19 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Sustainability Reporting Disclosure Based On Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 On Company Performance (A Study On Companies Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange)

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    Abstract: This research aims to analyze the effect of sustainability report disclosures which are variables of economic dimension, environment dimension and social dimension variables on company performance (Tobin’s Q). The index used as a guideline sustainability report disclosure in this research is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4. The population in this research is the entire companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2015. The companies as the sample are based on the purposive sampling method chosen by some specific criteria. Type of data used in this research is secondary data. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression method using SPSS 22 as an analytical tool. The result of this research shows that the variable of economic dimension has a positive effect on company performance. On the other hand, variables of environment dimension and social dimension do not affect the company performanceAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan yang merupakan variabel dimensi ekonomi, dimensi lingkungan dan variabel dimensi sosial terhadap kinerja perusahaan (Tobin's Q). Indeks yang digunakan sebagai pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan panduan dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2014-2015. Perusahaan sebagai sampel didasarkan pada metode purposive sampling yang dipilih oleh beberapa kriteria tertentu. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda menggunakan SPSS 22 sebagai alat analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel dimensi ekonomi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Di sisi lain, variabel dimensi lingkungan dan dimensi sosial tidak berpengaruh pada kinerja perusahaan.

    The Effect of Independent Commissioners, Supply Chain Management, and Audit Committee on Accounting Conservatism

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    Abstract- This study aims to examine the influence of independent commissioner, supply chain management, and audit committee on the accounting conservatism. The accounting conservatism is measured by accrual measurement. The population of this study is manufacturing’scompanies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2015. Based on purposive sampling method, the total obtained sampleis 508 companies.The source of data is taken from annual reports of companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2015.The data analysis method is using multiple linear regressions with SPSS 22 software application.The result of this study found that supply chain management has significant negative effect on the accounting conservatism, while the variables of independent commissioner and audit committee have no significant effect on the accounting conservatism


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    This study purposed to understand the effect of locus of control and environmental risk factors to financial and development monitoring board (Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan/BPKP) Lampung province. Sampling method used in this study is purposive judgment sampling method. Data collected by interviewing method and sending guestionnaire directly to respondent. From 100 guestionnaires, 62 guestionnaires returned egual to 62% return rate. Analysis method used in this study is double linear regression by SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Science). The result shows that Jocus of control an environmental risk factors partially have positive and significant effect to the performance of governmen internal auditor. Partial testing used t-count at 95% of certainty rate and at 5%. Result of hypothesis testing simultaneously shows that locus of control and environmental risk factors variable positively and significantly influence the performance of government internal auditor. Hypothesis testing towards regression coefficient simultaneously used by F-test at 0,228 means that 22,8% of government internal auditor performance can be explained by second variation of independent variable in this study


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of budget participation, budget communication and budget details on the performance of local government budgeting. The object of this research is employees who work in the Government of East Lampung Regency and taken 3 people consisting of SKPD Leaders, Treasurers, and Planning (Kasubbag/Kasi). A total sample of 162 came from 54 SKPD and the analysis tool used was multiple linear regression. The results showed that budgetary participation, budget communication and budget detail had positive effect on the performance of the budget preparation of the East Lampung Regency Government. The more SKPD leaders carry out detailed budget oversight functions, they will be able to reduce the occurrence of budget irregularities, so that the performance of budget preparation is better. Suggestions proposed in this study are: The Government of East Lampung Regency has to improve capabilities and encourage more active participation by providing education programs and training on a regular budget preparation to the employees. SKPD Leaders involve more employees who are involved in budgeting activities during the implementation of the East Lampung Regency Development Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang) from the subdistrict level to the district level deliberation. East Lampung Regency Government has to use the budgeting system with the E-Budgetting System to avoid budget irregularities. Future studies are suggested including other variables outside the budget planning model variables as moderating variables to measure the performance of budgeting. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh financial distress, opini audit, dan profitabilitas terhadap audit report lag (studi empiris pada perusahaan perbankan dan perusahaan pembiayaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2012-2016). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan data sekunder dari Bursa Efek Indonesia, penelitian ini memiliki 53 perusahaan sampel dalam pemilihan berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling pada tahun 2012-2016. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi logistik dengan software SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa financial distress tidak berpengaruh terhadap audit report lag, opini audit berpengaruh negatif terhadap audit report lag, dan profitabilitas berpengaruh negatif terhadap audit report lag. Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini sebagai pertimbangan bagi perusahaan dalam merencanakan pekerjaan lapangan dengan sebaik-baiknya sehingga dapat memperbaiki ketepatan pelaporan keuangan ataupun mempercepat publikasi laporan auditan

    The Effect of good corporate governance on disclosure of anti-corruption policy in state-owned business entities

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    This study analyzes the effect of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and company characteristics on the tendency to disclose anti-corruption policies in Indonesian companies. This study aims to re-examine the factors that influence the tendency of companies to disclose anti-corruption policies in the context of companies that exist in Indonesia and are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The influence of good corporate governance itself is described through the proxies of good corporate governance, namely institutional ownership, audit committees and independent commissioners as benchmarks in this study


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    The goal of this research is to compare the accuracy of three prediction models which are permanent earnings, aggregate earnings and operational cash flow in prediction future operational cash flow. The hypotheses which are proposed in this research are H1: permanent earnings are more accurate than aggregate earnings in prediction future operational cash flow, and H2: operational cash flow is more accurate than aggregate earnings in prediction future operational cash flow. The researcher uses test instruments panel data regression to make efficient regression panel data model. The samples in this research are 29 companies from 148 manufactory companies which are registrant in Indonesian Stock Exchange. The dependent variable is operational cash flow, whereas independent variables are permanent earnings, aggregate earnings and operational cash flow. The accuracy comparison of prediction model is done by comparing the value of prediction error by using absolute percentage error (APE). The result of test by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with real  rate 5% prove that permanent earnings is not different from the accuracy with aggregate earnings in prediction future operational cash flow. Empirical evidence also shows that operational cash flow is more accurate than aggregate earnings in prediction future operational cash flow.</em

    Determination of Fraudulent Financial Statements in Indonesia

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    This study intends to examine the causations of fraudulent financial statement in Indonesia based on The Fraud Hexagon Theory. It uses secondary data from Indonesia’s companies that have history of doing fraudulent financial statement and delisting from Indonesia Stock Exchange, for the year 2010 until 2020. Data analysis was carried out with logistic regression method. The study views the company as a single party that commits fraudulent financial statements. Result shows pressure (ROA), arrogance (CEO dismissal) and collusion (whistle blowing system implementation) statistically have correlation with fraudulent financial statements. To the contrary, other fraud elements such opportunity (numbers of internal auditors), rationalization (total accrual), and capability (good governance implementation), statistically have no correlation with fraudulent financial statement. Simultaneously, all variables used in this study affect fraudulent financial statements

    Pengaruh Earnings Management Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dimoderasi Dengan Praktik Corporate Governance

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    Problems in the practice of corporate governance arise and occur because of differences and separation between control and ownership of the company. This study has a purpose, including to analyze the effect of Earning Management on firm worth, to investigate the impact of Corporate Governance on firm worth, and to dissect the benefits of Corporate Governance effect on firm worth and acquiring the executives. The populace taken in this study is organization information recorded on the IDX. Inspecting was done utilizing purposive examining strategy. The data used by the researcher includes secondary data, namely quantitative data obtained from the BEI website. The data collection method of this research is documentation data. The stages of data analysis were carried out through the stages of descriptive statistics, classical suspicion tests, and speculation testing. The outcomes showed that income the board had a critical adverse consequence on firm worth, institutional proprietorship as a directing variable of profit the executives on firm value had a significant positive effect, and the independent commissioner variable as moderating variable of earnings management on firm value had a significant positive effec

    The Effect of Good University Governance, Effectiveness of Internal Controlling System, and Obedience of Accounting Regulation on the Tendency of Fraud in PTKIN-BLU

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    This study aims to search the empirical evidence of implementation effect of good university governance, effectiveness of internal controlling system, and obedience of accounting regulation on the tendency of fraud in PTKIN-BLU. This study consists of an independent variable and three dependent variables. The independent variable of this study is the tendency of accounting fraud, while the dependent variables in this study are good university governance, effectiveness of internal controlling system, and obedience of accounting regulation. The sample of this study is 80 respondents by using purposive judgment sampling method, which is a sampling with certain criteria. Data are collected by using questionnaire survey method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents in financial report making division of PTKIN-BLU. After data are collected, data analysis is done by using SEM (Structural Equation Square) with the use of SmartPLS software. Based on the data processing result, it is known that there is negative and significant effect from variable good university governance and the effectiveness of internal controlling system on variable the tendency of accounting fraud. It demonstrates the advantage of governance reinforcement as well as internal controlling to prevent fraud behavior in PTKIN-BLU. Meanwhile, variable obedience of accounting regulation does not affect the tendency of accounting fraud. Therefore, the level of accounting regulation obedience in PTKIN-BLU does not affect the decrease of accounting fraud tendency. Keywords: Good university governance, effectiveness of internal controlling system, obedience of accounting regulation, and tendency of accounting frau