13 research outputs found

    Statins Inhibit Angiotensin II/Smad Pathway and Related Vascular Fibrosis, by a TGF-β-Independent Process

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    We have recently described that in an experimental model of atherosclerosis and in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) statins increased the activation of the Smad pathway by transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), leading to an increase in TGF-β-dependent matrix accumulation and plaque stabilization. Angiotensin II (AngII) activates the Smad pathway and contributes to vascular fibrosis, although the in vivo contribution of TGF-β has not been completely elucidated. Our aim was to further investigate the mechanisms involved in AngII-induced Smad activation in the vasculature, and to clarify the beneficial effects of statins on AngII-induced vascular fibrosis. Infusion of AngII into rats for 3 days activates the Smad pathway and increases fibrotic-related factors, independently of TGF-β, in rat aorta. Treatment with atorvastatin or simvastatin inhibited AngII-induced Smad activation and related-fibrosis. In cultured rat VSMCs, direct AngII/Smad pathway activation was mediated by p38 MAPK and ROCK activation. Preincubation of VSMCs with statins inhibited AngII-induced Smad activation at all time points studied (from 20 minutes to 24 hours). All these data show that statins inhibited several AngII-activated intracellular signaling systems, including p38-MAPK and ROCK, which regulates the AngII/Smad pathway and related profibrotic factors and matrix proteins, independently of TGF-β responses. The inhibitory effect of statins on the AngII/Smad pathway could explain, at least in part, their beneficial effects on hypertension-induced vascular damage

    Influence of dialysis membrane composition on plasma bisphenol A levels during online hemodiafiltration.

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is an ubiquitous environmental toxin that is also found in dialyzers. Online hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) more efficiently clears high molecular weight molecules, and this may improve BPA clearance. However, the BPA contents of dialysis membranes may be a source of BPA loading during OL-HDF.A prospective study assessed plasma BPA levels in OL-HDF patients using BPA-free (polynephron) or BPA-containing (polysulfone) dialyzers in a crossover design with two arms, after a run-in OL-HDF period of at least 6 months with the same membrane: 31 patients on polynephron at baseline were switched to polysulfone membranes for 3 months (polynephron-to-polysulfone) and 29 patients on polysulfone were switched to polynephron for 3 months (polysulfone-to-polynephron).After a run-in OL-HDF period of at least 6 months with the same membrane, baseline pre-dialysis BPA was lower in patients on polynephron (8.79±7.97 ng/ml) than in those on polysulfone (23.42±20.38 ng/mL, p<0.01), but still higher than in healthy controls (<2 ng/mL). After 3 months of polynephron-to-polysulfone switch, BPA was unchanged (8.98±7.88 to 11.14±15.98 ng/mL, ns) while it decreased on the polysulfone-to-polynephron group (23.42±20.38 to 11.41±12.38 ng/mL, p<0.01).OL-HDF for 3 months with BPA-free dialyzer membranes was associated to a significant decrease in predialysis BPA levels when compared to baseline BPA levels while on a BPA-containing membrane

    Statins inhibit the AngII/Smad pathway in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells.

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    <p>Cells were pretreated with simvastatin (SV) for 48 hours before stimulation with AngII for 20 minutes (A, C) or 24 hours (B). Figures A and B show a representative Western blot and data as mean±SEM of 3–6 independent experiments. *p<0.05 vs. control, #p<0.05 vs. AngII. Figure C shows a representative confocal microscopy experiment of 3 independent observations.</p

    TGF-β is not upregulated in the aorta of AngII-infused rats.

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    <p>Rats were infused with AngII (100 ng/kg per minute, subcutaneously) for 3 days. Some animals were also treated with simvastatin or atorvastatin (5 mg/Kg/day), starting 48 hours before AngII infusion. <b>A.</b> RNA was isolated from frozen samples of rat aorta and gene expression was evaluated by real time and expressed as mean±SEM of 10 animals per group. <b>B.</b> TGF-β protein levels were measured in aortic protein extracts by Elisa. Data are expressed as mean±SEM of 10 animals per group.</p

    p38 MAPK and ROCK inhibition disminishes AngII mediated Smad2 phosphorylation in VSMCs.

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    <p>Cells were preincubated for 1 hour with the inhibitors before treatment with AngII (A) or TGF-β (B) for 20 minutes. Figure shows a representative Western blot and data as mean±SEM of 5–6 independent experiments. *p<0.05 vs control; # p<0.05 vs AngII.</p

    Infusion of AngII for 3 days increases ECM-related proteins in rat aorta: Inhibitory effect of statins.

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    <p>Gene expression of profibrotic factors CTGF and PAI-1 (A) or ECM proteins, fibronectin and type I procollagen (B) was evaluated by real time PCR. Figure C and D show a representative Western blot and data of aortic fibronectin and type 1 collagen protein levels, respectively. Data are expressed as mean±SEM of 10 animals per group, *p<0.05 vs control; # p<0.05 vs AngII.</p

    Plasma BPA concentration in patients on OL-HDF with polynephron (PN) or polysulfone (PS) membranes.

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    <p>Pre- and post-dialysis measurements are shown for the first (baseline) and the last (3-month) session after the switch. Prior to the baseline pre-dialysis sample, patients had been on OL-HDF with the opposite membrane for >6 months. Thus, baseline pre-dialysis values represent values corresponding to >6 months OL-HDF with the opposite membrane and were used as baseline values for the switch study, while baseline post-dialysis values were already obtained after the first session with the switch membrane. Data expressed as mean±SD. ** p<0.01. Pre- and Post- refers to pre-dialysis and post-dialysis (OL-HDF) session.</p

    Plasma BPA concentration.

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    <p>Healthy subjects (n = 10); patients on online hemodiafiltration (HDF) (n = 58) and patients on conventional hemodialysis (HD) who were later enrolled in the present study (n = 18) [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0193288#pone.0193288.ref007" target="_blank">7</a>]. Data expressed as mean±SD. For HD and OL-HDF, values correspond to baseline predialysis values in the switch studies. At this point, patients had been on HD or OL-HDF for >6 months. * p<0.05; ** p = 0.017.</p

    Study design: Timing of plasma sampling for BPA assessment.

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    <p>Baseline pre-dialysis plasma sampling took place after >6 months OL-HDF and prior to the first session with the switch dialyzer. Baseline post-dialysis sampling was obtained immediately after the first session with the switch dialyzer. Sampling was repeated pre- and post-dialysis after 3 months on the switch dialyzer.</p