3,724 research outputs found

    Fluctuations of the inverse participation ratio at the Anderson transition

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    Statistics of the inverse participation ratio (IPR) at the critical point of the localization transition is studied numerically for the power-law random banded matrix model. It is shown that the IPR distribution function is scale-invariant, with a power-law asymptotic ``tail''. This scale invariance implies that the fractal dimensions DqD_q are non-fluctuating quantities, contrary to a recent claim in the literature. A recently proposed relation between D2D_2 and the spectral compressibility χ\chi is violated in the regime of strong multifractality, with χ1\chi\to 1 in the limit D20D_2\to 0.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Zero-frequency anomaly in quasiclassical ac transport: Memory effects in a two-dimensional metal with a long-range random potential or random magnetic field

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    We study the low-frequency behavior of the {\it ac} conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) of a two-dimensional fermion gas subject to a smooth random potential (RP) or random magnetic field (RMF). We find a non-analytic ω\propto|\omega| correction to Reσ{\rm Re} \sigma, which corresponds to a 1/t21/t^2 long-time tail in the velocity correlation function. This contribution is induced by return processes neglected in Boltzmann transport theory. The prefactor of this ω|\omega|-term is positive and proportional to (d/l)2(d/l)^2 for RP, while it is of opposite sign and proportional to d/ld/l in the weak RMF case, where ll is the mean free path and dd the disorder correlation length. This non-analytic correction also exists in the strong RMF regime, when the transport is of a percolating nature. The analytical results are supported and complemented by numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 7 figure

    Strong magnetoresistance induced by long-range disorder

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    We calculate the semiclassical magnetoresistivity ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) of non-interacting fermions in two dimensions moving in a weak and smoothly varying random potential or random magnetic field. We demonstrate that in a broad range of magnetic fields the non-Markovian character of the transport leads to a strong positive magnetoresistance. The effect is especially pronounced in the case of a random magnetic field where ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) becomes parametrically much larger than its B=0 value.Comment: REVTEX, 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Nonadiabatic scattering of a quantum particle in an inhomogenous magnetic field

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    We investigate the quantum effects, in particular the Landau-level quantization, in the scattering of a particle the nonadiabatic classical dynamics of which is governed by an adiabatic invariant. As a relevant example, we study the scattering of a drifting particle on a magnetic barrier in the quantum limit where the cyclotron energy is much larger than a broadening of the Landau levels induced by the nonadiabatic transitions. We find that, despite the level quantization, the exponential suppression exp(2πd/δ)\exp(-2\pi d/\delta) (barrier width dd, orbital shift per cyclotron revolution δ\delta) of the root-mean-square transverse displacement experienced by the particle after the scattering is the same in the quantum and the classical regime.Comment: 4 page

    Surface criticality and multifractality at localization transitions

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    We develop the concept of surface multifractality for localization-delocalization (LD) transitions in disordered electronic systems. We point out that the critical behavior of various observables related to wave functions near a boundary at a LD transition is different from that in the bulk. We illustrate this point with a calculation of boundary critical and multifractal behavior at the 2D spin quantum Hall transition and in a 2D metal at scales below the localization length.Comment: Published versio

    Exact relations between multifractal exponents at the Anderson transition

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    Two exact relations between mutlifractal exponents are shown to hold at the critical point of the Anderson localization transition. The first relation implies a symmetry of the multifractal spectrum linking the multifractal exponents with indices q1/2q1/2. The second relation connects the wave function multifractality to that of Wigner delay times in a system with a lead attached.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Comparison of seeded and vegetatively propagated bermudagrass

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    Last updated: 10/19/201