10 research outputs found

    Legitimacy, rule of law and violent conflicts in Africa

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    The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, the paper analyses how citizens in fifteen African countries perceive key elements of governance, including the extent of legitimacy of constitutional, juridical, economic and political systems in Africa as well as perceptions of rule of law and violent conflicts in each of the fifteen countries. Second, the paper investigates the level and source of trust in government institutions. The analysis is based on the round 2 version of the Afrobarometer survey and employs descriptive analysis, factor analysis, scale item reliability analysis as well as OLS multiple regression analysis. Key findings show that the majority of respondents prefer a mixed economy, democratic governance, support the national constitutions and accept that courts and police should enforce the law in the respective countries. Violent conflicts are perceived to be caused by a multitude of factors (not just ethnic and religious factors), but are not acceptable to the respondents as a means of achieving political objectives. Generally, findings show that trust in public institutions is low and that political trust is primarily influenced by how government performs in the arenas of socio-economic management and civil rights protection. Perceptions of corruption among elected and public officials are high. The paper concludes by highlighting that democratic transition in Africa has progressed, but still faces many dangers. The major threats to democratisation are the social, economic and political crises in Africa which have been worsened by IMF/World Bank Structural Adjustment Programmes

    Corruption, governance performance and political trust in Nigeria

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    This paper analyses Nigerian citizen perception of (a) democracy and the economy; (b) the performance of their civilian government, and (c) extent of corruption in public institutions and by elected officials and public officers. It also examines the effects of corruption and governance performance on the approval of and trust in Nigeria’s political institutions. The analysis is based on the round 2 version of the Afrobarometer survey and employs descriptive analysis, factor analysis, scale item reliability analysis as well as OLS multiple regression analysis. Key findings show that one-half of the respondents preferred a market economy while a third preferred a government-run economic system. More than two thirds preferred democratic governance, while more than one-half agreed that the national constitution expresses the values and hopes of the Nigerian people. Generally, findings show that trust in public institutions is low and that political approval and trust are primarily influenced by how government performs in the arenas of socio-economic management and civil rights protection

    Professor Etannibi Alemika’s Interview on Organized Crime in West Africa

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    Etannibi Alemika is Professor of Criminology and the Sociology of Law at the University of Jos, Nigeria. He has been a leading criminologist working on organized crime and related areas in Africa. He has published widely in these areas and has also considerable experience working with the police, prisons, intelligence and other security agencies in Nigeria and several international organizations.This interview with Professor Alemika was prepared and conducted by Elodie Apard, Philippe Frowd, Lala Ireland and Gernot Klantschnig in October 2022, as part of the Hidden Narratives on Illicit Livelihoods in West Africa research project, funded by the ESRC (ES/S008578/2)

    The Impact of Drug Trafficking on Informal Security Actors in Kenya

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