233 research outputs found

    Charge order induced by electron-lattice interaction in NaV2O5

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    We present Density Matrix Renormalization Group calculations of the ground-state properties of quarter-filled ladders including static electron-lattice coupling. Isolated ladders and two coupled ladders are considered, with model parameters obtained from band-structure calculations for α′\alpha^\prime-NaV2_2O5_5. The relevant Holstein coupling to the lattice causes static out-of-plane lattice distortions, which appear concurrently with a charge-ordered state and which exhibit the same zigzag pattern observed in experiments. The inclusion of electron-lattice coupling drastically reduces the critical nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion VcV_c needed to obtain the charge-ordered state. No spin gap is present in the ordered phase. The charge ordering is driven by the Coulomb repulsion and the electron-lattice interaction. With electron-lattice interaction, coupling two ladders has virtually no effect on VcV_c or on the characteristics of the charge-ordered phase. At V=0.46\eV, a value consistent with previous estimates, the lattice distortion, charge gap, charge order parameter, and the effective spin coupling are in good agreement with experimental data for NaV2_2O_5$.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Green's Functions from Quantum Cluster Algorithms

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    We show that cluster algorithms for quantum models have a meaning independent of the basis chosen to construct them. Using this idea, we propose a new method for measuring with little effort a whole class of Green's functions, once a cluster algorithm for the partition function has been constructed. To explain the idea, we consider the quantum XY model and compute its two point Green's function in various ways, showing that all of them are equivalent. We also provide numerical evidence confirming the analytic arguments. Similar techniques are applicable to other models. In particular, in the recently constructed quantum link models, the new technique allows us to construct improved estimators for Wilson loops and may lead to a very precise determination of the glueball spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, with four figures. Added preprint numbe

    Cluster Algorithm for a Solid-On-Solid Model with Constraints

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    We adapt the VMR (valleys-to-mountains reflections) algorithm, originally devised by us for simulations of SOS models, to the BCSOS model. It is the first time that a cluster algorithm is used for a model with constraints. The performance of this new algorithm is studied in detail in both phases of the model, including a finite size scaling analysis of the autocorrelations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures appended as ps-file

    Loop algorithms for quantum simulations of fermion models on lattices

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    Two cluster algorithms, based on constructing and flipping loops, are presented for worldline quantum Monte Carlo simulations of fermions and are tested on the one-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model. We call these algorithms the loop-flip and loop-exchange algorithms. For these two algorithms and the standard worldline algorithm, we calculated the autocorrelation times for various physical quantities and found that the ordinary worldline algorithm, which uses only local moves, suffers from very long correlation times that makes not only the estimate of the error difficult but also the estimate of the average values themselves difficult. These difficulties are especially severe in the low-temperature, large-UU regime. In contrast, we find that new algorithms, when used alone or in combinations with themselves and the standard algorithm, can have significantly smaller autocorrelation times, in some cases being smaller by three orders of magnitude. The new algorithms, which use non-local moves, are discussed from the point of view of a general prescription for developing cluster algorithms. The loop-flip algorithm is also shown to be ergodic and to belong to the grand canonical ensemble. Extensions to other models and higher dimensions is briefly discussed.Comment: 36 pages, RevTex ver.

    Charge ordering in extended Hubbard models: Variational cluster approach

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    We present a generalization of the recently proposed variational cluster perturbation theory to extended Hubbard models at half filling with repulsive nearest neighbor interaction. The method takes into account short-range correlations correctly by the exact diagonalisation of clusters of finite size, whereas long-range order beyond the size of the clusters is treated on a mean-field level. For one dimension, we show that quantum Monte Carlo and density-matrix renormalization-group results can be reproduced with very good accuracy. Moreover we apply the method to the two-dimensional extended Hubbard model on a square lattice. In contrast to the one-dimensional case, a first order phase transition between spin density wave phase and charge density wave phase is found as function of the nearest-neighbor interaction at onsite interactions U>=3t. The single-particle spectral function is calculated for both the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional system.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    A quantum Monte Carlo algorithm realizing an intrinsic relaxation

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    We propose a new quantum Monte Carlo algorithm which realizes a relaxation intrinsic to the original quantum system. The Monte Carlo dynamics satisfies the dynamic scaling relation τ∼ξz\tau\sim \xi^z and is independent of the Trotter number. Finiteness of the Trotter number just appears as the finite-size effect. An infinite Trotter number version of the algorithm is also formulated, which enables us to observe a true relaxation of the original system. The strategy of the algorithm is a compromise between the conventional worldline local flip and the modern cluster loop flip. It is a local flip in the real-space direction and is a cluster flip in the Trotter direction. The new algorithm is tested by the transverse-field Ising model in two dimensions. An accurate phase diagram is obtained.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Modelling an Imperfect Market

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    We propose a simple market model where agents trade different types of products with each other by using money, relying only on local information. Value fluctuations of single products, combined with the condition of maximum profit in transactions, readily lead to persistent fluctuations in the wealth of individual agents.Comment: 12 pages RevTeX and 5 Postscript figure

    Generalization of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn transformation and its application to quantum spin simulations,

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    We generalize the Fortuin-Kasteleyn (FK) cluster representation of the partition function of the Ising model to represent the partition function of quantum spin models with an arbitrary spin magnitude in arbitrary dimensions. This generalized representation enables us to develop a new cluster algorithm for the simulation of quantum spin systems by the worldline Monte Carlo method. Because the Swendsen-Wang algorithm is based on the FK representation, the new cluster algorithm naturally includes it as a special case. As well as the general description of the new representation, we present an illustration of our new algorithm for some special interesting cases: the Ising model, the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with S=1S=1, and a general Heisenberg model. The new algorithm is applicable to models with any range of the exchange interaction, any lattice geometry, and any dimensions.Comment: 46 pages, 10 figures, to appear in J.Stat.Phy

    Physics of Fashion Fluctuations

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    We consider a market where many agents trade many different types of products with each other. We model development of collective modes in this market, and quantify these by fluctuations that scale with time with a Hurst exponent of about 0.7. We demonstrate that individual products in the model occationally become globally accepted means of exchange, and simultaneously become very actively traded. Thus collective features similar to money spontaneously emerge, without any a priori reason.Comment: 9 pages RevTeX, 5 Postscript figure
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