5 research outputs found

    Hydrocarbon Generative Windows Determination Using Geomathematical Model: Case Study from Ogbogede Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    Oil and gas generative windows of source rocks in Niger Delta have been determined by applying a mathematical model to geotemperature data from the wells of Ogbogede oil field. GR and Resistivity log signatures show that the Benin and Agbada Formations comprises massive sands with clay intercalations while the Agbada Formation comprises alternate sequence of sandstones and shales. The geothermal gradients for the field range from 1.4oC/100m to 2oC/100m with an average of 1.8oC/100m and standard deviation of 0.2oC/100m. Geotemperature analysis of shales of the Agbada Formation varies from 58.92oC-107.6oC, indicating that they are thermally mature and within the oil generative window, at depths varying approximately from 1833.30 m to 5166.67m. The gas window occurs from 5166.67 m to 11000 m. This work has provided a mathematical method of source rock evaluation to compliment geochemistry. The outcome is a very important tool, which can be applied to other fields and sedimentary basins in hydrocarbon exploration. Keywords: Hydrocarbon Generative Windows, Geotemperature dat

    Microfossil Assemblages of the Subsurface Parts of the Enugu Formation: Proxies to Depositional Environment and Age of the Formation

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    Two boreholes sunk into Enugu Formation within Enugu Metropolis were logged from the base to the top and samples collected were analyzed for palynomorphs and foraminifera in order to interpret the paleoenvironment and assign age to the formation. Four lithofacies identified include; dark fissile shale lithofacies, heterolithic lithofacies, sand laminated shale lithofacies and greyish shale lithofacies. Palynomorphs recovered consist of pteridophytic spores, angiosperm pollen, fungal spores and Botryoccocus braunii.  Echitriporites trianguliformis, Cythidites sps,. Retitricolporite sp., Retidiporite magdalenensis, Laevigatosporites sp., Zlivisporites blanensis among others were recorded. Five genera of arenaceous benthic foraminifera (Ammobaculites sps., Haplophragmoides sp.,, Trochamina sp., Ammotium sp. and Saccamina sp.) dominated by Ammobaculites sps. were also recovered. The coarsening upwards of the lithofacies succession from basal shale to sand laminated greyish shale lithofacies and the heterolithic lithofacies observed in borehole 1 is an attribute typical of a prograding sea. Evidences from the lithofacies and association, palynomorphs and foraminiferal assemblages showed sediment deposition in a marginal marine setting. Low abundance and diversity of the arenaceous foraminiferal species with the predominance of Ammobaculites sps. is characteristics seen in almost all the samples analyzed. These are suggestive of stressful environment due to low water salinity, rapid sedimentation with influx from terrestrial environment which resulted to stagnant and restricted low oxygen bottom water condition. Keywords: Palynomorphs, Lithofacies, Foraminifera, Environment, Deposition, Shal

    Lithofacies and Pebble Morphogenesis: Keys to Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Nkporo Formation, Afikpo Sub-Basin, Nigeria

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    The Nkporo Formation in the Afikpo Subbasin, Nigeria, is dominantly shaly but contains two sandstone members within it. These sandstones host vein quartz pebble beds and dispersed clasts which have been used for pebble morphometric analysis. As independent functions and dependent variables, pebble morphometric indices of Coefficient of Flatness, Elongation Ratio, Maximum Projection Sphericity, Oblate-Prolate Index, Roundness and Form suggest deposition of the sandstones in fluvio-deltaic to littoral settings. Lithofacies analysis identified six lithofacies, grouped into estuarine delta and marine offshore lithofacies associations. These include trough cross-bedded sandstone, ophiomorpha burrowed, wave/rippled and planar cross-bedded lithofacies, Inclined heterolithic lithofacies, fine grained, silty sandstone, lignite/coals, shales/mudstone, interbedded with limestones and oolitic ironstones lithofacies. The estuarine lithofacies association shows a tripartite subdivision into meandering estuarine and tidal point bars overlain by estuary funnel tidal creek sandstones, carbonaceous beds; and estuary mouth tidal and barriers bars and shallow marine shales in a drowned incised valley. The fining upwards lithofacies pattern suggests deepening and transgression of the sea in a tidal estuarine setting. Keywords: Lithofacies, Lithofacies association, Pebble morphogenesis, Paleoenvironments, Tidal estuar

    Tide-generated Sedimentary Structures, Lithofacies and Particle Size Distribution: Proxies to the depositional setting of the Ajali Sandstone in the Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria.

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    Herringbone cross stratification, mud draped foresets, reactivation surfaces, tidal bundles, flaser beddings, ripple and horizontal laminations were identified on the Ajali Sandstone studied. The biogenic structures occur as dominantly vertical to sub-vertical and u -tubed burrows of the Skolithos ichnofacies commonly Skolithos verticalis and Ophiomorpha nodosa. Occasional Thalassinoides and Teichichnus isp burrows of the Cruziana Ichnofacies also occur. Three lithofacies were identified and these include; the medium to coarse grained cross bedded sandstone lithofacies, Fine grained cross bedded sandstone lithofacies and the mudstone lithofacies. The paleocurrent pattern from cross bed azimuths shows a bimodal – bipolar pattern indicative of tidal process. The grain size frequency histograms indicate both unimodal and bimodal asymmetrical patterns with shifting modes. The cumulative frequency curves suggest traction, saltation and suspension as the mechanisms of the sediment transport. The bivariate plots of the discriminant functions (Y1, Y2 and Y3) for the sands suggest deposition in a shallow agitated marine environment. Intertidal to subtidal shallow marine depositional setting is proposed for the Ajali Sandstone. Key word: Tide, Sedimentary structures, Particle size, Lithofacies, Subtidal, Depositional settin

    Lithofacies, Palynology and Facies Association: Keys to Paleogeographical Interpretation of the Enugu and the Mamu Formations of Southeastern Nigeria

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    The lithofacies, palynological assemblages and facies association have been employed in the interpretation of depositional setting, paleogeography and age of the Enugu and the Mamu Formations of the Anambra Basin, southeastern Nigeria. Palynological analysis yielded index sporomorphs and marine dinoflagellates typical of the Late Campanian to Early Maastrichtian for the Enugu Formation and Early- Mid Maastrichtian for the Mamu Formation. The coarsening upwards characteristics of the lithofacies and the general decrease to the absence of marine dinoflagellates coupled with an increase in the abundance of sporomorphs from the Enugu Formation into the Mamu Formation suggest shallowing of the sea.  There is also a gradation from transgressive to regressive facies association. Late Campanian marine transgression deposited the basal part of the Enugu Formation. Seaward advancement of the shoreline commenced during the Early Maastrichtian in the Enugu Formation and continued into the Mid Maastrichtian in the Mamu Formation.   Key words: Paleogeography, Sporomorph, Lithofacies, Dinoflagellate, Transgression, Regressio