52 research outputs found

    Successions of States: The French Approach

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    COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational study

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    Background: The ISARIC prospective multinational observational study is the largest cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19. We present relationships of age, sex, and nationality to presenting symptoms. Methods: International, prospective observational study of 60 109 hospitalized symptomatic patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 recruited from 43 countries between 30 January and 3 August 2020. Logistic regression was performed to evaluate relationships of age and sex to published COVID-19 case definitions and the most commonly reported symptoms. Results: ‘Typical’ symptoms of fever (69%), cough (68%) and shortness of breath (66%) were the most commonly reported. 92% of patients experienced at least one of these. Prevalence of typical symptoms was greatest in 30- to 60-year-olds (respectively 80, 79, 69%; at least one 95%). They were reported less frequently in children (≀ 18 years: 69, 48, 23; 85%), older adults (≄ 70 years: 61, 62, 65; 90%), and women (66, 66, 64; 90%; vs. men 71, 70, 67; 93%, each P < 0.001). The most common atypical presentations under 60 years of age were nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, and over 60 years was confusion. Regression models showed significant differences in symptoms with sex, age and country. Interpretation: This international collaboration has allowed us to report reliable symptom data from the largest cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Adults over 60 and children admitted to hospital with COVID-19 are less likely to present with typical symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are common atypical presentations under 30 years. Confusion is a frequent atypical presentation of COVID-19 in adults over 60 years. Women are less likely to experience typical symptoms than men

    Constitution, constitutionnalisation, constitutionnalisme globaux – et la compĂ©tence dans tout cela ?

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    International audienceSi le droit constitutionnel se dĂ©finit comme « le droit qui constitue les institutions », pour reprendre en la dĂ©tournant un peu, une formule de Jean-Marie Denquin , peut-il demeurer enfermĂ© dans les frontiĂšres de l'État ou ne les franchir que pour les besoins de la comparaison ? Tant qu'Ă©taient rĂ©putĂ©s ne coexister dans la sociĂ©tĂ© internationale que des États, la question pouvait encore ĂȘtre esquivĂ©e. Le moment de la constitution de l'État Ă©tant tenu pour antĂ©-juridique, une fois l'État constituĂ©, le droit constitutionnel s'intĂ©ressait Ă  son organisation interne, Ă  la loi qu'il se donnait Ă  lui-mĂȘme, y compris pour en changer, tandis que le droit international fixait les modalitĂ©s de coexistence de cet État avec ses pairs, leur naissance respective Ă©tant pour lui un pur fait. Si l'existence de l'un Ă©tait indispensable Ă  l'autre et rĂ©ciproquement, leurs logiques et dĂ©veloppements propres devaient demeurer indĂ©pendants. JustifiĂ©e par des objets distincts, cette cĂ©sure disciplinaire sinuant aux frontiĂšres des États et des ordres juridiques ne prĂ©judiciait qu'Ă  la marge Ă  la comprĂ©hension du pouvoir par les juristes ou les sujets de l'État qui auraient sollicitĂ© leurs lumiĂšres

    The Thoughts of René-Jean Dupuy: Methodology or Poetry of International Law?

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    International audienceIf the thoughts of RenĂ©-Jean Dupuy had to be reduced to an expression, it would be his method of ‘open dialectic’ applied to international law and society which enabled him to highlight the dynamic opposition of ‘relational’ and ‘institutional’ international trends in an impressive array of short surveys and ambitious synthesis. This article first aims to remind readers of the accuracy of Dupuy's comprehensive approach to international law and society, in that he never disregarded the meaning of rules and institutions for actors – mainly political ones – the underlying values and justice considerations or even myths beyond technical rules or political antagonisms. But it does not suffice to celebrate the visionary and rhetorical skills of Dupuy. His contribution to the methodology of international law has to be assessed. Did he build up a new paradigm? Considering some incertainties in the method of open dialectic and some shortcomings in his core concepts (inter alia a quite static conception of sovereignty), it may be doubted

    L’efficacitĂ© des normes internationales concernant la situation des personnes privĂ©es dans les ordres juridiques internes

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    International audienceLe sort des normes internationales qui, en nombre croissant, intĂ©ressent la situation des personnes privĂ©es se joue d’abord dans les ordres juridiques internes des Etats. Tout en s’efforçant de restituer la variĂ©tĂ© des pratiques et l’enjeu des dĂ©bats sur la lĂ©gitimitĂ© de ces normes ou de leurs techniques d’application, ce cours met en lumiĂšre, d’une part, une tendance au recul des obstacles Ă  leur efficacitĂ©, d’autre part, les potentialitĂ©s que recĂšle un Etat constitutionnel ouvert pour une application de ces normes qui mĂ©nage les exigences de l’Etat de droit et du gouvernement dĂ©mocratique
