4,199 research outputs found

    Blowing-Up the Four-Dimensional Z_3 Orientifold

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    We study the blowing-up of the four-dimensional Z_3 orientifold of Angelantonj, Bianchi, Pradisi, Sagnotti and Stanev (ABPSS) by giving nonzero vacuum expectation values (VEV's) to the twisted sector moduli blowing-up modes. The blowing-up procedure induces a Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term for the ``anomalous'' U(1), whose magnitude depends linearly on the VEV's of the blowing-up modes. To preserve the N=1 supersymmetry, non-Abelian matter fields are forced to acquire nonzero VEV's, thus breaking (some of) the non-Abelian gauge structure and decoupling some of the matter fields. We determine the form of the FI term, construct explicit examples of (non-Abelian) D and F flat directions, and determine the surviving gauge groups of the restabilized vacua. We also determine the mass spectra, for which the restabilization reduces the number of families.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    Alternative Supersymmetric Spectra

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    We describe the features of supersymmetric spectra, alternative to and qualitatively different from that of most versions of the MSSM. The spectra are motivated by extensions of the MSSM with an extra U(1)' gauge symmetry, expected in many grand unified and superstring models, which provide a plausible solution to the mu problem, both for models with supergravity and for gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. Typically, many or all of the squarks are rather heavy (larger than one TeV), especially for the first two families, as are the sleptons in the supergravity models. However, there is a richer spectrum of Higgs particles, neutralinos, and (possibly) charginos. Concrete examples of such spectra are presented, and the phenomenological implications are briefly discussed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Microheated substrates for patterning cells and controlling development

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    Here, we seek to control cellular development by devising a means through which cells can be subjected to a microheated environment in standard culture conditions. Numerous techniques have been devised for controlling cellular function and development via manipulation of surface environmental cues at the micro- and nanoscale. It is well understood that temperature plays a significant role in the rate of cellular activities, migratory behavior (thermotaxis), and in some cases, protein expression. Yet, the effects and possible utilization of micrometer-scale temperature fields in cell cultures have not been explored. Toward this end, two types of thermally isolated microheated substrates were designed and fabricated, one with standard backside etching beneath a dielectric film and another with a combination of surface and bulk micromachining and backside etching. The substrates were characterized with infrared microscopy, finite element modeling, scanning electron microscopy, stylus profilometry, and electrothermal calibrations. Neuron culture studies were conducted on these substrates to 1) examine the feasibility of using a microheated environment to achieve patterned cell growth and 2) selectively accelerate neural development on regions less than 100mummu mwide. Results show that attached neurons, grown on microheated regions set at 37 circC~^circ C, extended processes substantially faster than those incubated at 25 circC~^circ Con the same substrate. Further, unattached neurons were positioned precisely along the length of the heater filament (operating at 45 circC~^circ C) using free convection currents. These preliminary findings indicate that microheated substrates may be used to direct cellular development spatially in a practical manner.$hfillhbox[1414]

    How Effective are Smart Contract Analysis Tools? Evaluating Smart Contract Static Analysis Tools Using Bug Injection

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    Security attacks targeting smart contracts have been on the rise, which have led to financial loss and erosion of trust. Therefore, it is important to enable developers to discover security vulnerabilities in smart contracts before deployment. A number of static analysis tools have been developed for finding security bugs in smart contracts. However, despite the numerous bug-finding tools, there is no systematic approach to evaluate the proposed tools and gauge their effectiveness. This paper proposes SolidiFI, an automated and systematic approach for evaluating smart contract static analysis tools. SolidiFI is based on injecting bugs (i.e., code defects) into all potential locations in a smart contract to introduce targeted security vulnerabilities. SolidiFI then checks the generated buggy contract using the static analysis tools, and identifies the bugs that the tools are unable to detect (false-negatives) along with identifying the bugs reported as false-positives. SolidiFI is used to evaluate six widely-used static analysis tools, namely, Oyente, Securify, Mythril, SmartCheck, Manticore and Slither, using a set of 50 contracts injected by 9369 distinct bugs. It finds several instances of bugs that are not detected by the evaluated tools despite their claims of being able to detect such bugs, and all the tools report many false positivesComment: ISSTA 202

    Star formation associated with the infrared dust bubble N68

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    We investigated the environment of the infrared dust bubble N68 and searched for evidence of triggered star formation in its surroundings. We performed a multiwavelength study of the nebula with data taken from several large-scale surveys: GLIMPSE, MIPSGAL, IRAS, NVSS, GRS, and JCMT. We analyzed the spectral profile and the distribution of the molecular gas (^{13}CO J = 1 - 0 and J = 3 - 2), and the dust in the environment of the N68. The position-velocity diagram clearly shows that the N68 may be expanding outward. We used two three-color images of the mid-infrared emission to explore the physical environment, and one color-color diagram to investigate the distribution of young stellar objects (YSOs). We found that the 24 \mu m emission is surrounded by the 8.0 \mu m emission. Morphologically, the 1.4 GHz continuum correlates strongly with the 24 \mu m emission, and the ^{13}CO J = 1 - 0 and J = 3 - 2 emissions correlate well with the 8.0 \mu m emission. We investigated two compact cores located at the shell of the N68. The spectral intensity ratios of ^{13}CO J = 3 - 2 to J = 1 - 0 range from 5 to 0.3. In addition, young star objects, masers, IRAS, and UC HII regions distribute at the shell of bubble. The active region may be triggered by the expanding of the bubble N68.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, submited to RA

    A Methodological Approach to Assessing the Health Impact of Environmental Chemical Mixtures: PCBs and Hypertension in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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    We describe an approach to examine the association between exposure to chemical mixtures and a health outcome, using as our case study polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hypertension. The association between serum PCB and hypertension among participants in the 1999–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was examined. First, unconditional multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios and associated 95% confidence intervals. Next, correlation and multicollinearity among PCB congeners was evaluated, and clustering analyses performed to determine groups of related congeners. Finally, a weighted sum was constructed to represent the relative importance of each congener in relation to hypertension risk. PCB serum concentrations varied by demographic characteristics, and were on average higher among those with hypertension. Logistic regression results showed mixed findings by congener and class. Further analyses identified groupings of correlated PCBs. Using a weighted sum approach to equalize different ranges and potencies, PCBs 66, 101, 118, 128 and 187 were significantly associated with increased risk of hypertension. Epidemiologic data were used to demonstrate an approach to evaluating the association between a complex environmental exposure and health outcome. The complexity of analyzing a large number of related exposures, where each may have different potency and range, are addressed in the context of the association between hypertension risk and exposure to PCBs