1 research outputs found
Revitalisation of the gallery apartment building
Thirty-one percent of all the energy used in the Netherlands is used by households. Considering the fact that it is technically easily possible to built energy neutral dwellings this quite big percentage. But with the speed we are currently constructing houses, we will build less than 10 percent of the currently existing building stock in the next 20 years. Even if all these new build dwellings will operate completely energy neutral it will simply take to long before our entire building stock is energy neutral. On top of that you need to consider the energy losses if an existing building is torn down and replaced by a new build one. Based on these facts it makes perfect sense to renovate existing dwellings towards energy neutral ones.This thesis is focussed on the renovation of gallery apartment buildings. Due to their height, repetition and other building characteristics there are great opportunities in the renovation of these buildings that are not fully exploited yet. The climatological opportunities and energy potentials of the gallery apartment building are mapped and calculated.If a building becomes energy neutral or even energy delivering, the energy it costs to build the building or renovate the building becomes all the energy it uses and therefore normative. This embodied energy is explored upon and calculated for the final renovation.Not only the building itself has influence on the energy usage, the inhabitant also has a big influence on the total energy usage. The effect of the inhabitant on the energy usage is researched. Design proposals are done to reduce the negative influence an inhabitant could have on the energy usage of the dwelling and a proposal is done to influence the inhabitant positively to reduce the energy usage. The renovation of the gallery apartment building is also a great opportunity to improve the quality of life of the inhabitant.Zero Energy Refurbishmen