28 research outputs found

    Gene Expression Analysis of Aggressive Adult Xp11.2 Translocation Renal Cell Carcinoma at Clinical Stage T1N0M0 to Identify Potential Prognostic and Therapeutic Biomarkers

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    Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma (tRCC), involving transcription factor E3 (TFE3) gene fusions, is a rare and aggressive RCC variant when present in adults and has been recently recognized as a unique entity in RCC. Biomarkers and treatment guidelines do not exist for patients with aggressive Xp11.2 tRCC. The aim was to identify and evaluate therapeutic biomarkers for aggressive Xp11.2 tRCC. RNA sequencing was performed using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from 11 adult patients with clinical T1N0M0 Xp11.2 tRCC, including three patients with aggressive characteristics (recurrence or cancer-specific death after nephrectomy). Thirty genes were differentially expressed between the aggressive and non-aggressive groups, even after adjustment, and were associated with KEGG pathways related to the aggressiveness of Xp11.2 tRCC. PIK3R2, involved in various KEGG pathways, including the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, was overexpressed in the Xp11.2 tRCC cell lines UOK120 and UOK146. The PI3K pathway inhibitor LY294002 showed a significant therapeutic benefit. This study provides the first candidate biomarker, PIK3R2, for aggressive clinical T1N0M0 Xp11.2 tRCC. Furthermore, this study is the first to recommend a targeted drug, LY294002, for aggressive Xp11.2 tRCC based on the molecular pathophysiology

    Development of Desiccation-Tolerant Probiotic Biofilms Inhibitory for Growth of Foodborne Pathogens on Stainless Steel Surfaces

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    Lactic acid bacteria biofilms can be used to reduce foodborne pathogen contamination in the food industry. However, studies on growth inhibition of foodborne pathogens by inducing biofilm formation of antagonistic microorganisms on abiotic surfaces are rare. We developed a desiccation-tolerant antimicrobial probiotic biofilm. Lactobacillus sakei M129-1 and Pediococcus pentosaceus M132-2 isolated from fermented Korean foods were found to exhibit broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella enterica. Their biofilm levels were significantly (p < 0.05) higher on stainless steel than on polyethylene or ceramic. Biofilms of both isolates showed significantly (p < 0.05) enhanced resistance against desiccation (exposure to 43% atmospheric relative humidity) as compared with the isolates not in the biofilm form. The antimicrobial activity of the isolates was sustained in dried biofilms on stainless steel surface; the initial number of foodborne pathogens (average 7.0 log CFU/mL), inoculated on stainless steel chips containing L. sakei M129-1 or P. pentosaceus M132-2 biofilm decreased to less than 1.0 log CFU within 48 h. The lactic acid bacteria antibacterial biofilms developed in this study may be applied to desiccated environmental surfaces in food-related environments to improve microbiological food safety

    Comparative Study of Recognition Differences in Personal Health Record Users between South Korea and the United States

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    Abstract Co mpared to S. Korea, the United States has been promoting the utilization of personal health records better, especially with the use of online patient portals. Additionally, with the Health Information Act (HIT) and mean ingful use criteria, personal health record (PHR) is being re-emphasized to influence the health reform. The U.S. adopted PHR at facilities, including hospitals and ambulatory care centers, whereas the Korean market for PHR is relat ively new. Ho wever, the level of awareness and utilization of the general public is low in both countries. Thus, to increase awareness and utilization of PHR, this study aimed to co mpare similarit ies and differences in the defin ition, background, utilization, and barriers of PHR between the United States and Republic of Korea. Three published references were reviewed and co mpared: the Lake Research Partners for the Califo rnia HealthCare, the Markle Foundations in the U.S., and the Center for Interoperable Electronic Health Record (CIEHR) in Korea. We utilized published reports on definit ion, background, and function; we also analysed our surveyed data collected in S. Korea in 2008. The data in the three literatures along with the survey data collected in Korea were all gathered fro m the general public. The result showed that the proportion of PHR users and non-users in the Un ited State (85%) and S. Korea (81%) were similar. According to Lake Research, 32% of 266 A merican PHR users agreed that PHR is helpful on improving their o wn health. In addition, 32.4% responded that PHR is useful to the control risk factors for health. The total number of wo men respondents (35%) in the U.S. was higher than that of men (31%), but the number of wo men respondents (30.8%) in Korea was lower than that of men (33.9%). The barriers for using PHR for non-users in the U.S. included concerns of privacy (75%), according to the Lake Report. In our survey, 53.4% of Korean non-users of PHR were also concerned about the privacy of their personal information. Although there was a lack of recognition differences, it is important to enhance the quality of healthcare through effective utilizat ion of PHR. W ith the fact that PHR systems should be tailored for different d isease patterns, healthcare systems, and culture, these similarit ies and differences of recognition as well as perceptions of PHR can be foundational works to conduct future research on comparisons of imp lementing strategies, issues of governance and policy, and much more

    Integration of whole-exome sequencing and structural neuroimaging analysis in major depressive disorder: a joint study

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    Abstract Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental illness worldwide and is triggered by an intricate interplay between environmental and genetic factors. Although there are several studies on common variants in MDD, studies on rare variants are relatively limited. In addition, few studies have examined the genetic contributions to neurostructural alterations in MDD using whole-exome sequencing (WES). We performed WES in 367 patients with MDD and 161 healthy controls (HCs) to detect germline and copy number variations in the Korean population. Gene-based rare variants were analyzed to investigate the association between the genes and individuals, followed by neuroimaging-genetic analysis to explore the neural mechanisms underlying the genetic impact in 234 patients with MDD and 135 HCs using diffusion tensor imaging data. We identified 40 MDD-related genes and observed 95 recurrent regions of copy number variations. We also discovered a novel gene, FRMPD3, carrying rare variants that influence MDD. In addition, the single nucleotide polymorphism rs771995197 in the MUC6 gene was significantly associated with the integrity of widespread white matter tracts. Moreover, we identified 918 rare exonic missense variants in genes associated with MDD susceptibility. We postulate that rare variants of FRMPD3 may contribute significantly to MDD, with a mild penetration effect

    Simultaneous Determination of Decursin, Decursinol Angelate, Nodakenin, and Decursinol of Angelica gigas Nakai in Human Plasma by UHPLC-MS/MS: Application to Pharmacokinetic Study

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    Coumarins in Cham-dang-gwi, the dried root of Angelica gigas Nakai (AGN), possess pharmacological effects on anemia, pain, infection, and articular rheumatism. The AGN root containes decursin (D), decursinol angelate (DA), nodakenin, and decursinol (DOH), a major metabolite of D and DA. The aim of this study was to develop a simultaneous determination method for these four coumarins in human plasma using ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Chromatographic separation was performed on dual columns (Kinetex® C18 column and Capcell core C18 column) with mobile phase consisting of water and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min using gradient elution. Multiple reaction monitoring was operated in positive ion mode with precursors to product ion transition values of m/z 328.9→228.8, 328.9→228.9, 409.4→248.8, and 246.8→212.9 to measure D, DA, nodakenin, and DOH, respectively. Linear calibration curves were fitted over concentration range of 0.05–50 ng/mL for these four components, with correlation coefficient greater than 0.995. Inter- and intra-day accuracies were between 90.60% and 108.24%. These precisions were within 11.19% for all components. The established method was then applied to a pharmacokinetic study for the four coumarins after usual dosing in Korean subjects

    Probiogenomic In-Silico Analysis and Safety Assessment of <i>Lactiplantibacillus plantarum</i> DJF10 Strain Isolated from Korean Raw Milk

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    The whole genome sequence of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum DJF10, isolated from Korean raw milk, is reported, along with its genomic analysis of probiotics and safety features. The genome consists of 29 contigs with a total length of 3,385,113 bp and a GC content of 44.3%. The average nucleotide identity and whole genome phylogenetic analysis showed the strain belongs to Lactiplantibacillus plantarum with 99% identity. Genome annotation using Prokka predicted a total of 3235 genes, including 3168 protein-coding sequences (CDS), 59 tRNAs, 7 rRNAs and 1 tmRNA. The functional annotation results by EggNOG and KEGG showed a high number of genes associated with genetic information and processing, transport and metabolism, suggesting the strain’s ability to adapt to several environments. Various genes conferring probiotic characteristics, including genes related to stress adaptation to the gastrointestinal tract, biosynthesis of vitamins, cell adhesion and production of bacteriocins, were identified. The CAZyme analysis detected 98 genes distributed under five CAZymes classes. In addition, several genes encoding carbohydrate transport and metabolism were identified. The genome also revealed the presence of insertion sequences, genomic islands, phage regions, CRISPR-cas regions, and the absence of virulence and toxin genes. However, the presence of hemolysin and antibiotic-resistance-related genes detected in the KEGG search needs further experimental validation to confirm the safety of the strain. The presence of two bacteriocin clusters, sactipeptide and plantaricin J, as detected by the BAGEL 4 webserver, confer the higher antimicrobial potential of DJF10. Altogether, the analyses in this study performed highlight this strain’s functional characteristics. However, further in vitro and in vivo studies are required on the safety assurance and potential application of L. plantarum DJF10 as a probiotic agent

    Systemic Injection of Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus Suppresses Primary Tumor Growth and Lung Metastasis in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma by Remodeling Tumor Microenvironment

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors and tyrosine kinase inhibitors are the first-line treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC), but their benefits are limited to specific patient subsets. Here, we aimed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of JX-594 (pexastimogene devacirepvec, Pexa-vec) monotherapy by systemic injection in comparison with sunitinib monotherapy in metastatic orthotopic RCC murine models. Two highly metastatic orthotopic RCC models were developed to compare the treatment efficacy in the International Metastatic RCC Database Consortium favorable-risk and intermediate- or poor-risk groups. JX-594 was systemically injected through the peritoneum, whereas sunitinib was orally administered. Post-treatment, tumor microenvironment (TME) remodeling was determined using immunofluorescence analysis. Systemic JX-594 monotherapy injection demonstrated therapeutic benefit in both early- and advanced-stage mRCC models. Sunitinib monotherapy significantly reduced the primary tumor burden and number of lung metastases in the early-stage, but not in the advanced-stage mRCC model. Systemic JX-594 delivery remodeled the primary TME and lung metastatic sites by increasing tumor-infiltrating CD4/8+ T cells and dendritic cells. Systemic JX-594 monotherapy demonstrated significantly better therapeutic outcomes compared with sunitinib monotherapy in both early- and advanced-stage mRCCs by converting cold tumors into hot tumors. Sunitinib monotherapy effectively suppressed primary tumor growth and lung metastasis in early-stage mRCC