52 research outputs found

    Thermal Flow Measurements by a Flexible Sensor, Implemented on the External Surface of the Flow Channel

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    AbstractA thermal gas flow sensor was developed and evaluated. The presented implementation requires only low-cost manufacturing techniques and readily available components, while maintaining a high level of detection range and sensitivity. Heater and sensing elements were integrated on a flexible substrate and the device was formed by bending the substrate so that the active elements were placed on the external surface of the formed channel, therefore zero flow interference is achieved and a wide variety of fluids can be measured without compromising the sensor integrity. Evaluation was made using air flow rates in the range of 0-65SLPM utilizing electrical measurements and IR imaging techniques simultaneously

    Fusing sensor information for location estimation

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    Abstract. Pervasive computing is an emerging computing paradigm that provides new improved services for everyone, everywhere and at all times. In this paper * we discuss a system which exploits data streams derived from sensors, in order to accurately estimate a key factor for pervasive computing and context aware applications: the location of a user. The term “sensors ” includes Wi-Fi adapters, IR receivers, RFID tag readers, etc. The core of the system is the fusion engine which is based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs), a powerful mathematical tool for integrating heterogeneous sensor observations. In closing, we provide an evaluation of the system as it comes out from the experimental results.

    An Efficient RSVP/Mobile IP Interworking Scheme

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    During the past years, several attempts have been made to develop functionality for mobility management support and QoS provision in the realm of the IP networks. Since IP was not designed to support such functionality, new protocols have been speci ed and implemented to tackle these issues. Mobile IP is currently the dominant protocol that allows users to retain connectivity while roaming in IP networks. RSVP (Resource reSerVation Protocol) is a well established protocol for reserving network resources to support QoS requirements. These protocols, when deployed separately, can work quite eciently. However, if their functionality is combined, several ineciencies arise in terms of QoS deterioration and misuse of the network resources

    A Framework for Mobility and QoS Provisioning in IPv6 DECT Networks

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    The Internet Protocol suite is emerging as the ubiquitous communication platform for almost every conceivable information exchange. Hence, a worldwide effort to support IP functionality over any existing link technology has started, including the booming wireless industry. DECT is a well-standardized wireless access network technology, supporting high bitrate digital communications

    A Comprehensive Study of Event Detection in WPCN Networks with Noisy Measurements

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    Various aspects of the detection of events in wireless powered communication networks (WPCN) are studied and analyzed under the assumption of highly noisy sensor measurements. In WPCN, networks sensor nodes’ stored energy is a scarce resource and must be treated sparingly. Frequent false alarm detections force superfluous transmissions, thus depleting nodes’ energy storage. This has an adverse effect on the probability of successful transmission of the information message and its delay in case of a true positive detection. In this work, the detection problem is approached using an optimal stopping framework, where the involved likelihoods are highly unstable due to the noisy measurements. A classical AR filter is adopted in order to smooth the posterior likelihoods prior to their usage in the detection phase and its performance is contrasted to that of a novel Beta Particle Filter smoother. The effects of the smoothing filters on the achieved false alarm rate and detection delay are examined using numerical and simulation results. Moreover, the assessment of the detection process takes into account critical WPCN parameters, such as the charging efficiency and the location of the sensors, thus aiding the system design
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