint cataclysmic variables, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Catalina catalogues. Measurements are given of 15 new directly measured orbital periods, including four eclipsing dwarf novae (SDSS0904+03, CSS0826-00, CSS1404-10 and CSS1626-12), two new polars (CSS0810+00 and CSS1503-22) and two dwarf novae with superhumps in quiescence (CSS0322+02 and CSS0826-00). Whilst most of the dwarf novae presented here have periods below 2 h, SDSS0805+07 and SSS0617-36 have relatively long orbital periods of 5.489 and 3.440 h, respectively. The double humped orbital modulations observed in SSS0221-26, CSS0345-01, CSS1300+11 and CSS1443-17 are typical of low mass transfer rate dwarf novae. The white dwarf primary of SDSS0919+08 is confirmed to have non-radial oscillations and quasi-periodic oscillations were observed in the short-period dwarf nova CSS1028-08 during outburst. We further report the detection of a new nova-like variable (SDSS1519+06). The frequency distribution of orbital periods of CVs in the Catalina survey has a high peak near ~80 min orbital period, independently confirming that found by Gaensicke et al (2009) from SDSS sources. We also observe a marked correlation between the median in the orbital period distribution and the outburst class, in the sense that dwarf novae with a single observed outburst (over the 5-year baseline of the CRTS coverage) occur predominantly at shortest orbital period.Comment: 17 pages, 38 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA