9 research outputs found

    New insights into the interplay between the translation machinery and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factors

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    Faulty mRNAs with a premature stop codon (PTC) are recognized and degraded by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). Recognition of a nonsense mRNA depends on translation and on the presence of NMD-enhancing or the absence of NMD-inhibiting factors in the 3â€Č-untranslated region. Our review summarizes our current understanding of the molecular function of the conserved NMD factors UPF3B and UPF1, and of the anti-NMD factor Poly(A)-binding protein, and their interactions with ribosomes translating PTC-containing mRNAs. Our recent discovery that UPF3B interferes with human translation termination and enhances ribosome dissociation in vitro, whereas UPF1 is inactive in these assays, suggests a re-interpretation of previous experiments and modification of prevalent NMD models. Moreover, we discuss recent work suggesting new functions of the key NMD factor UPF1 in ribosome recycling, inhibition of translation re-initiation and nascent chain ubiquitylation. These new findings suggest that the interplay of UPF proteins with the translation machinery is more intricate than previously appreciated, and that this interplay quality-controls the efficiency of termination, ribosome recycling and translation re-initiation.</jats:p

    Structure of a human cap-dependent 48S translation pre-initiation complex

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    Eukaryotic translation initiation is tightly regulated, requiring a set of conserved initiation factors (eIFs). Translation of a capped mRNA depends on the trimeric eIF4F complex and eIF4B to load the mRNA onto the 43S pre-initiation complex comprising 40S and initiation factors 1, 1A, 2, 3 and 5 as well as initiator-tRNA. Binding of the mRNA is followed by mRNA scanning in the 48S pre-initiation complex, until a start codon is recognised. Here, we use a reconstituted system to prepare human 48S complexes assembled on capped mRNA in the presence of eIF4B and eIF4F. The highly purified h-48S complexes are used for cross-linking/mass spectrometry, revealing the protein interaction network in this complex. We report the electron cryo-microscopy structure of the h-48S complex at 6.3 Å resolution. While the majority of eIF4B and eIF4F appear to be flexible with respect to the ribosome, additional density is detected at the entrance of the 40S mRNA channel which we attribute to the RNA-recognition motif of eIF4B. The eight core subunits of eIF3 are bound at the 40S solvent-exposed side, as well as the subunits eIF3d, eIF3b and eIF3i. elF2 and initiator-tRNA bound to the start codon are present at the 40S intersubunit side. This cryo-EM structure represents a molecular snap-shot revealing the h-48S complex following start codon recognition

    Is the meiofauna a good indicator for climate change and anthropogenic impacts?

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    Our planet is changing, and one of the most pressing challenges facing the scientific community revolves around understanding how ecological communities respond to global changes. From coastal to deep-sea ecosystems, ecologists are exploring new areas of research to find model organisms that help predict the future of life on our planet. Among the different categories of organisms, meiofauna offer several advantages for the study of marine benthic ecosystems. This paper reviews the advances in the study of meiofauna with regard to climate change and anthropogenic impacts. Four taxonomic groups are valuable for predicting global changes: foraminifers (especially calcareous forms), nematodes, copepods and ostracods. Environmental variables are fundamental in the interpretation of meiofaunal patterns and multistressor experiments are more informative than single stressor ones, revealing complex ecological and biological interactions. Global change has a general negative effect on meiofauna, with important consequences on benthic food webs. However, some meiofaunal species can be favoured by the extreme conditions induced by global change, as they can exhibit remarkable physiological adaptations. This review highlights the need to incorporate studies on taxonomy, genetics and function of meiofaunal taxa into global change impact research

    Un nouveau lien entre les complexes de terminaison de la traduction et de la NMD

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    Premature termination codons (PTCs) account for approximately one third of inherited and acquired diseases. A surveillance pathway called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) detects and degrades PTC-containing transcripts. NMD core factors UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3 mediate the recognition of PTCs by associating with the terminating translation machinery composed of the ribosome, the release factors eRF1 and eRF3 and the poly(A) binding protein (Pab1p in yeast). Using electron cryo-microscopy, we solved such a complex in yeast and observed the translating ribosome, containing a P-site tRNA and an A-site density for the release factors but not for Pab1p indicating that Pab1p is flexibly bound. We also probed the function of NMD factors in mammalian termination using a reconstituted human in vitro translation system. Surprisingly, we found that UPF3B delayed stop codon recognition and promoted ribosomal dissociation. The addition of UPF2 could abolish UPF3B’s effect on translation termination. UPF1 had no influence in the termination process alone or in combination with UPF2. Using in vitro and in vivo pulldowns we found that UPF3B interacts with eRF3a and UPF1, indicating that UPF3B could be the missing link between termination and NMD. Our results point to a complex interplay between the NMD factors and the termination apparatus.Environ un tiers des maladies humaines, hĂ©rĂ©ditaires ou acquises, sont dues Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration d’un codon stop prĂ©maturĂ© (PTC). Le systĂšme de contrĂŽle appelĂ© dĂ©gradation des ARNm non-sens (NMD) permet de dĂ©tecter puis de dĂ©grader des ARNm contenant un PTC. Les facteurs principaux de la NMD : UPF1, UPF2 et UPF3 reconnaissent les PTCs en interagissant avec le complexe de terminaison de traduction contenant les ribosomes, les facteurs de terminaison eRF1, eRF3 et la protĂ©ine poly(A) binding (Pab1p en levure). Nous avons pu rĂ©soudre la structure d'un tel complexe en levure comprenant un ribosome en cours de traduction en prĂ©sence d’un ARNt dans le site P et de facteurs de terminaisons dans le site A. Aucune densitĂ© n’a pu ĂȘtre observĂ©e pour Pab1p indiquant la flexibilitĂ© de l’interaction avec ce complexe. Nous avons aussi Ă©valuĂ© l’impact des facteurs de la NMD sur la terminaison dans un systĂšme de traduction in vitro humain. UPF3B retarde la reconnaissance du codon stop et favorise la dissociation des sous-unitĂ©s ribosomales. UPF2 abolit l’effet de UPF3B tandis que l’addition de UPF1 n’a pas d’influence dans la terminaison. Par in vivo et in vitro pulldowns, nous avons montrĂ© que UPF3B interagit avec eRF3a et UPF1 et pourrait constituer le lien manquant entre la terminaison et la NMD. Nos rĂ©sultats illustrent la complexitĂ© des mĂ©canismes de la terminaison et de la NMD