291 research outputs found

    Noninvasive Screening of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Among People Living with HIV

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    Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) disproportionately affects up to 75% of people living with HIV (PLWH). Given the high HIV prevalence in Houston and Harris County, knowledge of the prevalence of NAFLD in PLWH is needed to inform prevention efforts. In addition, such knowledge is required to raise awareness among at-risk individuals and healthcare professionals. Specific Aims: This cross-sectional study aimed (1) to examine the demographic, behavioral, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics of PLWH in Houston/Harris County, Texas, and to estimate the prevalence of NAFLD, (2) to determine factors associated with the severity of NAFLD, and (3) to identify specific predictors and their contribution to the severity of the disease in this population. Methods: The Triglyceride Glucose Index with a cutoff value of \u3e 8.38 was applied in a sample of PLWH (N = 601) obtained from the 2015-2019 Houston Medical Monitoring Project. Descriptive statistics and Rao-Scott Chi-Square tests were used to estimate the prevalence of NAFLD. Demographic, behavioral, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics were reported with weighted frequencies, percentages, and 95% confidence interval (CI). Multivariable logistic regression models were utilized to identify predictors. In addition, a recursive partitioning analysis was conducted to determine which predictors contributed to NAFLD severity. Results: Overall, the prevalence of NAFLD was 98.20%. The prevalence was higher among individuals 50 years and older, males, and Black PLWH, but the differences were not statistically significant. In the bivariate analyses, exposure to integrase strand transfer inhibitor was significantly associated with the presence of NAFLD (p = 0.0376). In the multivariable models, PLWH exposed to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors had higher odds, with unreliable confidence intervals (aOR = 15.78; 95% CI: 1.15 – 216.69, p = 0.0392). Time since HIV diagnosis (aOR = 3.64; 95% CI: 1.48 – 8.93, p = 0.0050), and Hispanic ethnicity (aOR = 3.13, 95% CI: 1.21 – 8.13, p = 0.0191), predicted severe NAFLD. In recursive partitioning models, race/ethnicity, exposure to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, and time since HIV diagnosis contributed 51%, 24%, and 33–49%, respectively, to NAFLD severity. Conclusion: Early and prompt care of NAFLD, particularly liver fibrosis, will reduce the prevalence of the disease and save lives. Providers should, therefore, closely monitor, screen, and counsel PLWH with these identified risk factors and refer them to a liver specialist

    (VIDEO) Assessing PVST completion rates of infants born to hepatitis B-infected mothers

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    Purpose: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a serious bloodborne viral infection and can lead to premature death from hepatocellular carcinoma. Pregnant women with chronic HBV pose a serious threat to their infants; hence, post-exposure immunoprohylaxis is necessary. Post-Vaccination Serological Testing (PVST) is also recommended to test an infant\u27s immune response to the HBV vaccinations. The Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program (PBHPP) aims to prevent transmission of HBV from infected mothers to babies born in the United States. Although, the majority of cases can be traced to the Western Pacific and African regions, there is limited knowledge on factors that affect PVST completion among cases managed by the Houston Health Department (HHD). This project aims to assess the PVST completion rates among infants born between January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 to HBV-positive mothers managed by HHD. Methods: Infants born in 2015 to hepatitis B-infected women living in Houston/Harris County, and case-managed by Houston PHBPP were exported from the HHD surveillance system. Maternal race/ethnicity was analyzed for infants who were immune to understand if it influenced PVST completion. Results: In accordance to the Centers of Disease Control recommendations, infants born to HBV infected women should complete PVST between 9-18 months of age. After analysis of the 232 infants case-managed by the program, 64 infants were excluded. Of the 168 infants eligible for PVST, 76% (n=129) have completed PVST; 84.5% (n=109) infants completed PVST within the recommended interval and 15.5% (n=20) completed PVST after 18 months of age. 54.2% (n=70) are Asian/Pacific Islander (API), 29.5% (n=38) are Black Non-Hispanic, 7% (n=9) are White Hispanic, 6.2% (n=8) are White non-Hispanic, and 3.1% (n=4) are of unknown ethnicity. Of the 39 eligible infants who did not complete PVST, 38% (n=15) are API, 33% (n=13) are Black non-Hispanic, 15% (n=6) are White Hispanic, 8% (n=3) are White non-Hispanic, and 5% (n=2) are of unknown race/ethnicity. Conclusions: Though the Houston PHBPP PVST completion rates are improving, targeted interventions are needed to focus on increasing the PVST completion rates amongst the API and Black, non-Hispanic groups. Further analysis will be conducted on the 39 infants who have unknown immunity, to fully understand the Houston PHBPP program practices and the factors that affect PVST completion among different racial and ethnic groups

    Tipos de tensiones mecånica y térmica en la primera etapa de la pala del rotor de una turbina

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    Introduction: In this paper, the simulation of first stage of low pressure turbine for Nasiriya Power Plant was done to study the aerodynamic characteristic of steam along stage at load 70 MW, also the two types of mechanical stresses on the first stage rotor blade were studied in this paper. Materials and Methods:The material of blade was X20Cr13 stainless steel grade 1.4021. The first type of mechanical stresses which due to the steam pressure on the blade was analyzed. The seconds types of mechanical stresses that the centrifugal stresses on the blade. The AutoCAD software code was used for modeling the turbine stage, the dimensions and operational conditions were obtained practically from Nasiriya power plant and ANSYS (15.0) software was used to make simulate the turbine. Results and Discussion: The results showed that maximum steam velocity occurred at trailing edge of stationary blades and leading edge of rotating blades, also the maximum stresses occurred at the leading edge and trailing edge of root blade, the stresses due to the effect of centrifugal force is larger than the stresses due the pressure force. Conclusions: The maximum deformation occurred at tip of blade and minimum deformation depicted at root of blade

    Seudati di Aceh

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    Seudati adalah salah satu jenis tari tradisional Aceh yang telah mengalami pasang surut dalam perkembangannya. Melalui Seudati, Aceh muncul dalam kancah pengenalan seni tari tingkat nasional bahkan internasional. Telah berulang kali maestro Seudati diundang ke beberapa Negara untuk pertunjukkan Seudati. lni merupakan salah satu kekayaan budaya yang harus dipelihara dan dilestarikan. Buku yang menjelaskan bagaimana Seudati dilihat dari sejarah, fungsi, ragam gerak, makna syair dan perkembangannya, merupakan hasil penelitian yang sangat fenomenal artinya, melalui buku ini diharapkan semua pembaca dapat mengenal Seudati lebih dekat sekaligus belajar bergerak tari Seudati

    Toiminnallinen opetus tarkkaavaisuushÀiriöisen lapsen oppimisen tukemisessa

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    TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkielmassa tarkastelemme toiminnallista opetusta tarkkaavaisuushĂ€iriöisten lasten oppimisen tukemisessa. Keskitymme tutkielmassamme ADHD-diagnoosin saaneisiin lapsiin. Suomessa ADHD diagnosoidaan International Classification of Diesaes — 10 -tautiluokituksen (ICD- 10) mukaan. Pohjaamme työmme konstruktivistiseen oppimiskĂ€sitykseen sekĂ€ John Deweyn ja David Kolbin teorioihin tekemĂ€llĂ€ oppimisesta sekĂ€ kokemuksen merkityksestĂ€ oppimisprosessissa. Toiminnallinen opetus on ajankohtainen tutkimuskohde, sillĂ€ vuoden 2016 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelma korostaa toiminnallisen opetuksen merkitystĂ€ opetusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n hetkinen oppimiskĂ€sitys puoltaa oppilaan aktiivista roolia oppimisprosessissa. TarkkaavaisuushĂ€iriö on yksi lasten yleisimmistĂ€ neuropsykologisista ongelmista ja diagnoosien mÀÀrĂ€ on yhĂ€ nousussa. TarkkaavaisuushĂ€iriöiset lapset integroidaan usein yleisopetuksen luokkaan, joten luokanopettaja tulee työssÀÀn todennĂ€köisesti kohtaamaan tarkkaavaisuushĂ€iriöisiĂ€ lapsia. Toteutimme työmme kirjallisuuskatsauksena perehtymĂ€llĂ€ aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin sekĂ€ kirjallisuuteen aiheesta. TarkkaavaisuushĂ€iriöiset lapset, erityisesti pojat, tarvitsevat toiminnallisuutta. HeillĂ€ on tarve pÀÀstĂ€ purkamaan pakottavaa liikkumisen tarvetta. Toiminnallinen opetus on hyvĂ€ keino antaa liikkeelle tarkoitus. Toiminnallinen opetus on pÀÀasiassa toimiva opetustapa ADHD-diagnoosin saaneille lapsille. Kuitenkin on syytĂ€ muistaa, ettĂ€ jokainen lapsi on yksilö, eikĂ€ yhtĂ€ oikeaa opetustapaa voida yleistÀÀ tarkkaavaisuushĂ€iriöisille oppilaille

    Liikuttavat oppimisympÀristöt pÀivÀkodissa:esiopetusikÀisten kokemuksia

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    TiivistelmÀ. Monipuolinen liikkuminen ja riittÀvÀ fyysinen aktiivisuus ovat vÀlttÀmÀttömiÀ alle kouluikÀisen lapsen kokonaisvaltaiselle kehitykselle. FyysisessÀ aktiivisuudessa on merkittÀviÀ eroja lasten vÀlillÀ. Viidennes lapsista ei saavuta varhaiskasvatuksella tavoitteeksi asetettua kahden tunnin fyysisen aktiivisuuden mÀÀrÀÀ varhaiskasvatuspÀivÀn aikana. Esiopetus on merkittÀvÀssÀ asemassa lasten pÀivittÀisen liikunnan mahdollistajana ja liikunnallisen elÀmÀntavan rakentajana. Varhaiskasvatuksen ja esiopetuksen liikuntaolosuhteilla on yhteys myös pÀivÀkodissa olevien lasten motoristen taitojen kehitykseen. TÀssÀ pro gradu -tutkielmassa selvitetÀÀn lasten kokemuksia esiopetuksen ja sitÀ tÀydentÀvÀn varhaiskasvatuksen liikuntaympÀristöistÀ. Lasten kokemusten kuuleminen ja siitÀ saadun tiedon hyödyntÀminen varhaiskasvatuksen ja esiopetuksen kehittÀmisessÀ on tÀrkeÀÀ. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ esikouluikÀisten lasten kokemuksia esiopetuspÀivÀn aikana tapahtuvasta liikunnasta sekÀ liikunnan mahdollistavista oppimisympÀristöistÀ. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millaisia liikuntaleikkejÀ lapset esiopetuspÀivÀn aikana leikkivÀt ja millaisissa fyysisissÀ ympÀristöissÀ lapset liikkuvat. Tutkimuksella pyritÀÀn vahvistamaan liikuntaa tukevien oppimisympÀristöjen kehittÀmistÀ varhaiskasvatuksessa, sekÀ kuulla lasten kokemuksia heitÀ koskevissa asioissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja siinÀ hyödynnettiin fenomenologista lÀhestymistapaa. Aineisto koostuu 11 esikouluikÀisen lapsen parihaastattelusta ja yhdestÀ yksilöhaastattelusta. Haastateltavia esikoululaisia oli yhteensÀ 23. Haastattelut toteutettiin teemahaastattelun keinoin ja haastattelun tukena kÀytettiin kuvia. Haastatteluaineisto kerÀttiin syksyllÀ 2022 kahdessa erilaisessa ympÀristössÀ sijaitsevassa pÀivÀkodissa lasten esikoulupÀivÀn aikana. Haastatteluaineiston analyysi tehtiin kÀyttÀen teoriasidonnaista sisÀllönanalyysiÀ. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, ettÀ lasten omiin kokemuksiin perustuen lapset liikkuvat esiopetuksessa monipuolisissa ympÀristöissÀ. Liikunta on motoristen perustaitojen kehittymisen nÀkökulmasta monipuolisinta pÀivÀkodin omassa liikuntasalissa. Myös aikuisen suunnittelema ja ohjaama liikunta painottuu liikuntasalissa tapahtuvaan liikuntaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettÀ lapset ovat fyysisesti aktiivisia pÀivÀkodin omalla piha-alueella omaehtoisen leikin aikana. Liikuntaan innostavat telineet ja vÀlineet lisÀÀvÀt fyysistÀ aktiivisuutta. Esiopetuksessa lapsille tÀrkeitÀ oppimisympÀristöjÀ ovat myös pÀivÀkodin luonnonvaraiset ja rakennetut lÀhiympÀristöt. Tutkimustulokset ovat linjassa aiempien tutkimustulosten kanssa

    A preliminary approach to the phylogeny of the genus Paspalum (Poaceae).

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-06T01:02:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ID278881.pdf: 315998 bytes, checksum: 755b95634242713863c4ac60902f1355 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-01-16bitstream/item/178119/1/ID-27888-1.pd

    Unusual Presentation of a Rare Tumor of the Dorsal Surface of the Foot

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    Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma (CAF) was originally described by Keasbey in 1953 as juvenile aponeurotic fibroma, most commonly occurring in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet in children and adolescents. It usually presents as a firm, painless mass without preceding trauma. We report a case of this rare condition with an unusual presentation in a 60-year-old woman affecting the dorsal surface of the foot. It is a relatively benign condition with a good prognosis following complete surgical excision. It may have a slightly increased incidence in males. The accurate diagnosis is based only on histology but it is essential to differentiate it from other sinister lesions such as fibrosarcoma that may lead to amputation

    Design and biofabrication of a leaf-inspired vascularized cell-delivery device

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    We designed and biofabricated a channeled construct as a possible cell-delivery device that can be endothelialized to overcome size limitations due to oxygen diffusion. The channeled device mimicking a leaf was designed using computer-aided design software, with fluid flow through the channels visualized using simulation studies. The device was fabricated either by form casting using a custom 3D-printed plastic mold or by 3D-bioprinting using Pluronic F-127 as sacrificial ink to print the channels. The actual leaf was cast or bioprinted using hydrogel made from a mixture of tunicate cellulose nanofibers and alginate that was cross-linked in calcium chloride solution to allow a stable device. The resulting device was a 20 7 8 7 3 mm or 35 7 18 7 3 mm (length 7 width 7 height) leaf with one main channel connected to several side channels. Surface modification using periodate oxidation, followed by laminin bioconjugation, was performed to enhance endothelial cell adhesion in the channels. We subsequently used human umbilical vein endothelial cells to demonstrate the efficacy of the device for promoting endothelialization. These results indicated that the biofabricated device has great potential for use in tissue-engineering for various applications associated with the need of perfusable vasculature

    Amygdala Hypoactivity to Fearful Faces in Boys With Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits

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    OBJECTIVE: Although early-onset conduct problems predict both psychiatric and health problems in adult life, little research has been done to index neural correlates of conduct problems. Emerging research suggests that a subgroup of children with conduct problems and elevated levels of callous-unemotional traits may be genetically vulnerable to manifesting disturbances in neural reactivity to emotional stimuli indexing distress. Using functional MRI, the authors evaluated differences in neural response to emotional stimuli between boys with conduct problems and elevated levels of callous-unemotional traits and comparison boys. METHOD: Seventeen boys with conduct problems and elevated levels of callous-unemotional traits and 13 comparison boys of equivalent age (mean=11 years) and IQ (mean=100) viewed blocked presentations of fearful and neutral faces. For each face, participants distinguished the sex of the face via manual response. RESULTS: Relative to the comparison group, boys with conduct problems and elevated levels of callous-unemotional traits manifested lesser right amygdala activity to fearful faces. CONCLUSIONS: This finding is in line with data from studies of adults with antisocial behavior and callous-unemotional traits (i.e., psychopaths), as well as from a recent study of adolescents with callous-unemotional traits, and suggests that the neural substrates of emotional impairment associated with callous-unemotional antisocial behavior are already present in childhood
