27 research outputs found

    Anti-lipoapoptotic effect of Artemisia capillaris extract on free fatty acids-induced HepG2 cells

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    BACKGROUND: Artemisia capillaris (AC) has been recognized as one of the promising candidates for hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, antiobesitic and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effectiveness. This study evaluated the inherent mechanism and anti-apoptotic activity of 30% ethanol extract of AC (AC extract) 100 μg/ml on free fatty acids (FFAs)-induced HepG2 cellular steatosis and lipoapoptosis. METHODS: Hepatic steatosis was induced by culturing HepG2 cells with a FFAs mixture (oleic and palmitic acid at the proportion of 2:1) for 24 h, thus ultimately giving rise to lipoapoptosis. Cell viability and lipid accumulation were detected by MTT assay and Oil Red O staining method respectively and Caspase-3, −9, Bax, Bcl-2, p-JNK and PUMA were measured for lipoapoptosis after 24 hours. RESULTS: AC extract significantly improved the FFAs-induced steatosis without cytotoxicity and Caspase-3, −9, Bax and Bcl-2 were modulated profitably to HepG2 cells after AC treatment. In addition, AC extract inhibited the activation of c-Jun NH(2) terminal kinase (JNK) and PUMA, which mechanism is related to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). CONCLUSIONS: Combined together, AC extract exerted an obvious hypolipidemic and anti-apoptotic effect, indicating that AC extract might have potential therapeutic herb against NASH

    An Evolution Based Biosensor Receptor DNA Sequence Generation Algorithm

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    A biosensor is composed of a bioreceptor, an associated recognition molecule, and a signal transducer that can selectively detect target substances for analysis. DNA based biosensors utilize receptor molecules that allow hybridization with the target analyte. However, most DNA biosensor research uses oligonucleotides as the target analytes and does not address the potential problems of real samples. The identification of recognition molecules suitable for real target analyte samples is an important step towards further development of DNA biosensors. This study examines the characteristics of DNA used as bioreceptors and proposes a hybrid evolution-based DNA sequence generating algorithm, based on DNA computing, to identify suitable DNA bioreceptor recognition molecules for stable hybridization with real target substances. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) approach is applied in the proposed algorithm to evaluate the safety and fitness of the generated DNA sequences. This approach improves efficiency and stability for enhanced and variable-length DNA sequence generation and allows extension to generation of variable-length DNA sequences with diverse receptor recognition requirements

    Potential Roles and Key Mechanisms of Hawthorn Extract against Various Liver Diseases

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    The genus Crataegus (hawthorn), a flowering shrub or tree, is a member of the Rosaceae family and consists of approximately 280 species that have been primarily cultivated in East Asia, North America, and Europe. Consumption of hawthorn preparations has been chiefly associated with pharmacological benefits for cardiovascular diseases, including congestive heart failure and angina pectoris. Treatment with hawthorn extracts can be related to improvements in the complex pathogenesis of various hepatic and cardiovascular disorders. In this regard, the present review described that the presence of hawthorn extracts ameliorated hepatic injury, lipid accumulation, inflammation, fibrosis, and cancer in an abundance of experimental models. Hawthorn extracts might have these promising activities, largely by enhancing the hepatic antioxidant system. In addition, several mechanisms, including AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and apoptosis, are responsible for the role of hawthorn extracts in repairing the dysfunction of injured hepatocytes. Specifically, hawthorn possesses a wide range of biological actions relevant to the treatment of toxic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Accordingly, hawthorn extracts can be developed as a major source of therapeutic agents for liver diseases

    Ionic-surfactant-coated subtilisin: activity, enantioselectivity, and application to dynamic kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols

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    In this work, we explored the utility of ionic-surfactant-coated Bacillus licheniformis subtilisin (ISCBLS) as the catalyst for the dynamic kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols. ISCBLS was prepared by freeze-drying Bacillus licheniformis subtilisin with both ionic surfactant 1 and dextrin. ISCBCL displayed 9300-fold enhanced activity relative to its native counterpart in the transesterificaion of N-acetyl phenylalanine ethyl ester with 1-propanol in hexane and 12 800-fold enhanced activity in the transesterification of trifluoroethyl butyrate with 1-phenylethanol in THF. The enantioselectivity of ISCBLS was examined with 50 secondary alcohols as the substrates for kinetic resolution in the presence of trifluoroethyl butyrate. ISCBLS displayed synthetically useful enantioselectivity for most of the secondary alcohols tested. The enantioselectivity of ISCBLS was in particular good to high for m-or p-substituted 1-phenylethanols. The DKRs of these secondary alcohols by the combination of ISCBLS and a ruthenium-based racemization catalyst provided the products of (S)-configuration with good results (80-94% yield, 90-99% ee). It is concluded that ISCBLS is of great use as the enantiocomplementary counterpart of (R)-selective lipase for the dynamic kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols.11sciescopu

    Comparative Study in Software and Healthcare Industries between South Korea and US Based on Economic Input–Output Analysis

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    In the modern era, software technology is being used not only as a core technology for manufacturing but also in various industries, such as telemedicine services, and the importance of the healthcare industry is being emphasized due to the demand for improved quality of life from the increase in the general level of earnings. However, if the industry emits a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2), it is questionable whether it is a sustainable industry. This study aimed to analyze the economic linkage effect of software and healthcare industries in South Korea and the United States by applying input–output analysis and examine whether these industries are sustainable in terms of CO2 emissions. The input–output tables and CO2 emissions from 2005 to 2015 were used for analysis from OECD. As a result of the analysis, CO2 emissions from the software and healthcare industries were less than 1% in both South Korea and the United States, suggesting that these industries are well-suited for low-carbon development in these countries. The forward and backward linkage effects of the software industry are different between South Korea and the United States. Specifically, the backward linkage effect of the software industry is large in South Korea, and the forward linkage effect is large in the United States. The forward linkage effect of the healthcare industry is different in the two countries, but the backward linkage effect is not. It means that there are differences in the industrial structure of the two countries. The software and healthcare industries need to devise strategies to drive production in other industries while maintaining current low carbon emission levels

    A hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm: Striking a balance with local search

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    This paper presents a hybrid multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (HMEA) that efficiently deals with multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs). The aim is to discover new nondominated solutions in the neighborhood of the most promising individuals in order to effectively push individuals toward the global Pareto front. It can be achieved by bringing the strength of an adaptive local search (ALS) to bear upon the evolutionary multiobjective optimization. The ALS is devised by combining a weighted fitness strategy and a knowledge-based local search which does not incur any significant computational cost. To be more exact, the highly converged and less crowded solutions selected in accordance with the weighted fitness values are improved by the local search, thereby helping multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MEAs) to economize on the search time and traverse the search space. Thus, the proposed HMEA that transplants the ALS to the framework of MEAs can achieve higher proximity and better diversity of nondominated solutions. To show the utility of HMEA, the ALS for multiobjective knapsack problems (MKPs) is developed by exploiting the problem's knowledge. Experimental results on the MKPs have provided evidence for its effectiveness as regards the proximity and the diversity performances. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.1

    X-ray Irradiation-Induced Abnormal Development and DNA Damage in Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

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    The potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), is a destructive pest of Solanaceous crops. This study investigated the effects of X-ray irradiation on development, DNA damage and recovery in P. operculella. Eggs, larvae (*3rd and 5th), pupae, and adults were irradiated with various doses of X-ray irradiation. Egg hatching was inhibited at 70 Gy, and the pupation and adult emergence of 3rd-instar larvae were inhibited at 150 Gy and 70 Gy, respectively. Some 5th-instar larvae pupated at 150 Gy but failed to emerge as adults at 150 Gy. The adult emergence of pupae that spawned at 150 Gy, but egg hatching of F1 generation was completely inhibited. In addition, the adult emergence of irradiated-pupae was completely inhibited at 200 Gy. Adults spawned at 150 Gy, but the hatching of the F1 generation was completely suppressed. The levels of DNA damage and repair in P. operculella adults were investigated using the alkaline comet assay. The results indicated that X-ray irradiation increased DNA damage in a dose-dependent manner and showed that DNA damage was repaired in a time-dependent manner. However, damage from a high radiation doses was not completely repaired. This result suggests that at least 150 Gy radiation should be used for the control P. operculella

    A Survey of Therapeutic Effects of Artemisia capillaris in Liver Diseases

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    Artemisia capillaris has been recognized as an herb with therapeutic efficacy in liver diseases and widely used as an alternative therapy in Asia. Numerous studies have reported the antisteatotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiviral, antifibrotic, and antitumor activities of A. capillaris. These reports support its therapeutic potential in various liver diseases such as chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. In addition, several properties of its various constituents, which provide clues to the underlying mechanisms of its therapeutic effects, have been studied. This review describes the scientific evidence supporting the therapeutic potential of A. capillaris and its constituents in various liver diseases