14 research outputs found

    Selected anthropometric indices of maritime university students

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    Background: Overweight and obesity during working life are becoming an increasingly serious challenge to various professional groups where recruits and personnel must be healthy and fit. Marine recruitment, even at the training stage, should be open to applicants who meet health and fitness criteria. The objective of the study is to determine the overweight and adiposity rates among seafarer candidates (n = 368). Based on anthropometric measurements and somatic indices the extent of obesity among marine students/ /future seafarers was investigated. Materials and methods: In the groups identified according to the year of study, arithmetic averages (SD — standard deviation) were calculated for somatometric characteristics, and were then used to analyse the phenomena of overweight and obesity. The comparison was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) by ranks. Results: The highest average body mass index (BMI) score was found in fourth-year students (mean BMI 25.7 ± 2.8). The average BMI for years one and two was in the upper range of ‘healthy’ weight. In 24.0% of first-year students and 32.2% of second-year students, the waist circumference was higher than half of the body height. Body fat percentage results indicate that this feature is highly variable, with a strong upward trend. Conclusions: Findings regarding overweight among future seamen give cause for concern. The participants of the study were characterised by excessive weight and adiposity. Recruitment criteria for uniformed services are not as restrictive as they used to be, as it is getting increasingly more difficult to find sufficiently slim and fit applicants

    Dependence Between Age at Menarche, Body Composition and Selected Somatic Indices

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse age at menarche in Tanzanian girls for associations with body composition and selected somatic indices. The study included 97 girls (71 post-menarche and 26 pre-menarche). Measurements were taken of: body height, body weight, waist and hip circumferences. Body composition was measured: percentages of H2O, fat, and muscle mass in the body. The girls’ nutritional status and body fat distribution were assessed according to the following somatic indices: BMI, WHR (Waist-to-Hip Ratio) and WHtR (Waist–to–Height Ratio). For the post-menarcheal group n=71, backward stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed. Age at menarche calculated using the recall method n=71 amounted to X=14.29 years, calendar age X=15.92 years. More than half (57.69%) of the girls before menarche had not reached the body weight of >48kg, whereas in the post-menarche group they accounted for 32.39%. As many as 97.18% of the post-menarche girls had body fat content of >22% , compared to 88.46% among the pre-menarche group. According to BMI, 74.65% of post-menarche girls had healthy weight, and 73.08% in the pre-menarche group. There were no significant differences in WHR or WHtR. It may indicate similar fat distribution in girls prior to menarche, as well as those who already menstruate. The analysis shows that the onset of menstruation is not strictly dependent on reaching a critical point in body weight or body composition

    Changes in the body build of students of the Maritime University of Szczecin in the years 1969–2007

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    Background: Changes in the human body build over the last century refer to greater and greater body heightbut also to the “plague” of obesity in the period of the last 30 years. The secular trend and excessiveweight gain being observed in societies of rich and developing countries is global in nature. Students ofacademies that traditionally prepare for working at sea on ships have been required until recently to be ofvery good health and physical fitness. Changes in the body build, particularly obesity, may interfere withthe selection of candidates for the profession of seaman in the near future.Aim: The aim of this study is to characterise the body build of students of the Maritime University of Szczecin.The results of the author’s own research from 2006 and 2007 were compared with those of similaranthropometric studies being published in the literature from previous years (1969–2007).Materials and methods: The author’s own research material consisted of a group of students of the MaritimeUniversity of Szczecin (n = 171). Anthropometric measurements (body height, body weight, andwaist, hip, and arm circumferences) were made in 2006 and 2007. Based on these anthropometric data,the body mass index and the Rohrer’s index were calculated. Arithmetic means, standard deviations, andrange of variation (min–max) were calculated for all anthropometric measurements and somatic indicesand compared with the results from previous years (1969–2007).Results and Conclusions: During the analysed years 1969–2007, the examined students of the MaritimeUniversity of Szczecin showed increasing body height and, worryingly, rising body weight and waist andhip circumferences. This is evidence of visceral fatness, which is dangerous for health and increases therisk of cardiovascular diseases. One of the reasons for the changes in the body build is decreasing motoractivity. The increases in the traits being analysed were not steady over time; larger increases in bodyheight occurred in the years of the more stable socio-economic situation in Poland

    Dependence Between Age at Menarche, Body Composition and Selected Somatic Indices

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse age at menarche in Tanzanian girls for associations with body composition and selected somatic indices. The study included 97 girls (71 post-menarche and 26 pre-menarche). Measurements were taken of: body height, body weight, waist and hip circumferences. Body composition was measured: percentages of H2O, fat, and muscle mass in the body. The girls’ nutritional status and body fat distribution were assessed according to the following somatic indices: BMI, WHR (Waist-to-Hip Ratio) and WHtR (Waist–to–Height Ratio). For the post-menarcheal group n=71, backward stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed. Age at menarche calculated using the recall method n=71 amounted to X=14.29 years, calendar age X=15.92 years. More than half (57.69%) of the girls before menarche had not reached the body weight of >48kg, whereas in the post-menarche group they accounted for 32.39%. As many as 97.18% of the post-menarche girls had body fat content of >22% , compared to 88.46% among the pre-menarche group. According to BMI, 74.65% of post-menarche girls had healthy weight, and 73.08% in the pre-menarche group. There were no significant differences in WHR or WHtR. It may indicate similar fat distribution in girls prior to menarche, as well as those who already menstruate. The analysis shows that the onset of menstruation is not strictly dependent on reaching a critical point in body weight or body composition

    Body Mass Index (nutritional status) and concentrations of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn, K, Na in the hair of young men from Tanzania

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    Background: Excess body weight has become a problem of a medical, social and cultural nature that affects a large share of the populations in nearly all countries worldwide. Little is known about the relationship between the concentrations of mineral levels in hair vs. body weight in Africans. The aim of this study was to examine the correlations between the concentrations of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn, K, and Na in hair vs. body weight in young men from Tanzania. Methods: The participants were young men (aged 16.60 ± 1.92) from Tanzania (n = 91). Concentrations of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn, K and Na in hair were measured and assessed for correlations between the levels of these trace elements and in underweight and normal weight. Results: A statistically significant relationship of moderate intensity was found between Cu vs. body weight, BMI, Ca, Zn, Fe. Backward stepwise regression analysis for the whole group indicates that the variables included account for 27% (adjusted R2 = 0.27) of the variation in BMI. All the variables included in the equation account for 22% of BMI variation in participants with normal body weight, and for 26% in underweight participants. Conclusions: Analysis of mineral concentrations in hair can help uncover nutritional deficiencies. It can be particularly useful in studying isolated or remote communities. Expanding the body of knowledge on the influence of mineral concentrations on body weight may contribute to halting global weight gain, which is a multi-faceted and seemingly unstoppable phenomenon at the moment.Nadmierna masa ciała jest obecnie problemem medycznym, społecznym, kulturowym, dużej części mieszkańców niemal wszystkich krajów. Mało jest badań o zależności pomiędzy zawartością pierwiastków w organizmie człowieka a masą ciała (stanem odżywienia) wśród ludności afrykańskiej. Celem prezentowanych badań było zbadanie współzależności między zawartością pierwiastków: Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn, K i Na we włosach a masą ciała u młodych mężczyzn z Tanzanii. Badani to młodzi mężczyźni (16.60 ±1.92 lat) z Tanzanii. Oznaczono zawartość Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Zn, K i Na we włosach i zbadano stopień korelacji pomiędzy zawartością analizowanych pierwiastków a kategorią BMI. Istotną statystycznie zależność, o średnim natężeniu wykazywała Cu vs. masy ciała, BMI, Ca, Zn, Fe. Wszystkie zmienne uwzględnione w równaniu regresji w 22% wyjaśniły zmienność BMI w grupie osobników o prawidłowej masie ciała, a w 26% dla badanych z niedowagą. Analiza zawartości pierwiastków we włosach może być cennym źródłem istotnych informacji o niedoborach żywieniowych lub nieprawidłowym odżywianiu. Uzupełnienie informacji o wpływie zawartości pierwiastków na masę ciała, może pomóc zapobiec globalnemu tyciu, które jest zjawiskiem wielowątkowym i trudnym obecnie do zahamowania

    A meta-analysis of genetic and environmental factors impacting on obesity

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    Background: excess body weight in the populations of both developed and developing countries has been a health, social and economic issue for more than 30 years. The causes of overweight and obesity are complex and rooted in many different factors. The reasons why people gain weight need to be explored to prevent obesity-related diseases, to improve the quality of life and health status in the populations. Aim: to discuss genetic and environmental factors impacting on obesity. Materials and methods: a literature-based meta-analysis. Results: various factors contributing to excessive weight gain need to be explored; obesity prevention measures should include health-promoting education, changing eating habits in families as well as recipes and menu options in catering, and also by encouraging sports activity at every ontogenetic stage. Patients with genetic susceptibility to obesity should be supported in prophylaxis through education, elimination measures (diet) and the necessary pharmacological management so that they can remain active and independent for as long as possible. Conclusions: overweight and obesity are now a global problem. In only two generations, health complications due to excess adiposity have become hard to ignore. The process is parallel to the progress of civilisation, with the related stress, processed food, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep. Today, people have access to many modern conveniences in everyday life, and therefore more time for leisure, but still, maintaining normal (healthy) weight is becoming increasingly difficult.Tło: nadmierna masa ciała mieszkańców państw rozwiniętych i rozwijających się jest problemem zdrowotnym, społecznym i ekonomicznym od ponad 30 lat. Przyczyny nadwagi i otyłości są złożone i mają niejedno podłoże. Należy szukać powodów tycia w celu zapobiegania chorobom powiązanych z otyłością, aby podnieść jakość życia i stan zdrowia społeczeństw. Cel: omówienie czynników genetycznych i środowiskowych mających wpływ na otyłość. Materiał i metoda: metaanaliza na podstawie piśmiennictwa. Wyniki: należy szukać przyczyn nadmiernego tycia na różnych aspektach; zapobiegać otyłości poprzez informację prozdrowotną, zmianę nawyków żywieniowych w rodzinach, w żywieniu zbiorowym, a także zachęcać do działań prosportowych na każdym etapie ontogenezy. Pacjentów z otyłością uwarunkowaną genetycznie należy wspierać w profilaktyce poprzez edukację, działania eliminacyjne (dieta) i konieczne leczenie farmakologiczne, tak aby chorzy jak najdłużej byli aktywni i samodzielni. Podsumowanie: nadwaga i otyłość to obecnie problem ogólnoświatowy. Zaledwie w ciągu dwóch pokoleń notuje się powikłania zdrowotne z powodu nadmiernego otłuszczenia. Proces ten jest równoległy z rozwojem cywilizacyjnym, związanym z nim stresem, przetworzoną żywnością, brakiem ruchu, zbyt małą ilością snu. Obecnie ludzie dysponują technicznymi udogodnieniami w życiu codziennym, a przez to mają więcej wolnego czasu, a mimo to utrzymanie prawidłowej (zdrowej) masy ciała jest coraz trudniejsze

    Body satisfaction versus anthropometric and lifestyle characteristics in secondary school youth in a three-year study

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    Background. The current trend for a slim body has spread to all age groups and social strata. It is necessary to monitor health- and eating-related behaviours among young people to counteract bad eating habits. Aim. To examine body satisfaction taking into account anthropometrics and physical activity data in high-school youth over the course of a three-year study. Material & Methods. Anthropological examinations on the same high-school students were conducted in: 2014, 2015, 2016 – always in September. The parameters measured included: body weight, body height (B-v), waist and hip circumference. Somatic indices were calculated: BMI, WHR, Rohrer’s index. The study also included a questionnaire with questions about the number of hours of physical activity per week, the length of time in training in a given sports discipline, self-assessment of body satisfaction and eating habits. Results. For both girls and boys the intensity of physical exercise declined year by year. The potential reason may be that the young people got to know one another after the first year and did not feel compelled to work on their body (to appear more attractive). As many as 56% of girls were not satisfied with their body in first grade and 71% of boys. In the two subsequent years, dissatisfaction rates dropped for both sexes. Conclusions. There is a need for health-promoting programmes so that young people can learn about the principles of nutrition and not experiment with excessive dietingTło. Współczesna moda na szczupłą sylwetkę przenika do wszystkich grup społecznych w każdym wieku. Monitorowanie zachowań zdrowotnych i żywieniowych wśród młodzieży jest niezbędne, aby przeciwdziałać złym nawykom żywieniowym. Cel. Zbadanie zadowolenia z własnej sylwetki przy uwzględnieniu antropometrii i aktywności ruchowej u młodzieży licealnej w ciągu trzech lat badań. Materiał & Metoda. Badania antropologiczne u tej samej młodzieży licealnej zostały wykonane w 2014, 2015, 2016 roku – zawsze we wrześniu. Zmierzono: masę ciała, wysokość ciała (B-v), obwód pasa i bioder. Wyliczono wskaźniki somatyczne: BMI, WHR, wskaźnik Rohrera. Pytania ankietowe dotyczyły liczby godzin aktywności fizycznej w tygodniu, jak długo trenuje uczeń podaną dyscyplinę sportową, ocena zadowolenia z własnej sylwetki, wywiad dotyczący nawyków żywieniowych. Wyniki. U dziewcząt i chłopców intensywność ćwiczeń fizycznych z roku na rok spadała. Być może dlatego, że młodzież się poznała po pierwszym roku i już nie chciała pracować nad sylwetką (dla większej atrakcyjności). Aż 56% dziewcząt nie było zadowolonych w I klasie ze swojej sylwetki i 71% chłopców. W dwóch kolejnych latach nauki odsetek niezadowolonych obniżył się u obu płci. Podsumowanie. Konieczne jest wdrażanie programów prozdrowotnych, aby młodzi ludzie poznali zasady żywieniowe i nie eksperymentowali z przesadnym kontrolowaniem masy ciała

    Concentrations of Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, P and anthropometric and biochemical parameters in adults with chronic heart failure

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    Background The study investigated the relationship between the concentrations of Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, P and anthropometric and biochemical parameters in the blood serum of patients with heart failure (HF) and the potential influence on the development and progression of HF. Material & methods The study included 214 patients (155 men and 59 women), aged 40–87 years, presenting symptoms or signs typical of HF (according to the NYHA functional classification). Serum concentrations were determined for Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, P, C-reactive protein (CRP), creatinine, urea, triglyceride levels (TG), total cholesterol (CH), high density protein (HDL), low density protein (LDL). The levels of macro-and microminerals were analysed using inductively coupled serum optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Results Our study confirmed the role of known risk factors in the development of heart failure, including: overweight, diabetes, hypertension, high triglycerides (TG), high total cholesterol (CH), high levels of low density protein (LDL) and reduced levels of high density protein (HDL), high CRP, high creatinine. Moreover, deficient serum concentrations of Mg (47% of the studied men and 54% of the women) and Cu (in 44% of men and more than 30% of women) were observed, as well as subnormal serum Fe (2% of women) and Zn (1% of men). Elevated serum Ca was found in 50% of men and 49% of women. In 44% of the studied men and 52% of the studied women, P levels in serum were also above-average. The study revealed a significant positive correlation between serum levels of Ca and Mg, and also Ca and Cu in women. In men, serum Cu was positively correlated with Mg and Ca concentrations. In patients from group 1 (NYHA I–II), Mg content was positively correlated with Ca and Cu. In this patient group, Ca was also positively associated with Cu content in serum. In group 2 (NYHA III-IV), serum Mg concentration was significantly positively correlated with that of Cu and Ca. Conclusions Changes in the serum concentrations of macro-and microminerals may significantly affect the severity of HF in Polish patients

    Synthesis and Significance of Arachidonic Acid, a Substrate for Cyclooxygenases, Lipoxygenases, and Cytochrome P450 Pathways in the Tumorigenesis of Glioblastoma Multiforme, Including a Pan-Cancer Comparative Analysis

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most aggressive gliomas. New and more effective therapeutic approaches are being sought based on studies of the various mechanisms of GBM tumorigenesis, including the synthesis and metabolism of arachidonic acid (ARA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). PubMed, GEPIA, and the transcriptomics analysis carried out by Seifert et al. were used in writing this paper. In this paper, we discuss in detail the biosynthesis of this acid in GBM tumors, with a special focus on certain enzymes: fatty acid desaturase (FADS)1, FADS2, and elongation of long-chain fatty acids family member 5 (ELOVL5). We also discuss ARA metabolism, particularly its release from cell membrane phospholipids by phospholipase A2 (cPLA2, iPLA2, and sPLA2) and its processing by cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2), lipoxygenases (5-LOX, 12-LOX, 15-LOX-1, and 15-LOX-2), and cytochrome P450. Next, we discuss the significance of lipid mediators synthesized from ARA in GBM cancer processes, including prostaglandins (PGE2, PGD2, and 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-PGJ2 (15d-PGJ2)), thromboxane A2 (TxA2), oxo-eicosatetraenoic acids, leukotrienes (LTB4, LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4), lipoxins, and many others. These lipid mediators can increase the proliferation of GBM cancer cells, cause angiogenesis, inhibit the anti-tumor response of the immune system, and be responsible for resistance to treatment