29 research outputs found

    A seven-year follow-up of discharged patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with respect to ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    Introduction. The aim of this multicentre prospective study was to describe the seven-year survival of patients, from the region of East Bohemia, after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), occurring between 2002 and 2004. The main focus of this study was on the survival of patients with ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients and Methods. A total 718 patients with OHCA were included in the study. Of these patients, 149 were admitted to hospital. The main cohort of our study consisted of 53 patients (41 men; median 59; average 58±13), who survived acute hospitalization. In these patients, STEMI was the main cause of OHCA in 15 cases (28%), whereas without STEMI was found in 38 cases (72%). Patients who survived hospitalization were periodically followed-up at six-monthly intervals. Results. In the first follow-up year, 42 patients survived (79% of 53 patients), in the third year 38 patients (72%), in the fifth year 33 patients (62%) and in the seventh year 31 patients (59%). Ninety-four percent of patients were in good neurological condition after the seventh follow-up year. The whole period of seven years was survived by 12 (80%) out of 15 patients with STEMI, and by 19 (50%) out of 38 patients without STEMI. In patients who survived the seventh year after STEMI, direct percutaneous coronary intervention was performed in 11 cases. Conclusions. Fifty-nine percent of patients discharged from hospital after OHCA survived until the seventh year. The highest rate of survival during this period was seen in patients with STEMI, i.e. in 80%

    L'impact de l'événementiel dans le développement touristique des villes : typologies, effets spatiaux et représentation des territoires (The impact of the urban events and festivities on the touristic development of cities : Typologies, spatial effects, and territorial representation)

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    Can we say there is a typology of urban events ? What kind of bond do they establish with the touristic development of the host city ? First of all the definition of urban festive event will be defined, to compare next through a typologie, seven festive events (Bordeaux, Nantes, and Paris). We will present a classification and an analysis of typologies. The main criteria are the conception issues of the events, their spatial effects and their possible touristic impact.Peut-on évoquer une typologie des événements festifs ? Quel type de rapport entretiennent-ils avec le développement touristique des villes d'accueil ? La notion d'événement urbain festif sera d'abord définie, pour comparer ensuite, au travers d'une typologie, sept événements festifs à Bordeaux, Nantes et Paris. Les enjeux de conception des événements, leurs effets spatiaux et leur impact sur le tourisme étant les principaux critères utilisés.Miranda Monica, Cermakova Eva. L'impact de l'événementiel dans le développement touristique des villes : typologies, effets spatiaux et représentation des territoires (The impact of the urban events and festivities on the touristic development of cities : Typologies, spatial effects, and territorial representation). In: Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, 86e année, 2009-3 ( septembre). L'événementiel et les villes touristiques. pp. 388-397

    L´impact de l´événementiel dans le développement touristique des villes: typologies, effets spatiaux et représentation des territoires

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    Can we say there is a typology of urban events? What kind of bond do they establish with the touristic development of the host city? First of all the definition of urban festive event will be defined, to compare next through a typology, seven festive events (Bordeaux, Nantes, and Paris). We will present a classification and an analysis of typologies. The main criteria are the conception issues of the events, their spatial effects and their possible touristic impact.Peut-on évoquer une typologie des évènements festifs ? Quel type de rapport entretiennent-ils avec le développement touristique des villes d'accueil ? La notion d'évènement urbain festif sera d'abord définie, pour comparer ensuite, au travers d'une typologie, sept évènements festifs à Bordeaux, Nantes et Paris. Les enjeux de conception des évènements, leurs effets spatiaux et leur impact sur le tourisme étant les principaux critères utilisés


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    Background: Methamphetamine is a neurotoxic agent. Its chronic abuse may result in cognitive impairment with negative consequences for patients´ treatment and rehabilitation. The aim of the study was to compare Wisconsin Card Sorting Test profiles of Czech subjects dependent on methamphetamine with healthy individuals. Subjects and methods: Forty-three hospitalized Czech Caucasian patients including twenty-seven men at the average age of 25.3±5.2 years dependent on methamphetamine for 6.2±3.3 years were assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. We used the same neurocognitive test for the comparison group of healthy controls with the same ethnicity (N=52, men N=28, average age of 38.7±12.1 years). We applied the Chi-Square Test, Two-Sample T Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test to compare methamphetamine dependent patients with healthy volunteers. Results: All recorded Wisconsin Card Sorting Test parameters were significantly different in the group of methamphetamine dependent patients versus healthy volunteers (P=0.04-0.006; Mann-Whitney U Test, Two-Sample T Test). The results showed a higher error rate and a smaller achievement quality in the patients as against healthy subjects. We ascertained a significant cognitive deterioration in the patients as compared to healthy volunteers even if the average patients´ achievements were in the normal range according to the test norms. Conclusions: A cognitive impairment was present in the group of patients as compared to healthy controls. Better understanding of neurocognitive symptoms in methamphetamine dependent subjects should help to generate modern therapeutic approaches, both pharmacological and psychosocial, to prevent or attenuate the long-term negative consequences of methamphetamine use disorders

    The Association of Caries Increment Dynamics in Preschool Children with Risk Factors: The 3-Year Prospective Study

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    This prospective study monitored the dental status, the presence of plaque, and cariogenic microorganism levels of identical children over three years. The aim was to determine the dynamics of caries increment as well as the relationship between risk factors and caries prevalence. A total number of 125 children (72 boys and 53 girls) was included in the study, with an average age of 3.95 ± 0.06 years at the baseline. During the clinical examination at the nursery schools, the presence of dental plaque was recorded, and saliva samples were collected from the tongue of children for the DentoCult SM test providing easy detection of mutans streptococci from saliva samples. At baseline, 65.6% of the children had no caries, 4% had restored teeth with fillings or crowns or missing teeth due to caries, and 30.4% had at least one untreated caries. The percentages of intact teeth, restored or missing teeth, and untreated caries were 52.8%, 8.8%, 38.4% in the second year and 49.1%, 13.8%, and 31.1% in the third year. The dmft index value was 1.41 ± 0.24 in the first year, 2.29 ± 0.30 in the second year, and 2.33 ± 0.31 in the third year. There was a significant correlation between plaque presence and dt and dmft values (p < 0.05; the statistical analyses were performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). This 3-year longitudinal study highlighted the importance of examining both the oral hygiene and the level of cariogenic microorganisms when undertaking the evaluation of caries risk evaluation in preschool children

    The Analysis of Dental Treatment under General Anaesthesia in Medically Compromised and Healthy Children

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    Dental care under general anaesthesia (GA) is an option when normal treatment cannot be accomplished due to un-cooperation and systemic or cognitive/intellectual disabilities. The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to analyse the dental treatment under GA in medically compromised and healthy children. The data were collected from the medical records of children who received their dental treatment under GA. The data regarding patient age, sex, general health, and type of treatment were analysed. This clinical trial included 229 study subjects (138 males, 91 females) with an average age of 8.34 (SD 3.78). Counts and relative counts were used for description of qualitative data. The association between the variables was analysed using contingency tables. The significance of the findings was tested by the chi-square test. Most of the children were older pre-school 63 (27.51%) and young school children 102 (44.54%). Medical disability (systemic or intellectual) was diagnosed in 142 children (62.01%); the remaining 87 (37.99%) were healthy children. Dental treatment of primary teeth was more commonly performed in healthy children (65.52%) compared to medically compromised children (58.45%) (p = 0.287). The total number of medically compromised children and the total number of healthy children were both considered to be 100% for the purpose of the following calculations. In terms of permanent dentition, medically compromised children required more extractions and fillings (38.03%, 57.04%) compared to healthy children (14.94%, 17.24%, respectively). The results of this study revealed that dental treatment under GA was more commonly performed in medically compromised children in permanent teeth only in comparison to healthy children. Based on these findings, both health professionals and state authorities should focus more on preventive care in medically compromised children in order to improve their oral health

    DNA damage and arterial hypertension. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Oxidative DNA damage markers (8OHdG, comet assay, gammaH2AX) are becoming widely used in clinical cardiology research. To conduct this review of DNA damage in relation to hypertension in humans, we used databases (e.g. PubMed, Web of Science) to search for English-language publications up to June 30, 2022 and the terms: DNA damage, comet assay, gammaH2AX, 8OHdG, strand breaks, and arterial hypertension. Exclusion criteria were: children, absence of relevant controls, extra-arterial hypertensive issues, animal, cell lines. From a total of 79526, 15 human studies were selected. A total of 902 hypertensive patients (pts): (comet: N=418 pts; 8OHdG: N=484 pts) and 587 controls (comet: N=203; 8OHdG: N=384) were included. DNA damage was significantly higher in hypertensive pts than healthy controls (comet 26.6±11.0 vs 11.7±4.07 arbitrary units /A.U./; P<0.05 and="" 8ohdg="" 13="" 1="" 4="" 12="" vs="" 6="" 97="" 2="" 67="" ng="" mg="" creatinine="" i=""> P<0.05) confirmed with meta-analysis for both. Greater DNA damage was observed in more adverse cases (concentric cardiac hypertrophy 43.4±15.4 vs 15.6±5.5; sustained/untreated hypertension 31.4±12.1 vs 14.2±5/35.0±5.0 vs 25.0 ±5.0; non-dippers 39.2±15.5 vs 29.4±11.1 A.U.; elderly 14.9±4.5 vs 9.3±4.1 ng/mg creatinine; without carvedilol 9.1±4.2 vs 5.7±3.9; with coronary heart disease 0.5±0.1 vs 0.2±0.1 ng/mL) (P<0.05) confirmed with meta-analysis. DNA damage correlated strongly positively with serum glycosylated haemoglobin (r=0.670; P<0.05) and negatively with total antioxidant status (r=-0.670 to -0.933; P<0.05). This is the first systematic review with meta-analysis showing that oxidative DNA damage was increased in humans with arterial hypertension compared to controls

    Atopic Dermatitis and Sensitisation to Molecular Components of <i>Alternaria</i>, <i>Cladosporium</i>, <i>Penicillium</i>, <i>Aspergillus</i>, and <i>Malassezia</i>—Results of Allergy Explorer ALEX 2

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    Progress in laboratory diagnostics of IgE-mediated allergies is being made through the use of component-resolved diagnosis. The aim of our study is to analyze the sensitization profile to allergen reagents in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis with the use of the ALEX 2–Allergy Explorer and especially to show the sensitization to molecular components of molds and yeast. The complete dermatological and allergological examination including the examination of the sensitization to allergen reagents with Allergy Explorer ALEX 2 testing was performed. The relation between the sensitization to molecular components of molds and yeast and the severity of atopic dermatitis, and the occurrence of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis was evaluated. Altogether, 100 atopic dermatitis patients were examined—48 men and 52 women, with an average age of 40.9 years. The sensitization to Mala s 6, Mala s 11, Sac c, Asp f 6, Cla h and Cla h 8 correlates to the severity of atopic dermatitis. The sensitization to Sac c, Alt a 6, Cla h, Cla h 8 was observed significantly more frequently in patients suffering from bronchial asthma to Mala s 6 in patients suffering from allergic rhinitis. In patients with severe form of atopic dermatitis (AD), a very high level of specific IgE was recorded to Mala s 11 (in 36%) and to Asp f 6 (in 12%)

    Prognostic value of blood cell count-derived ratios in BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma

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    Background. The treatment and prognosis of metastatic melanoma have changed during the last decade to include immunotherapy or targeted therapy as standard therapeutic options for BRAF-mutated melanoma. However, predictive and/or prognostic markers are lacking, especially in clinical situations where several options are available. The aim of this study was to determine the association of pre-therapeutic blood cell count-derived ratios (BCDR) with survival in patients with BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma. Methods. We evaluated the prognostic role of BCDR in therapy-naïve patients with BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors or targeted therapy. The impact of BCDR on survival was analysed using univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard models. Results. We enrolled 46 patients treated with BRAF inhibitors and 20 patients who received anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors. The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were 8.3 and 18.2 months, respectively, with no statistical difference between groups. The objective response rate was 39% (30% in the anti-PD-1 and 44% in the targeted therapy groups). Baseline BCDR values were associated with improved PFS and OS in the immunotherapy group. Only the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) was associated with OS and PFS in the targeted therapy group. Independent prognostic indicators for PFS were lactate dehydrogenase, PLR and the lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR) and those for OS were LMR, toxicity and the number of initial metastases. Conclusion. BCDR had a substantial prognostic value in patients with BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. However, a prognostic role for BCDR seemed less apparent in patients treated with targeted therapies