6 research outputs found

    Breeding Ecology and Nest- Site Selection of Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Three New Orchard Habitats

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    The main aim of our work was to investigate the breeding parameters in three orchard types in Algeria (apple, cherry and nectarine) for better conservation of existing species. A total of 149 active Turtle dove nests were monitored in these man–made agro-systems. Egg laying occurred from early May and continued until mid-August. Egg laying started later in cherry trees and stopped earlier in nectarines. Nest density was higher in apple orchards. Nests were located higher in nectarine. Clutch size was similar among orchard types. Northeast was the dominant orientation in all orchards. Breeding success was higher than that recorded in former studies. Desertion was the main cause of nest failure. The apple orchards are the preferred breeding area for turtle dove in this region

    Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara

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    The spatial and temporal variation patterns of birds were investigated in the Oasis ecosystem of the North of Algeria Sahara. This contribution aimed to investigate the poorly studied bird fauna of Bousaâda oasis. The direct observation method was used for bird counts, adopted only during the breeding period. A total of 53 species of birds from 29 families and 16 orders were assessed in the different habitats of the Oasis (palm, fruit trees and, cultivated crops). The Passeriformes order was the most abundant represented by 35 species and 16 families. The relative abundance and species richness were recorded during our study period over different seasons and thought that whole surveyed stations represent all the oasis habitats. The Boussaâda oasis holds 18 resident-breeder species and is a transit zone for many migratory birds 14 and 10 species for summer and winter migrants respectively) and11 occasional visitor ones. These results confirmed the positive effects of stations and seasons on the richness and abundance of birds of Bousaâda oasis

    Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara

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    The spatial and temporal variation patterns of birds were investigated in the Oasis ecosystem of the North of Algeria Sahara. This contribution aimed to investigate the poorly studied bird fauna of Bousaâda oasis. The direct observation method was used for bird counts, adopted only during the breeding period. A total of 53 species of birds from 29 families and 16 orders were assessed in the different habitats of the Oasis (palm, fruit trees and, cultivated crops). The Passeriformes order was the most abundant represented by 35 species and 16 families. The relative abundance and species richness were recorded during our study period over different seasons and thought that whole surveyed stations represent all the oasis habitats. The Boussaâda oasis holds 18 resident-breeder species and is a transit zone for many migratory birds 14 and 10 species for summer and winter migrants respectively) and11 occasional visitor ones. These results confirmed the positive effects of stations and seasons on the richness and abundance of birds of Bousaâda oasis

    Effects of vegetation and water seasonal variation on habitat use of herons (Aves, Ardeidae) in Tonga Lake (North-East Algeria)

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    The present study was aimed to determine the effect of some environmental factors such as water features and vegetation cover on the distribution and habitat use of herons over different seasons of the bird’s life (breeding, passage and wintering) in Tonga Lake (North East Algeria) from March 2017 to February 2018. We used remote sensing techniques to study the environmental factors variations, we adopted the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to give an estimate of vegetation cover and we used the normalized difference water index (NDWI) to study the water features. In our study, we determine that the abundance and richness of herons species is largely influenced by the water features and vegetation cover. The seasonal variations in the amount of these environmental factors are known to affect the availability of various food items for herons. Eight species of herons were identified during the study period. Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was used to examine the effect of NDVI and NDWI on the distribution of herons. The results showed that the NDVI was significantly positively correlated with richness and abundance of herons respectively (r=0.728, p<0.05) (r=0.651, p<0.05), whereas the NDWI was significantly negatively correlated with the richness and abundance of herons (r=-0.65, p<0.05) (r=-0.69, p<0.05) respectively. Chettibi et al (PDF

    Biodiversité de l'avifaune aquatique des zones humides sahariennes : cas de la dépression d'Oued Righ (Algérie)

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    L'éco-complexe de zones humides de la dépression d'Oued Righ (Sahara septentrional algérien) comporte trois vastes chotts (Sidi Slimane, Chott Melghir et Chott Merouane) d'intérêt international selon la convention de Ramsar et une vingtaine de dépressions qui ne sont en eau que durant les années très pluvieuses tels les Chotts Hamraïa, Tighdidine et Tindla, et deux sites permanents : le lac Ayata et le lac d'Oued Khrouf. Ces milieux aquatiques, répartis entre les wilayas d'El-Oued, de Biskra et d'Ouargla, présentent une grande diversité biologique en raison de leur superficie, leur salinité et leur substrat. Avec une superficie totale de 900000 ha, ces zones humides demeurent très peu étudiées en Algérie et leur rôle biologique et écologique reste encore inconnu.La diversité de l'avifaune du complexe de zones humides de la dépression d'Oued Righ est très riche et compte 53 espèces appartenant à 15 familles. Ces peuplements sont dominés par le flamant rose Phoenicopterus roseus, le canard souchet Anas clypeata, le tadorne casarca Tadorna ferriginea et la sarcelle d'hiver Anas crecca crecca. L'effectif de certaines espèces peut être important et atteindre 42700 individus comme c'est le cas pour le flamant rose. Certaines espèces sont classées menacées et vulnérables sur la liste rouge de l'UICN (sarcelle marbrée Marmaronetta angustirostris, fuligule nyroca Aythia nyroca.). Le suivi régulier des effectifs de cette avifaune a permis de définir le statut et la phénologie de toutes ces espèces.Les zones humides de la dépression d'Oued Righ sont exploitées par les oiseaux pour y hiverner, y stationner à l'occasion des migrations, ou s'y reproduire.The wetlands complex of Oued Righ (Algerian NorthernSahara) includes a series of sites of undeniable importance. This eco-complex contains three very large salt pans (Chott Melghir, Chott Merouane and Chott Sidi Slimane), classified as wetlands of international importance according to the Ramsar convention and other small temporary wetlands such as: Chott Hamraïa, ChottTighdidine and Chott Tindle, and two permanent sites: Ayata and Oued Khrouf lakes. These aquatic ecosystems divided between wilayas of El-Oued, Biskra and Ouargla, have a great biological diversity due to their size, salinity and substrate. With a total area of 900000 ha, these wetlands remain very poorly studied in Algeria and their biological and ecological roles remain unknown.The bird fauna of wetlands complex of Oued Righ is very rich, where 53 species representing 15 families were assessed. They are dominated by the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus, the Shoveler Anas clypeata, the Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferriginea, and the Teal Anas crecca crecca. Some species were observed with relativelylarge numbers (the Greater Flamingo, 42700) and other species are listed as endangered and vulnerable following the IUCN Red List such as: Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris, Ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca. Regular monitoring of this bird fauna allowed as defining the status and phenology of these species.Overall, the wetlands of Oued Righ depression are exploited as wintering grounds, stopover during migration journeys and breeding sites for several waterbirds species