7 research outputs found

    The Left-Handed Dollar

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    Joseph Michael Ballista—“Joey Ballistic” to his mob buddies—knows most of the ways to make an illegal buck, or “a lefthanded dollar.” That’s why he’s in trouble again. But his crafty lawyer, Lucille Lettermore—“Lefty Lucy” to just about every prosecutor she’s ever humiliated in court—is determined to free him by getting all his previous convictions set aside, beginning with one for attempted murder. She hires Detroit private detective Amos Walker to investigate the old crime. Walker’s first problem? The intended victim was investigative reporter Barry Stackpole, Walker’s only true friend. Walker’s not thrilled to help get his buddy’s would-be killer off the hook. But money’s money, so he takes the case, though it won’t be easy. For starters, the creep’s ex-wives grudgingly talk to Walker, but he knows they’re not leveling with him. And two new murders tied to the case aren’t likely to make them any chattier. Walker, friendless and desperate for answers, follows a string of leads old and new straight into a war of nerves and bullets in Detroit’s seedy, crime-ridden underbelly.https://scholarship.law.ua.edu/harper_lee_prize_books_2011/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Kill zone/ Estleman

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    243 hal.; 22 cm

    The Left-Handed Dollar

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    Joseph Michael Ballista—“Joey Ballistic” to his mob buddies—knows most of the ways to make an illegal buck, or “a lefthanded dollar.” That’s why he’s in trouble again. But his crafty lawyer, Lucille Lettermore—“Lefty Lucy” to just about every prosecutor she’s ever humiliated in court—is determined to free him by getting all his previous convictions set aside, beginning with one for attempted murder. She hires Detroit private detective Amos Walker to investigate the old crime. Walker’s first problem? The intended victim was investigative reporter Barry Stackpole, Walker’s only true friend. Walker’s not thrilled to help get his buddy’s would-be killer off the hook. But money’s money, so he takes the case, though it won’t be easy. For starters, the creep’s ex-wives grudgingly talk to Walker, but he knows they’re not leveling with him. And two new murders tied to the case aren’t likely to make them any chattier. Walker, friendless and desperate for answers, follows a string of leads old and new straight into a war of nerves and bullets in Detroit’s seedy, crime-ridden underbelly.https://scholarship.law.ua.edu/harper_lee_prize_books_2011/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Kill zone/ Estleman

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    243 hal.; 22 cm

    Reading Holmes: Capital and the sign of the market in the Hound of the Baskervilles

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    The Moores are Missing

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    Mantan kepala detektif Maggie Denning sedang menyesuaikan diri dengan kehidupan baru yang tenang di pinggiran kota, tinggal di rumah bersama bayi kembar. Suatu pagi dia melihat sebuah limusin mengantar seorang wanita glamor di rumah terdekat. Ketika dia mengetahui bahwa wanita yang sama telah dibunuh, dia mulai mengajukan pertanyaan di lingkungan sekitar, meskipun suaminya telah memperingatkan untuk tidak terlibat. Tapi apa yang dia temukan mungkin menghancurkan kehidupan damai mereka. Bagaimana Maggie akan mengungkapkan kebenaran?474 p. ; 18 c