5 research outputs found

    The Ways of Emphasizing the Intensity of Emotional Experience in the Hagiographic Texts of the Synodal Period

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    The paper provides the analysis of emotive vocabulary usage in the hagiographic texts of the synodal period: The Life of Dimitry of Rostov, The Life of Hilarion of Suzdal, The Life of Mitrophan of Voronezh, and The Life of Tikhon of Zadonsk. The factual language material has been analyzed with respect to the complex approach to the language in use, i.e. intralinguistic analysis of language unit structures, paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations at various levels of the language hierarchy, and their functional realizations in the contexts under study. The markers of one of the most important characteristics of emotional experience – its intensity – include the use of lexical units expressing the emotions of high intensity in direct or figurative meaning, as well as non-emotive verbs with semantics of unusually active action or its abrupt termination to denote the emotional experience of the subject of action; use of words denoting opposite positive and negative emotional experiences or their manifestations in the same context; contextual specifiers of measure and degree; indication of emotional experience's duration, emotional impact's speed, the universality of feelings' manifestations; tautological repetitions; gradation method. Comparison of the obtained results with the results of analysis of ancient Russian and old Russian texts makes it possible to identify the dynamics of methods of expressing the feelings of high intensity

    On the Emotional and the Rational in the Text of Russkaya Pravda

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    The article deals with analysis of the functional-semantic features of formation of the terminological meanings of emotive lexemes, which are used in one of the oldest original legal Ancient Russian text – Russkaya Pravda. Special attention is paid to interaction of emotional (subjective, reflecting the domestic vision of a subject matter) and rational (objectified, terminological) meanings in the word's semantic structure. It was found that all the emotive lexemes in the text of Russkaya Pravda were subjected to rethinking manifested in the formation of new meanings and / or functional limitations. The author allocates three groups of lexemes, depending on correlation of rational (terminological) and emotional (common language) elements in their meanings: 1) words that retain the value of emotional experiences; 2) emotive words, which developed additional terminological content and which are characterized by a certain syncretism of values; 3) terms-homonyms formed as a result of semantic derivation on the basis of emotive lexemes. The obtained information is supplemented with ideas about the possibilities of the semantic development of the vocabulary of emotions, which are implemented already in the oldest texts and, being associated with business writing, are characterized by a certain dependence on the genre of the text and its field of application. Using data of later sources showed that the model of terms derivation on the basis of emotive lexemes was unproductive


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    The article presents the results of linguistic analysis of the documents from Fond «Mikhailovsky Stanitsa Ataman», State archive of Volgograd region (fund 332, register 1, 1734-1836). Sentence pattern analysis was aimed at discovering pragmatic value of the texts (mid 18th – beginning 19th cent.). The authors state that sentences as main constituents with complicated functionality build a 'vertical communication' structure. The imperative tonality might be used for issuing order or notification (with a shade of command). The comparison of the patterns representation in documents dated by the end of 18th and the beginning of the 19th cen. demonstrated unity in realization of the following genre parameters: addressee, function, dominant modality (tonality), information content, structure, space-and-time localization. The differences are explicated in the addresser position. In the sentences belonging to the end of the 18th cent. there is a solitary addresser, whereas in the 19th cent. it is conjoint, it points to a trend of formality in documentary communication. The transformations in the genre characteristics presented in the sentences under study are attested to some changes in the governmental structure of the Don Cossack Host, which is an extralinguistic reasoning, besides there are some intralingusitic reasons, in particular, evolution of official and documentary style of the Russian language


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    The article provides some results of linguistic analysis carried out on biographies of female godliness devotees, that focuses on linguistic representation of culturally significant concepts and moral values of ethnos with religious-and-moral ideals as their central component in hagiographic texts of the 18 th – 19 th centuries. The authors point to the lexical units which belong to two semantic groups: the emotives and perceptives. To create the images of female godliness devotees, the units comprising each of the abovementioned lexical sets are used in a particular way, revealed by the authors. It has been stated, that specific character of emotive vocabulary use in hagiographic texts depends on its functional impact, with characterological function recognized as the major one. The emotive lexical units, regarded as key characteristics, contribute significantly to plot development and genre canonical structure realization. The criteria for selecting lexical units with semantics of perception as well as their pattern of use are determined by the language system peculiarities and existing concept of religious devotion. The paper reviews linguistic means of perceptional processes explication that are significant for describing godliness devotees.The research results establish the dominance of visual perception as a process that determines female devotees’ interaction with the real world and the world beyond reality disclosed to them by the will of the God, (which is reflected in the direct meanings of linguistic units), as well as revealing a connection with mental activity (reflected in the figurative meanings of linguistic units)

    The Role of the Patriarch Hermogenes Written Applications in Organization of Zemstvo Militia, 1611

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    The article deals with a controversial issue in historical science about what specific role played by the Patriarch Hermogenes in the organization of the zemstvo movement during the Interregnum, at the beginning of the folding of the national militia at the end of December 1610 - January 1611. Researchers have repeatedly addressed this issue, since the first half of the XIX century, offering his vision and interpretation of information from sources, but so far the question of the existence of the patriarch of letters remains open. Unlike many conflicting evidence of narrative sources, the County assembly material correspondence deposited in the archive Solikamsk, gives us a ton more information. Analyzing the correspondence, we can trace what information and documents the city received sequentially from Nizhny Novgorod and then to the North and Siberia, as the correspondence was in XVI - XVII century in Muscovy. The correspondence contains the only mention of the patriarch of the charters, but in any document, we do not find even a brief retelling of their content, as was the case with other documents, which came on the ground during this period. Moreover, there are specific indications that the first two letters of the district from Smolensk and Moscow residents actually called “letters of the patriarch.” Comparison of evidence leads us to date the letter from Smolensk time drawing no earlier than December 29, 1610 and to refute the assumption of its of fake origin. Thus, Hermogenes, obviously, did not write letters on his behalf, but called for a protest against the Polish- Lithuanian interventionists in public speeches, personal contacts with fiduciaries messengers and sent the first two letters of initiative