19 research outputs found

    Mercury Contents in the Liver, Kidneys and Hair of Domestic Cats from the Warsaw Metropolitan Area

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    Mercury is a highly toxic element subject to bioaccumulation, increasing its harmful effects on living organisms over time. In the present study, total mercury contents were determined in the liver, kidneys and hair of cats from Warsaw and its suburban areas. The study took into account the influence of the age, sex and living conditions of the animals. Samples were obtained between 2014 and 2016, and mercury contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The average mercury concentrations in the tissues studied were 0.025, 0.026 and 0.030 mg∙kg−1 in the hair, kidneys and livers of the individuals tested, respectively. Higher values were recorded in animals from the city area, and an increase in this metal with the age of the cats was also found. The average contents of mercury in the tissues studied were within the range of the recommended reference values, which in this case indicates low environmental exposure of animals to mercury

    The Total Mercury Concentration in Organs of Eurasian Magpies (<i>Pica pica</i>) and Common Woodpigeons (<i>Columba palumbus</i>) from the Warsaw Municipal Area

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    Mercury is a toxic element widely distributed in the natural environment, affecting animals’ health. It is released into the environment from both natural and anthropogenic sources. The present study analyzed the mercury concentrations in liver, kidney, heart and muscle tissue in two species of birds from the Warsaw area, which were used as bioindicators of local environmental pollution with this metal. The mercury content in the examined samples was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) utilizing automatic mercury analyzer type AMA 254. The highest mercury content was found in the body of Eurasian magpies, in which it was 0.025; 0.021; 0.006; 0.0037 and 0.029 mg kg−1 of tissue wet weight for kidney, liver, heart, thigh muscles and pectoral muscles, respectively. In the case of common woodpigeons, the content of this metal was significantly lower, amounting to 0.007; 0.005; 0.002; 0.001 and 0.001 mg∙kg−1 wet weight for kidney, liver, heart, thigh muscles and pectoral muscles, respectively. In light of data from the available literature, the values obtained should be considered low, not causing a risk to animal health. The results obtained indicate low environmental exposure to this element

    The Total Mercury Concentration in Organs of Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica) and Common Woodpigeons (Columba palumbus) from the Warsaw Municipal Area

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    Mercury is a toxic element widely distributed in the natural environment, affecting animals&rsquo; health. It is released into the environment from both natural and anthropogenic sources. The present study analyzed the mercury concentrations in liver, kidney, heart and muscle tissue in two species of birds from the Warsaw area, which were used as bioindicators of local environmental pollution with this metal. The mercury content in the examined samples was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) utilizing automatic mercury analyzer type AMA 254. The highest mercury content was found in the body of Eurasian magpies, in which it was 0.025; 0.021; 0.006; 0.0037 and 0.029 mg kg&minus;1 of tissue wet weight for kidney, liver, heart, thigh muscles and pectoral muscles, respectively. In the case of common woodpigeons, the content of this metal was significantly lower, amounting to 0.007; 0.005; 0.002; 0.001 and 0.001 mg&#8729;kg&minus;1 wet weight for kidney, liver, heart, thigh muscles and pectoral muscles, respectively. In light of data from the available literature, the values obtained should be considered low, not causing a risk to animal health. The results obtained indicate low environmental exposure to this element

    Concentrations of zinc, cadmium and lead in the hoof horn of the European bison (Bison bonasus bonasus) / Zawartość cynku, kadmu i ołowiu w ścianie rogowej racicy żubra Europejskiego (Bison bonasus bonasus)

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    Celem pracy była ocena zawartości cynku, kadmu i ołowiu w ścianie rogu racicy żubra pochodzącego z Puszczy Białowieskiej. Materiałem badawczym były próby racic pobrane od zwierząt podczas corocznej eliminacji. Zwierzęta podzielono na grupy w zależności od płci (samce i samice). Zawartość metali określano za pomocą spektrometrii mas z jonizacją w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (ICP-MS). Średnie stężenia metali w ścianie racicy wynosiły: 114,1; 0,15 i 0,45 mg·kg-1 suchej masy odpowiednio dla cynku, kadmu i ołowiu. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotną zależność (p ≤ 0,05) między zawartością cynku i ołowiu w badanym materiale. Nie odnotowano różnic statystycznych w zawartości metali w zależności od płci zwierząt. Można stwierdzić, że zawartość cynku, kadmu i ołowiu w ścianie rogowej racicy żubrów z terenu Puszczy Białowieskiej znajduje się w zakresie wartości referencyjnych ustalonych dla okrywy włosowej innych gatunków zwierząt kopytnyc

    Sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment

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    The economic, environmental and social development should not degrade the environment but it should leave it for the next generations in the state that it is presently or even better. The principle of sustainable agriculture is to cover the human needs for food without damage to the environment. The aim of the article was to research the farmers’ awareness of the principle of sustainable agriculture and balanced fertilization and their influence on the environment. Among 100 farmers of the Tczew district (Poland) there was done questionnaire research on the determination rates of nitrogen fertilizers and on the regulation of fertilizers usage in Poland. Most of farmers declared a good knowledge of good agricultural practices and of balanced fertilization and the awareness of threats issuing from their activities. At the same time in Poland since the announcement of the Nitrate Directive of the former European Common Market (1992) up till now (2013) the application of nitrogen fertilizers doubled and the yield of wheat increased only by 15%, which means the increase of environmental burden with this chemical element

    Influence of farming technology on bioaccumulation of calcium, magnesium and sodium in muscle tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) / Wpływ technologii chowu na biokumulację wapnia, magnezu i sodu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)

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    Polska należy do krajów o ograniczonych zasobach wodnych, w których wskazana jest oszczędność wody m.in. poprzez doskonalenie metod produkcji rybackiej o zmniejszonym zużyciu wody. Celem pracy było określenie wpływu jakości wody oraz technologii chowu na biokumulację wapnia, magnezu i sodu w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczowego. Badania przeprowadzono wiosną i jesienią 2011 roku w 2 gospodarstwach pstrągowych z województwa pomorskiego stosujących odmienne technologie chowu: z jednokrotnym przepływem wody oraz z systemem recyrkulacji wody. W badanych obiektach technologia chowu miała istotny wpływ na stężenie magnezu i sodu w wodach odpadowych, natomiast nie miała wpływu na zawartość badanych metali w tkance mięśniowej pstrąga tęczoweg

    Sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment

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    The economic, environmental and social development should not degrade the environment but it should leave it for the next generations in the state that it is presently or even better. The principle of sustainable agriculture is to cover the human needs for food without damage to the environment. The aim of the article was to research the farmers’ awareness of the principle of sustainable agriculture and balanced fertilization and their influence on the environment. Among 100 farmers of the Tczew district (Poland) there was done questionnaire research on the determination rates of nitrogen fertilizers and on the regulation of fertilizers usage in Poland. Most of farmers declared a good knowledge of good agricultural practices and of balanced fertilization and the awareness of threats issuing from their activities. At the same time in Poland since the announcement of the Nitrate Directive of the former European Common Market (1992) up till now (2013) the application of nitrogen fertilizers doubled and the yield of wheat increased only by 15%, which means the increase of environmental burden with this chemical element

    Cytocompatibility of Graphene Monolayer and Its Impact on Focal Cell Adhesion, Mitochondrial Morphology and Activity in BALB/3T3 Fibroblasts

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    This study investigates the effect of graphene scaffold on morphology, viability, cytoskeleton, focal contacts, mitochondrial network morphology and activity in BALB/3T3 fibroblasts and provides new data on biocompatibility of the “graphene-family nanomaterials”. We used graphene monolayer applied onto glass cover slide by electrochemical delamination method and regular glass cover slide, as a reference. The morphology of fibroblasts growing on graphene was unaltered, and the cell viability was 95% compared to control cells on non-coated glass slide. There was no significant difference in the cell size (spreading) between both groups studied. Graphene platform significantly increased BALB/3T3 cell mitochondrial activity (WST-8 test) compared to glass substrate. To demonstrate the variability in focal contacts pattern, the effect of graphene on vinculin was examined, which revealed a significant increase in focal contact size comparing to control-glass slide. There was no disruption in mitochondrial network morphology, which was branched and well connected in relation to the control group. Evaluation of the JC-1 red/green fluorescence intensity ratio revealed similar levels of mitochondrial membrane potential in cells growing on graphene-coated and uncoated slides. These results indicate that graphene monolayer scaffold is cytocompatible with connective tissue cells examined and could be beneficial for tissue engineering therapy