10 research outputs found
Quantitative studies of global seismicity (2)
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rates of volcanic activity along the southwest rift zone of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Radiometric evidence of the Kanimblan Orogeny in southeastern Queensland and the age of the Neranleigh-Fernvale group
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Petrogenesis of the Murrumbidgee Batholith, A.C.T.
- Author
- Browne W.R.
- Browne W.R.
- Browne W.R.
- Browne W.R.
- Chappell B.W.
- Chappell B.W.
- Chayes F.
- David T.W.E.
- Evernden J.F.
- Hatch F.H.
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joplin
- Joyce A.S.
- Kleeman A.W.
- Kolbe P.
- Lacy E.D.
- Legge J.G.
- Packham G.H.
- Packham G.H.
- Pidgeon R.T.
- Rhodes J.M.
- Tuttle O.F.
- Vallance T.G.
- Vallance T.G.
- Vallance T.G.
- Vogel T.A.
- von Platen H.
- Whitney J.A.
- Wilkinson J.F.G.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The detection and recognition of underground nuclear explosions
- Author
- A. Douglas
- A. Douglas
- A. Douglas
- A. Douglas
- A. Douglas
- A. Douglas
- A. Douglas
- B. Bjurman
- BSVRP Working Group
- C.H. Thurber
- F. Ringdal
- H.I.S. Thirlaway
- I. Israelsson
- J. Hassard
- J.A. Hudson
- J.F. Evernden
- J.L. Stevens
- K. Playford
- M. Heusinkveld
- P. Argo
- P. K. H. Maguire
- P. M. Lewis
- P.D. Marshall
- P.W. Pomeroy
- R. A. Clark
- R.A. Clark
- R.G. Pearce
- R.G. Pearce
- R.R. Blandford
- S.R. Taylor
- T. Landers
- T. Lay
- V. Gupta
- V. Gupta
- V. Gupta
- V. Gupta
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The early Carboniferous palaeogeography of the southern New England Belt, New South Wales
- Author
- Benson W.N.
- Campbell K.S.W.
- Campbell K.S.W.
- Campbell K.S.W.
- Campbell K.S.W.
- Crook K.A.W.
- Crook K.A.W.
- David T.W.E.
- Engel B.A.
- Engel B.A.
- Engel B.A.
- Evernden J.F.
- Francis E.H.
- Hall G.C.
- Hamilton G.
- Jones P.J.
- Kristensen S.E.
- Manser W.
- McDonald L.K.
- O'Neill D.
- Osborne G.D.
- Osborne G.D.
- Packham G.H.
- Pogson D.
- Rattigan J.H.
- Rattigan J.H.
- Roberts J.
- Roberts J.
- Roberts J.
- Roberts J.
- Roberts J.
- Roberts J.
- Rudd G.W.
- Scheibner E.
- Scott B.
- Southgate S.
- Sparke G.
- Stuntz J.
- Sussmilch C.A.
- Voisey A.H.
- Voisey A.H.
- Voisey A.H.
- White M.C.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Indicators for a Healthy City
- Author
- Aldridge J.F.
- Altman J.W.
- Banks R.K.
- Bates D.V.
- Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers (CCREM)
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Cappon D.
- Daniel Cappon
- Daniel Cappon
- Dasmann R.F.
- Doxiadis C.A.
- Epp J.
- Europe
- Europe
- Europe
- Evernden N.
- Fulton J.M.
- Gabor D.
- Glazer N.
- Goromosov M.S.
- Harvey D.F.
- Health
- Health
- Kryter K.D.
- Lalonde M. A
- Levi L.
- Loeffler J.C.
- Newman 0.
- Ontario Home Care Program
- Ontario Ministry
- Packard V.
- Papaioannov J.G.
- Parr A.E.
- Pederson A.
- Rosenberg E.
- Seneca J.J.
- Small B.M.
- Sommer R.
- Southwick C
- Sweeney J.
- Toffler A.
- World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Worldwatch Institute
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Oxygen isotope studies of potassic volcanic rocks of the Roman Province, Central Italy
- Author
- A. Cundari
- A. Cundari
- A. Discendenti
- A. Holmes
- A. Holmes
- A. Holmes
- A. Rittmann
- A. Scherillo
- A.C. Waters
- A.T. Anderson
- B. Turi
- C. Burri
- C. Burri
- C. Dupuy
- C. Savelli
- C.E. Tilley
- E. Locardi
- E.S. Larsen
- F.J. Turner
- G. Borzoni
- G. Capaldi
- G. Marinelli
- G. Marinelli
- G. Nappi
- G.D. Garlick
- H. Pichler
- H. Schneider
- H. Williams
- H.P. Taylor Jr.
- H.P. Taylor Jr.
- H.P. Taylor Jr.
- H.P. Taylor Jr.
- H.P. Taylor Jr.
- H.P. Taylor Jr.
- I.S.E. Carmichael
- J. Hoefs
- J.D. Appleton
- J.F. Evernden
- J.R. O'Neil
- K. Bell
- K. Muehlenbachs
- M. Fornaseri
- M. Fornaseri
- M. Fornaseri
- M. Nicoletti
- M.J. O'Hara
- N.L. Bowen
- O. Scherillo
- P. Ambrosetti
- P. Moderni
- P.G. Harris
- P.M. Hurley
- P.P. Mattias
- P.P. Mattias
- R. Trigila
- R.A. Daly
- S.M. Savin
- V. Sabatini
- W. Alvarez
- Y. Bottinga
- Y.N. Shieh
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Step-over in the structure controlling the regional west tilt of the Sierra Nevada microplate: eastern escarpment system to Kern Canyon system
- Author
- Addicott W.O.
- Addicott W.O.
- Bacon C.R.
- Barosh P.J.
- Bartley J.M.
- Bartow J.A.
- Bloch R.
- Busby C.J.
- Busby C.J.
- Busby-Spera C.
- California Department of Oil and Gas
- Chapman A.D.
- Church H.V.
- Coles S.
- Cox B.F.
- Davis G.A.
- Davis G.H.
- Davis T.L.
- Dibblee T.W.
- Dickinson W.R.
- Diepenbroch A.
- Dodge F.C.W.
- Dunwoody J.A.
- Dunwoody J.A.
- E. Nadin
- Evernden J.F.
- G. Maheo
- Gilbert G.K.
- Guacci G.
- Hackel O.
- Hewlett J.S.
- Huber N.K.
- Huntington K.W.
- Ingersoll R.V.
- J. Saleeby
- Jones L.M.
- Klausing R.L.
- Lin G.
- Lingren W.
- Lofgren B.E.
- Lucas S.G.
- Luffi P.
- MacPherson B.A.
- Maheo G.
- Mahéo G.
- Nadin E.S.
- Nilsen T.H.
- Nilsen T.H.
- Pysklywec R.N.
- Reid S.A.
- Ross D.C.
- Ross D.C.
- Saleeby J.
- Saleeby J.
- Saleeby J.B.
- Townley S.D.
- Treasher R.C.
- Unruh J.R.
- Wentworth C.M.
- Wernicke B.
- Wood D.J.
- Z. Saleeby
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Coevolution of Human Beain Size and Paleolithic Culture in the Northern Hemisphere: Relation to Geomagnetic Intensity
- Author
- Adams N.D.
- Agache R.
- Aigner J.S.
- Amano S.
- Arambourg C
- Ashton E.H.
- Bassett C. A.L.
- Bastian H.C
- Bawin S.M.
- Biberson P.
- Birdsell J.B
- Bonin G. Von
- Bonin G. Von
- Bordes F
- Brothwell D.R
- Bullard E.C.
- Butzer K
- Cohen D
- Cohen D
- Coon C.S
- Dansgaard W.
- Day M.H
- Day M.H
- Debetz G.F
- Donaldson H.H
- Emiliani C
- Epstein S.
- Evernden J.F.
- Franceschi G
- Gloor P
- Greenwood M.
- Haider M.
- Hamer J.R
- Hammen T. Van Der
- Handmann E
- Helm J.L
- Hess A.F
- Holloway R.L
- Hoshi S
- Howell F.C
- Ivanhoe F
- Ivanhoe F
- Ivanhoe F
- Jerison H.J
- Kennedy G.E
- Kochetkova V.I
- Kochetkova V.I
- Kretzoi M
- Kumar R.
- Leakey M.D
- Leakey M.D
- Leakey R. E.F.
- Lorge J. De
- Lumley H. De
- Marchand F
- Marshall J
- Martin J.B
- Matiegka H
- Matiegka J
- Maxey E.S
- Mirambell L
- Montagu M. F.A
- Nicoll C.S
- Oakley K.P
- Oakley K.P
- Oakley K.P
- Oakley K.P.
- Oakley K.P.
- Oakley K.P.
- Olivier G
- Olivier G
- Pakkenberg H.
- Patte E
- Pauling L.
- Pawel M.A.
- Peacock T.B
- Phenice T.W.
- Piveteau J
- Polk C
- Pycraft W.P.
- Ramon Y
- Rensch B
- Retzius A
- Rogers S.L
- Rogers S.L
- Rohracher H.
- Romano A
- Rudolph O
- Saint-Perier R. De
- Semenov S.A
- Sieveking A
- Snow C.E
- Spann W.
- Stephan H. 6.
- Stringer C.B.
- Tilller A.M
- Tobias P.V
- Tobias P.V
- Topinard P
- Topinard P
- Trotter M.
- United States Naval Oceanographic Office
- Vallois H.V
- Weidenreich F
- Weinert H
- Wendorf F.
- Wever R
- Wolstedt P
- Wolstedt P
- Woo J.K.
- Zeuner F
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study