3 research outputs found

    Manganese Luminescent Centers of Different Valence in Yttrium Aluminum Borate Crystals

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    We present an extensive study of the luminescence characteristics of Mn impurity ions in a YAl3(BO3)4:Mn crystal, in combination with X-ray fluorescence analysis and determination of the valence state of Mn by XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) spectroscopy. The valences of manganese Mn2+(d5) and Mn3+(d4) were determined by the XANES and high-resolution optical spectroscopy methods shown to be complementary. We observe the R1 and R2 luminescence and absorption lines characteristic of the 2E ↔ 4A2 transitions in d3 ions (such as Mn4+ and Cr3+) and show that they arise due to uncontrolled admixture of Cr3+ ions. A broad luminescent band in the green part of the spectrum is attributed to transitions in Mn2+. Narrow zero-phonon infrared luminescence lines near 1060 nm (9400 cm−1) and 760 nm (13,160 cm−1) are associated with spin-forbidden transitions in Mn3+: 1T2 → 3T1 (between excited triplets) and 1T2 → 5E (to the ground state). Spin-allowed 5T2 → 5E Mn3+ transitions show up as a broad band in the orange region of the spectrum. Using the data of optical spectroscopy and Tanabe–Sugano diagrams we estimated the crystal-field parameter Dq and Racah parameter B for Mn3+ in YAB:Mn as Dq = 1785 cm−1 and B = 800 cm−1. Our work can serve as a basis for further study of YAB:Mn for the purposes of luminescent thermometry, as well as other applications

    Upconversion nanoparticles with anti-Stokes luminescence as bioimaging agents

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    Lanthanide-based upconversion nanoparticles attach great attention in theranostics due to their unique physicochemical and optical properties. It is innovative platform possessing peculiar properties for luminescent imaging, temperature mapping, sensing, and therapy. In present work we demonstrate advantages of new luminescent agents based on upconversion nanoparticles and hydrophylic biocompatible polymer

    Upconversion nanoparticles with anti-Stokes luminescence as bioimaging agents

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    Lanthanide-based upconversion nanoparticles attach great attention in theranostics due to their unique physicochemical and optical properties. It is innovative platform possessing peculiar properties for luminescent imaging, temperature mapping, sensing, and therapy. In present work we demonstrate advantages of new luminescent agents based on upconversion nanoparticles and hydrophylic biocompatible polymer