4 research outputs found
Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center, operated by Carnegie Mellon University under contract with the United States Department of Defense. The SEI Education Program is developing a wide range of materials to support software engineering education. A curriculum module identifies and outlines the content of a specific topic area, and is intended to be used by an instructor in designing a course. A support materials package includes materials helpful in teaching a course. Other materials under development include textbooks and educational software tools. SEI educational materials are being made available to educators throughout the academic, industrial, and government communities. The use of these materials in a course does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the course by the SEI, by Carnegie Mellon University, or by the United States government. SEI curriculum modules may be copied or incorporated into other materials, but not for profit, provided that appropriate credit is given to the SEI and to the original author of the materials
Software Metrics - SEI Curriculum Module SEI-CM-12-1.1
: One of the most important problems faced by software developers and users is the prediction of the size of a programming system and Arthur85 its development effort. As an alternative to "size," Arthur, L. J. Measuring Programmer Productivity one might deal with a measure of the "function" and Software Quality. New York: John Wiley, that the software is to perform. Albrecht [1] has 1985. developed a methodology to estimate the amount of the "function" the software is to perform, in terms Table of Contents of the data it is to use (absorb) and to generate (produce). The "function" is quantified as "func- 1 Measurement tion points," essentially, a weighted sum of the 2 Productivity numbers of "inputs," "outputs," "master files," 3 Quality "inquiries" provided to, or generated by, the soft- 4 Complexity Metrics ware. This paper demonstrates the equivalence be- 5 Correctness Metrics tween Albrecht's external input/output data flow 6 Efficiency Metrics representative of a program ..