15 research outputs found
Policy mix and the quality of information
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Tomorrow's Family Reforms: Marriage Course, Marriage Test, Incorporated Families, and Sex Selection Mandate*
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Six models for the social accountability of computing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ties that Bind: The Impact of Religious Affiliation on Cooperation and Competition in Small Religious Nonprofit Organizations1
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Brill'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ethical Behavior Frameworks: Can They Be Applied to Principle-Agent Relationships?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Field Research on Human Service Encounters
- Author
- Becker Howard
- Bloor Michael
- Cassell Joan
- Conley John
- Corsaro William
- Denzin Norman
- Department of Health Education and Welfare
- Department of Health Education and Welfare
- Eder Donna
- Emerson Robert M.
- Erickson Frederick
- Erickson Frederick
- Etzioni Amatai
- Fisher Sue
- Fisher Sue
- Froland Charles
- Garfinkel Harold
- Glaser Barney
- Goffman Erving
- Haas Jack
- Hasenfeld Yeheskel
- Hymes Del
- Kahn Robert
- Kelly Delos
- Labov William
- Lipsky Michael
- Lofland John
- Loseke Donileen
- Maynard Douglas
- Maynard Douglas
- Maynard Douglas
- Maynard Douglas
- Maynard Douglas
- McCall George
- Mehan Hugh
- Mehan Hugh
- Miller Gale
- Rubington Earl
- Schatzman Leonard
- Scheflen Albert
- Spencer J. William
- Spradley James
- Weick Karl
- Wiseman Jacqueline
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cross-Cultural Understandings of Leadership
- Author
- Allen Paula Gunn
- Bass Bernard
- Bass Bernard
- Belasco James
- Bruno James
- Burns J.M.
- Byrne Marilyn
- Clark Kenneth
- Covey Stephen
- De pree Max
- Deming W. Edwards
- Eagle Brooke Medicine
- Etzioni Amatai
- Follett Mary Parker
- Foster William
- Fukuyama Francis
- Gamson William
- Greenleaf Robert
- Haire M.
- Hallinger Phillip
- Halpin A.W.
- Hofstede Geert
- Hofstede Geert
- Hofstede Geert
- Inkles Alexander
- Likert Rensis
- Likert Rensis
- March James
- McGregor D.
- Mead Margaret
- Mead Margaret
- Mead Margaret
- Miles T. Bryant
- Miller B.
- Patterson Rob
- Resnick Mitchell
- Rosenstein Barbara
- Schmitt N.
- Scott W. Richard
- Senge Peter
- Shartle C.L.
- Stogdill R.M.
- Wax Murray
- Weber Max
- Wendel Frederick
- Wheatley Margaret
- White R.
- Wieck Karl
- Ziera Y.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Resource-Advantage Theory and Embeddedness: Explaining R-A Theory’s Explanatory Success
- Author
- Alderson Wroe
- Alderson Wroe
- Beauchamp Tom L.
- Burt Ronald S.
- Chamberlin Edward
- Dennis B. Arnett
- DiMaggio Paul J.
- DiMaggio Paul J.
- DiMaggio Paul J.
- Donaldson Lex
- Duesenberry James
- Etzioni Amatai
- Falkenberg Andreas W.
- Granovetter Mark
- Granovetter Mark
- Gronroos C.
- Gummesson Evert
- Hamel Gary
- Hodgson Geoffrey M.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Hunt Shelby D.
- Langlois Richard N.
- Lusch Robert F.
- Martinelli Alberto
- Nelson Richard R.
- O’Keeffe Michael
- Penrose Edith T.
- Polanyi K.
- Polanyi Michael
- Powell Walter W.
- Sanchez Ron
- Schumpeter Joseph A.
- Shelby D. Hunt
- Simon Herbert A.
- Williamson Oliver
- Williamson Oliver
- Williamson Oliver
- Williamson Oliver
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Grounding the Theory of a Firm in the Natural Sciences
- Author
- Ada Demb
- Ahmed Bhide
- Albert Gore
- Amatai Etzioni
- Analytica
- Anthony Downs
- Armen A Alchian
- Armen A Alchian
- Bruyn
- Candace Jones
- Chester Barnard
- Clifford G Holderness
- Daniel Diermeier
- David W Craven
- De Vany
- Dee W Hock
- Donald E Ingber
- Friedrich A Von Hayek
- Gregory Jackson
- Harold Demsetz
- J Hollingsworth
- J Hollingsworth
- J Hollingsworth
- James H Davis
- James R Galbraith
- Jay B Barney
- John R Commons
- Julian Franks
- Lynne L Dallas
- Margaret M Blair
- Marshal Alstyne
- Masahiko Aoki
- Matthias Klaes
- Matthias Klaes
- Michael C Jensen
- Michael C Jensen
- Michael C Jensen
- Mitsuhiro Fukao
- Paul Bernstein
- Richard L Daft
- Robin I M Dunbar
- Ronald H Coase
- Ronald H Coase
- Ronald H Coase
- Ronald J Gilson
- Ross W Ashby
- Ross W Ashby
- Shann Turnbull
- Stafford Beer
- Stafford Beer
- Stafford Beer
- Stafford Beer
- Stafford Beer
- Stafford Beer
- Sumantra Ghoshal
- W Kester
- W Kester
- William G Egelhoff
- Yoram Ben-Porath
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior
- Author
- Argyris Chris.
- Argyris Chris.
- Barnard Chester I.
- Bell Daniel.
- Bell Daniel.
- Bendix Reinhard.
- Bendix Reinhard.
- Benet Mary Kathleen.
- Blau Peter M.
- Bowman G. W.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics U. S.
- Bureau of the Census U. S.
- Burger Chester.
- Burnham James.
- Cattell Raymond B.
- Cochran Thomas C.
- Constantini Edmond
- Council of Economic Advisers.
- Crozier Michel.
- Cussler Margaret.
- Davies Margery.
- Davis Keith.
- Doeringer Peter B.
- Epstein Cynthia Fuchs.
- Etzioni Amatai.
- Freud Sigmund.
- Garson Barbara.
- Gerth Hans
- Gouldner Alvin W.
- Halter Marilyn
- Hennig Margaret.
- Heydebrand Wolf
- Hill Joseph A.
- Hurwitz Jacob I.
- Jay Anthony.
- Jay Anthony.
- Kanter Rosabeth Moss.
- Kanter Rosabeth Moss.
- Langer Elinor.
- Lynch Edith M.
- Mayo Elton.
- Miller William.
- Miller William.
- Mills C. Wright.
- Morse Nancy C.
- Parsons H. M.
- Pelz Donald C.
- Roethlisberger F. J.
- Roethlisberger F. J.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Scott W. Richard.
- Sikula Andrew F.
- Stein Barry A.
- Sutton Francis X.
- Taylor Frederick W.
- Tiger Lionel.
- Tillett Anthony
- Tresemer David.
- Wallach Michael A.
- Warner W. Lloyd
- Wolman Carol
- Zeitlin Maurice.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study