219 research outputs found

    Suppression of molecular decay in ultracold gases without Fermi statistics

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    We study inelastic processes for ultracold three-body systems in which only one interaction is resonant. We have found that the decay rates for weakly bound molecules due to collisions with other atoms can be suppressed not only without fermionic statistics but also when bosonic statistics applies. In addition, we show that at ultracold temperatures three-body recombination involving a single resonant pair of atoms leads mainly to formation of weakly bound molecules which, in turn, are stable against decay. These results indicate that recombination in three-component atomic gases can be used as an efficient mechanism for molecular formation, allowing the achievement of high molecular densities

    Mass Dependence of Ultracold Three-Body Collision Rates

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    We show that many aspects of ultracold three-body collisions can be controlled by choosing the mass ratio between the collision partners. In the ultracold regime, the scattering length dependence of the three-body rates can be substantially modified from the equal mass results. We demonstrate that the only non-trivial mass dependence is due solely to Efimov physics. We have determined the mass dependence of the three-body collision rates for all heteronuclear systems relevant for two-component atomic gases with resonant s-wave interspecies interactions, which includes only three-body systems with two identical bosons or two identical fermions

    Efimov Trimer Formation via Ultracold Four-body Recombination

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    We discuss the collisional formation of Efimov trimers via ultracold four-body recombination. In particular, we consider the reaction A+A+A+B->A3+B with A and B ultracold atoms. We obtain expressions for the four-body recombination rate and show that it reflects the three-body Efimov physics either as a function of collision energy or as a function of the two-body s-wave scattering length between A atoms. In addition, we briefly discuss issues important for experimentally observing this interesting and relatively unexplored process.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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