3 research outputs found

    Insights into Planet Formation from Debris Disks

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    Spectroscopy of Candidate Members of the Sco-Cen Complex

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    We present spectroscopy of 285 previously identified candidate members of populations in the Sco-Cen complex, primarily Ophiuchus, Upper Sco, and Lupus. The spectra are used to measure spectral types and diagnostics of youth. We find that 269 candidates exhibit signatures of youth in our spectra or previous data, which is consistent with their membership in Sco-Cen. We have constructed compilations of candidate members of Ophiuchus, Upper Sco, and Lupus that have spectral classifications and evidence of youth, which contain a total of 2274 objects. In addition, we have used spectra from previous studies to classify three sources in Ophiuchus that have been proposed to be protostellar brown dwarfs: ISO Oph 70, 200, and 203. We measure spectral types of early M from those data, which are earlier than expected for young brown dwarfs based on evolutionary models (⪆M6.5) and instead are indicative of stellar masses (∼0.6 M oË™). © 2021. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    A Census of Stars and Disks in Corona Australis

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    We have performed a census of the young stellar populations near the Corona Australis molecular cloud using photometric and kinematic data from several sources, particularly Gaia EDR3, and spectroscopy of hundreds of candidate members. We have compiled a catalog of 393 members of Corona Australis, (39 at >M6), 293 (36) of which are spectroscopically classified for the first time in this work. We find that Corona Australis can be described in terms of two stellar populations, a younger one (a few megayears) that is partially embedded in the cloud (the Coronet Cluster) and an older one (∼15 Myr) that surrounds and extends beyond the cloud (Upper Corona Australis). These populations exhibit similar space velocities, and we find no evidence for distinct kinematic populations in Corona Australis, in contrast to a recent study based on Gaia DR2. The distribution of spectral types in Corona Australis reaches a maximum at M5 (∼0.15 M oË™), indicating that the initial mass function has a similar characteristic mass as other nearby star-forming regions. Finally, we have compiled mid-infrared photometry from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and the Spitzer Space Telescope for the members of Corona Australis, and we have used those data to identify and classify their circumstellar disks. Excesses are detected for 122 stars, one-third of which are reported for the first time in this work. © 2022. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..Open access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]