41 research outputs found

    The Polish adaptation of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al.

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    Aim. The study aimed to present the Polish version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-PL) by Schaufeli et al. and to assess its validity and reliability. The tool measures the core symptoms of burnout (BAT-C): exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment, and its secondary symptoms (BAT-S): psychosomatic complaints and psychological distress. Method. The participants were 255 nursing staff members. The construct validity was assessed with a one-point job satisfaction scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-3) by Schaufeli et al. and the Job-related Affective Well-being Scale (JAWS) by van Katwyk et al. Results. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported an assumed bi-factor structure. This applies to both BAT-C as the four core symptoms and a general factor representing burnout and BAT-S as a set of two secondary symptoms and a general factor. Both scales were strongly correlated with one another and differed from other measures of job-related well-being (job satisfaction, work engagement and negative emotions). The values of Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability indicated BAT-PL as a reliable measurement tool. Conclusions. BAT-PL by Schaufeli et al. has good psychometric characteristics to be used in research on burnout and further validated in clinical practice

    MoĆŒliwoƛci rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej w wojewĂłdztwie lubelskim

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    The aim of the study is to present a quantitative analysis of the current development and forecasts of development of the spa tourism in the province of Lublin. The results of the research indicate significant changes in the dynamics of the analyzed characteristics thus clearly indicating the growing interest in spa tourism in the region of Lublin. The authors point to the need of developing the medicinal-service base and the need to prepare a plan for promoting the region in terms of spa tourism.Celem prezentowanego opracowania jest ukazanie stanu i kierunków rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej oraz prognoza rozwoju tej dziedziny gospodarki turystycznej w województwie lubelskim, na podstawie kompilacji danych GƂównego Urzędu Statystycznego w zakresie jednostek lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego w Polsce w latach 2010–2015 oraz bazy noclegowej województwa lubelskiego. Dane o lecznictwie uzdrowiskowym obejmują szpitale i sanatoria uzdrowiskowe (w tym szpitale i sanatoria dziecięce), przychodnie uzdrowiskowe oraz zakƂady przyrodolecznicze

    Ischemic stroke in children in course of moyamoya disease : case report

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    Background: Progressive stenosis of the supraclinoid segments of the internal carotid arteries, followed by formation of characteristic collateral brain circulation is typical for moyamoya disease. This illness, with unknown pathogenesis, is often diagnosed in Asiatic population. In Poland it can be a rare cause of ischemic infarcts in children. Case report: Two cases of cerebral ischemic infarct due to moyamoya disease in girls aged 7 and 12 are presented. The final diagnosis was established after MR exams and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) of the cerebral arteries. Conclusions: In spite of rare incidence, the moyamoya disease should be considered as the potential cause of cerebral ischemic infarctions in children. Despite the main role of the DSA in establishment of the final diagnosis, noninvasive neuroradiological examinations become more and more important in diagnostic schedule of moyamoya disease. MR and MR angiography visualize characteristic radiological symptoms, enabling preliminary diagnosis and are the method of choice in control examinations

    Daily emotional dynamics and changes in posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic depreciation among people living with HIV

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    ObjectivePosttraumatic growth (PTG), and its negative reflection, posttraumatic depreciation (PTD), are two aspects of response to trauma. This study explores whether daily emotional dynamics (inertia and innovation) can translate into positive versus negative changes among people living with HIV (PLWH) in the form of long-term changes in PTG or PTD.MethodsThe study combined a classical longitudinal approach with two assessments of PTG and PTD within one year and a measurement burst diary design with three weekly electronic diaries. In total, 249 PLWH participated in this study, filling out an expanded version of the Posttraumatic Growth and Depreciation Inventory (PTGDI-X) and a survey of sociodemographic and clinical data. In addition, they assessed their positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) at the end of each day in online diaries using a shortened version of the PANAS-X.ResultsAlthough we observed stable significant inertia and innovation of PA and NA across all bursts, these parameters of daily emotional dynamics were unrelated to the longitudinal changes in PTG and PTD. The same null results were also noted for the average levels of NA and PA.ConclusionsThe results indicated the relative stability of emotion regulation in PLWH over the course of one year and contributed to understanding its dynamic mechanisms in terms of trait-like characteristics. The null result of the relationship between the PTG and PTD change might suggest a weak role of emotion regulation in shaping these trajectories as well as a lack of validity of the PTG/PTD measures

    Burnout among psychotherapists: a cross-cultural value survey among 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease pandemic.

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    The aim of this study was to examine cross-cultural differences, as operationalized by Schwartz's refined theory of basic values, in burnout levels among psychotherapists from 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. We focused on the multilevel approach to investigate if individual- and country-aggregated level values could explain differences in burnout intensity after controlling for sociodemographic, work-related characteristics and COVID-19-related distress among participants. 2915 psychotherapists from 12 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Great Britain, Serbia, Spain, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and Switzerland) participated in this study. The participants completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey, the revised version of the Portrait Values Questionnaire, and a survey questionnaire on sociodemographic, work-related factors and the COVID-19 related distress. In general, the lowest mean level of burnout was noted for Romania, whereas the highest mean burnout intensity was reported for Cyprus. Multilevel analysis revealed that burnout at the individual level was negatively related to self-transcendence and openness-to-change but positively related to self-enhancement and conservation values. However, no significant effects on any values were observed at the country level. Male sex, younger age, being single, and reporting higher COVID-19-related distress were significant burnout correlates. Burnout among psychotherapists may be a transcultural phenomenon, where individual differences among psychotherapists are likely to be more important than differences between the countries of their practice. This finding enriches the discussion on training in psychotherapy in an international context and draws attention to the neglected issue of mental health among psychotherapists in the context of their professional functioning

    Den polska dativens semantik : hur överförs den till svenska?

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    Den polska dativens semantik : hur överförs den till svenska?

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