467 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Hydrogen-rich Magnetic White Dwarfs in the SDSS

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    We have calculated optical spectra of hydrogen-rich (DA) white dwarfs with magnetic field strengths between 1 MG and 1000 MG for temperatures between 7000 K and 50000 K. Through a least-squares minimization scheme with an evolutionary algorithm, we have analyzed the spectra of 114 magnetic DAs from the SDSS (95 previously published plus 14 newly discovered within SDSS, and five discovered by SEGUE). Since we were limited to a single spectrum for each object we used only centered magnetic dipoles or dipoles which were shifted along the magnetic dipole axis. We also statistically investigated the distribution of magnetic-field strengths and geometries of our sample.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the 16th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Barcelona, 200

    Zeeman tomography of magnetic white dwarfs. IV, The complex field structure of the polars EF Eridani, BL Hydri and CP Tucanae

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    Context. The magnetic fields of the accreting white dwarfs in magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) determine the accretion geometries, the emission properties, and the secular evolution of these objects. Aims. We determine the structure of the surface magnetic fields of the white dwarf primaries in magnetic CVs using Zeeman tomography. Methods. Our study is based on orbital-phase resolved optical flux and circular polarization spectra of the polars EF Eri, BL Hyi, and CP Tuc obtained with FORS1 at the ESO VLT. An evolutionary algorithm is used to synthesize best fits to these spectra from an extensive database of pre-computed Zeeman spectra. The general approach has been described in previous papers of this series. Results. The results achieved with simple geometries as centered or offset dipoles are not satisfactory. Significantly improved fits are obtained for multipole expansions that are truncated at degree lmax = 3 or 5 and include all tesseral and sectoral components with 0 ≤ m ≤ l. The most frequent field strengths of 13, 18, and 10MG for EF Eri, BL Hyi, and CP Tuc, and the ranges of field strength covered are similar for the dipole and multipole models, but only the latter provide access to accreting matter at the right locations on the white dwarf. The results suggest that the field geometries of the white dwarfs in short-period mCVs are quite complex, with strong contributions from multipoles higher than the dipole in spite of a typical age of the white dwarfs in CVs in excess of 1 Gyr. Conclusions. It is feasible to derive the surface field structure of an accreting white dwarf from phase-resolved low-state circular spectropolarimetry of sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio. The fact that independent information is available on the strength and direction of the field in the accretion spot from high-state observations helps in unraveling the global field structure

    Magnetic white dwarfs in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We have identified 7 new magnetic DA white dwarfs in the Early Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our selection strategy has also recovered all the previously known magnetic white dwarfs contained in the SDSS EDR, KUV03292+0035 and HE0330-0002. Analysing the SDSS fibre spectroscopy of the magnetic DA white dwarfs with our state-of-the-art model spectra, we find dipole field strengths 1.5<=B_d<=63MG and effective temperatures 8500<=Teff<=39000K. As a conservative estimate, we expect that the complete SDSS will increase the number of known magnetic white dwarfs by a factor 3.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The progenitors of magnetic white dwarfs in open clusters

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    According to the fossil-field hypothesis magnetic fields are remnants of the previous stages of evolution. However, population synthesis calculations are unable to reproduce the magnetic white dwarf (MWD) sample without binary interaction or inclusion of a population of progenitor with unobservable small-scale fields. One necessary ingredient in population synthesis is the initial-to-final-mass relation (IFMR) which describes the mass-loss processes during the stellar evolution. When white dwarfs are members of open clusters, their evolutionary histories can be assessed through the use of cluster properties. In this work, we assess the cluster membership by correlating the proper-motion of MWDs with the cluster proper-motion and by analyzing the candidates spectroscopically with our magnetic model spectra in order to estimate the effective temperature and radii. We identified SDSS J085523.87+164059.0 to be a proper-motion member of Praesepe. We also included the data of the formerly identified cluster members NGC 6819-8, WD 0836+201 and estimated the mass, cooling age and the progenitor masses of the three probable MWD members of open clusters. According to our analysis, the newly identified cluster member SDSS J085523.87+164059.0 is an ultra-massive MWD of mass 1.12 ±\pm 0.11 Msolar. We increase the sample of MWDs with known progenitor masses to ten, with the rest of the data coming from the common proper motion binaries. Our investigations show that, when effects of the magnetic fields are included in the diagnostics, the estimated properties of these cluster MWDs do not show evidence for deviations from the IFMR. Furthermore, we estimate the precision of the magnetic diagnostics which would be necessary to determine quantitatively whether magnetism has any effect on the mass-loss.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Alkalinization during re-oxygenation prevents functional damage by hyperglycaemic hypoxia

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    HYPERGLYCAEMIA impairs recovery from transient cerebral ischaemia: the importance of tissue acidification for this phenomenon has not been clarified in detail. We investigated this issue in a less complex in vitro preparation of isolated rat dorsal spinal roots exposed for 30 min to hyperglycaemic hypoxia. Peak height of compound action potentials recovered minimally in 5 mM bicarbonate. However, recovery was greatly improved by addition of the weak base trimethylamine during re-oxygenation. Addition of the weak acid propionate had no such effect. Cytoplasmic alkalinization improved recovery in a brief time window only: application of trimethylamine after 15 min of re-oxygenation was without beneficial effect. These data emphasize the importance of cytoplasmic acidification for neurophysiological recovery from hyper-glycaemic hypoxia during the initial period of re-oxygenation

    Analysis of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We model the structure of the surface magnetic fields of the hydrogen-rich white dwarfs in the SDSS. We have calculated a grid of state-of-the-art theoretical optical spectra of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs with magnetic field strengths between 1 MG and 1200 MG for different angles, and for effective temperatures between 7000 K and 50000 K. We used a least-squares minimization scheme with an evolutionary algorithm in order to find the magnetic field geometry best fitting the observed data. We used simple centered dipoles or dipoles which were shifted along the dipole axis to model the coadded SDSS fiber spectrum of each object. We have analysed the spectra of all known magnetic DAs from the SDSS (97 previously published plus 44 newly discovered) and also investigated the statistical properties of magnetic field geometries of this sample. The total number of known magnetic white dwarfs already more than tripled by the SDSS and more objects are expected from a more systematic search. The magnetic fields span a range between ~1 and 900 MG. Our results further support the claim that Ap/Bp population is insufficient in generating the numbers and field strength distributions of the observed MWDs, and either another source of progenitor types or binary evolution is needed. Moreover clear indications for non-centered dipoles exist in about ~50% of the objects which is consistent with the magnetic field distribution observed in Ap/Bp stars.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in A&A. For online version with full appendix figures, see http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/mitarbeiter/bkulebi/papers/12570_online.pd