8 research outputs found

    Morfología lingual del murciélago piscívoro Noctilio leporinus (Chiroctera: Noctilionidae)

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    Se analizó la anatomía e histología de la lengua de Noctilio leporinus cuyo hábito alimentario es principalmente piscívoro. El objetivo fue verificar la presencia de alguna estructura particular que pudiera estar asociada a este tipo de alimentación. La superficie lingual presenta tres tipos de papilas linguales: filiformes, fungiformes y circunvaladas. Histológicamente los dos últimos tipos de papilas poseen botones gustativos. Las papilas circunvaladas están asociadas a las glándulas serosas de Von Ebner. En la parte central de la lengua hay un septo fibroso vertical y a ambos lados de él, un par de arterias, uno de venas y uno de haces de fibras nerviosas. Entre las fibras musculares estriadas de la zona ventral de la lengua hay grupos de glándulas mucosas. En la parte posterior hay un par de amígdalas con función inmunológica, cada una rodeada por una glándula mucosa de gran tamaño apreciable a simple vista. Las amígdalas y las glándulas mucosas asociadas a éstas son la única característica particular encontrada en N. leporinus, las cuales podrían estar asociadas al hábito piscívoro, siendo éste el primer registro de ellas en el Orden Chiroptera.The anatomy and histology of the tongue of Noctilio leporinus, a mainly piscivorous bat, were studied to search for any special character which could be associated to this feeding type. The surface of the tongue has three kinds of papillae: filiform, fungiform and circumvallate. At the histological level, only the two last ones have taste buds. The circumvallate are connected to the Von Ebner serous glands. There is a medial vertical septum at the center of the tongue. At both sides of it there are pairs of veins, arteries, and nervous fibers. Among muscular fibers there are mucous glands in the ventral side. At the distal portion of the tongue, there is a pair of tonsils with inmunological function, each one surrounded by a large mucous gland which can be seen at naked eye. The tonsils and the large mucous glands are the only specialized structures founded in the tongue of N. leporinus, which could be associated to the piscivorous feeding type. This is the first record of these structures in Chiroptera


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    The anatomy and histology of the tongue of Centurio senex; a frugivorous bat; were reviewed to look for any special structure associated to its feeding habit; and to compare it with other bat species with different alimentary habits; documented in other manuscripts; The tongue is short and rounded shape; on its surface there are numerous short single-pointed papillae on the first half; and large papillae at the middle of the surface; near the tip there is a small group of bicuspid papillae; fungiform and circumvallate papillae are absent; Histologically at the part of the tongue; there is a septum with one symmetrical pair of veins; arteries; and nerves at both sides of it; this particular arrangement indicates the intraoral use of this tongue; There are some lymphatic vessels among the muscle fibers; which are the first record of this kind of structures in the tongues of bats; also lymphatic nodules were found similar of those present in Balantiopteryx plicata; The large single-pointed papillae and the lymphatic vessels and nodules are the only specialized structures found in this bat species.Se analizó la estructura anatómica e histológica de la lengua del murciélago frugívoro Centurio senex; y se comparó con la descrita para otras especies de quirópteros; para conocer si existen estructuras particulares que pudieran estar asociadas a su tipo de alimentación; La lengua de este murciélago es corta; redondeada y posee numerosas papilas filiformes unicúspides; las cortas se ubican en la parte anterior y las largas en la parte media; y cercano a la punta se encuentran pequeñas papilas filiformes con ápice bicúspide; carece de papilas fungiformes y circunvaladas; A nivel histológico; en la parte de la lengua hay un septo fibroso vertical y a ambos lados de él; vasos sanguíneos y nervios en posición simétrica; este arreglo indica que la lengua tiene función intraoral; Entre las fibras musculares estriadas de la parte posterior hay algunos vasos linfáticos; siendo éste el primer registro de la presencia de dichas estructuras en lenguas de murciélagos; también se encontraron nódulos linfoides como en Balantiopteryx plicata y Noctilio leporinus; Las papilas filiformes alargadas y los vasos linfáticos son las únicas estructuras especiales encontradas en Centurio senex


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    The anatomy and histology of the tongue of Centurio senex, a frugivorous bat, were reviewed to look for any special structure associated to its feeding habit, and to compare it with other bat species with different alimentary habits, documented in other manuscripts. The tongue is short and rounded shape, on its surface there are numerous short single-pointed papillae on the first half, and large papillae at the middle of the surface; near the tip there is a small group of bicuspid papillae; fungiform and circumvallate papillae are absent. Histologically at the part of the tongue, there is a septum with one symmetrical pair of veins, arteries, and nerves at both sides of it, this particular arrangement indicates the intraoral use of this tongue. There are some lymphatic vessels among the muscle fibers, which are the first record of this kind of structures in the tongues of bats; also lymphatic nodules were found similar of those present in Balantiopteryx plicata. The large single-pointed papillae and the lymphatic vessels and nodules are the only specialized structures found in this bat species.Se analizó la estructura anatómica e histológica de la lengua del murciélago frugívoro Centurio senex, y se comparó con la descrita para otras especies de quirópteros, para conocer si existen estructuras particulares que pudieran estar asociadas a su tipo de alimentación. La lengua de este murciélago es corta, redondeada y posee numerosas papilas filiformes unicúspides, las cortas se ubican en la parte anterior y las largas en la parte media, y cercano a la punta se encuentran pequeñas papilas filiformes con ápice bicúspide; carece de papilas fungiformes y circunvaladas. A nivel histológico, en la parte de la lengua hay un septo fibroso vertical y a ambos lados de él, vasos sanguíneos y nervios en posición simétrica, este arreglo indica que la lengua tiene función intraoral. Entre las fibras musculares estriadas de la parte posterior hay algunos vasos linfáticos, siendo éste el primer registro de la presencia de dichas estructuras en lenguas de murciélagos; también se encontraron nódulos linfoides como en Balantiopteryx plicata y Noctilio leporinus. Las papilas filiformes alargadas y los vasos linfáticos son las únicas estructuras especiales encontradas en Centurio senex

    Estudio anatomo-histológico delsistemadigestivo de stenomacramarginella (herrich-schaeffer, 1850) (hemiptera: heteroptera: largidae)

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    The anatomical and histological study of the digestive system of Stenomacra marginella (Herrich-Schaeffer 1850), was made, to know its adaptations and understand the digestive and adsorptive processes. The results show, that the digestive tube of this specie has the same general structural pattern that is characteristic of the insects, present the following differences with other sap sucker Hemiptera: absence of gastric caeca and peritrofhic membrane, presence of granular unicellular glandular cells and glandular tissue surrounding the midgut. This, together with the direct observations of feeding from diverse sources (organic waste and sap), suggest that this specie is omnivore and not phytophagous or poliphagous.Se hizo el estudio anatómico e histológico del sistema digestivo de Stenomacra marginella (Herrich-Schaeffer 1850) para conocer sus adaptaciones y comprender los procesos de digestión y absorción en el mismo. El tubo digestivo de esta especie tiene el mismo patrón estructural general característico de los insectos. Presenta las siguientes diferencias con respecto a otros hemípteros chupadores de savia: ausencia de ciegos gástricos, y membrana peritrófica, presencia de células glandulares unicelulares granulares y tejido glandular rodeando al intestino medio. Esto aunado a las observaciones directas de los insectos alimentándose de diversas fuentes (desechos orgánicos y savia) sugiere que esta especie es omnívora y no fitófaga o polífaga

    Reproductive Cycle of <em>Hexaplex princeps</em> (Broderip, 1833)

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    During two annual periods, the reproductive cycle of the gastropod Hexaplex princeps from Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca, Mexico was studied through gonadal histology. Sex proportion for the collected individuals was not statistically different from parity although most of the time, the number of males was slightly larger than that of females, which only outnumbered males during the spawning season. The maturity stages established for females were: (1) initial oogenesis, (2) previtellogenic maturity, (3) vitellogenic maturity, (4) maturity, (5) spawning, and (6) resting; and for males: (1) initial spermatogenesis, (2) maturity, (3) spawning, (4) onset of the rest, and (5) resting. Monthly variations of maturation stages showed that H. princeps has an annual reproductive cycle with a long period of gonadal activity. The spawning season comprised from November (females) and December (males) to March, with activity peaks in January. From March to October (females) and from May to June (males), reproduction resting occurred. Spawning was related to high chlorophyll concentrations due to the upwelling processes resulting from the winds and to the cooler sea surface temperatures occurring from November to March. This study provides baseline information that may serve to establish measures for sustainable exploitation strategies and for future aquaculture implementation of this species